maximum test » Eudes Count of Touluose "Eudes Taillefer" Count of Touluose (????-± 918)

Persönliche Daten Eudes Count of Touluose "Eudes Taillefer" Count of Touluose 

Quelle 1

Familie von Eudes Count of Touluose "Eudes Taillefer" Count of Touluose

Er ist verheiratet mit Garsinde d'Alby.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 855 in Haute GaronneToulouse
Occitanie France.


  1. Raimon II de Tolosa  ????-± 923 
  2. Gersende de Rouergue  ????-± 962 

Notizen bei Eudes Count of Touluose "Eudes Taillefer" Count of Touluose

Name Prefix: Count Name Suffix: of Toulouse
Odo (Eudes) etterfulgte sin bror, Bernhard, som greve (eller hertug) av Toulouse i 875.
I 877 var han også greve av Querzy, Ruergue samt arving til Carcasona og Raséz.
Odo var i 875 gift med Garsinda. Omkring 878 fikk han ved sitt ekteskap grevskapet
I 880 kom Toulouse under Carloman. Han anerkjente kong Eudes i 880 og underskrev
i 910 grunnleggelsesdokumentet i Cluny for hertug Wilhelm av Aquitania.
I 918 var han tilstede ved et rettsmøte og må da ha vært meget gammel.

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

!COUNT OF TOULOUSE[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

Odo of Toulouse
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Odo or Eudes (also Odon or Odonus) was the Count of Toulouse from 872 to 918 or 919, when he died.

He was a son of Raymond I of Toulouse and Bertha[1] or of Bernard II of Toulouse.[2]

He married Garsenda, daughter of Ermengol of Albi, and probably had three children. His sons were Raymond II, whom he associated in the countship by giving him Rouergue (before 898), and Ermengol, who inherited that same province. It has been suggested for onomastic reasons that Odo was the father of Garsenda, wife of Wilfred II of Barcelona.[3]

[edit] Notes

1. ^ FMG.
2. ^ Lewis, p 108.
3. ^ Suggested by Szabolcs de Vajay in "Comtesses d'origine occitane dans la Marche d'Espagne aux 10e and 11e siècles. Essai sur le rattachement de Richilde, de Garsende et de Letgardis, comtesses de Barcelone, et de Thietberge comtesse d'Urgel au contexte généalogique occitan," Hidalguía 28 (1980), pp. 585-616, 601-2. [1]

[edit] Sources

* Lewis, Archibald R. The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 718–1050. University of Texas Press: Austin, 1965.
Rootsweb Feldman
# ID: I18636
# Name: Odo DE TOULOUSE 1 2 3 4 5
# Sex: M
# Title: Count of Toulouse
# Birth: ABT 869 in Toulouse, France 1 2 3 4 5
# Death: 919 1 2 3 4 5
# Ancestral File #: 9HMG-53
# Change Date: 15 JAN 2004 5
# Change Date: 3 SEP 2001 2 3 4 5
# Note:

[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]

2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004


OCCU Count de Toulouse ...
SOUR says ABT 869; says ABT 869, France; says ABT 863, Toulose, France;
SOUR COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve) says ABT 918;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 232 says 919;
HAWKINS.GED says 919;
Eudes - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 28; Count of Rouergue, Mar. de Gothie -
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve); Eudes (Odo), Count of Rouergue, Marquis of Gothie -
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 232; Count of Toulouse& Rouerque
, Marquis of Gothia -;

GIVN Odo, Count of
SURN Toulouse
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 17:11:16

Father: Raimond I DE TOULOUSE b: ABT 843 in Toulouse, France
Mother: Berta DE TOULOUSE b: BEF 834 in France

Marriage 1 Garsinde Compte D' ALBY b: ABT 871 in France

* Married: ABT 879 in France 1 2 3 4 5


1. Has Children Ermengaud DE TOULOUSE b: 870
2. Has Children Gersinde DE TOULOUSE b: 877
3. Has Children Raimond II Count of TOULOUSE b: ABT 895 in France


1. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
2. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: Jan 13, 2004
3. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Jan 18, 2004
4. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 21 Jan 2004
5. Title: Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Feb 6, 2004
{geni:about_me} Odo or Eudes (also Odon or Odonus) was the Count of Toulouse from 872 to 918 or 919, when he died.

He was a son of Raymond I of Toulouse and Bertha or of Bernard II of Toulouse.

He married Garsenda, daughter of Ermengol of Albi, and probably had three children. His sons were Raymond II, whom he associated in the countship by giving him Rouergue (before 898), and Ermengol, who inherited that same province. It has been suggested for onomastic reasons that Odo was the father of Garsenda, wife of Wilfred II of Barcelona.


ODON [Odonus/Eudes], son of RAYMOND I Comte de Toulouse & his wife Berthe --- (-after 16 Jun 918). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 3 Nov 862 under which "Raymundus…comes et marchio et uxor mea Berteyz" founded the abbey of Vabres, naming "Bernardum filium nostrum…Fulgualdus filius noster…Odo filius noster" (all three of whom also subscribed the document)[215]. He succeeded as ODON Comte de Toulouse. "Bertheiz sagaci" donated property to Vabres, for the souls of "genitoris mei Remigii hac genetricis meæ Arsinda" and for "iugale meo Raimundo et filio meo Bernardo qui fuerunt quondam, seu et filio meo Odone et Benedicto", by charter dated 6 Apr 883[216]. "Oddo…comes uxorque mea Garsindis" exchanged property with Frotaire Archbishop of Bourges by charter dated to [886] witnessed by "Airberti fratris eius, Garsiæ scriptoris comitis, Willelmi comitis…"[217]. "Oddo…comes uxorque mea Garsindis" sold property "in comitatu Lemovicino…villa…Orbaciacus" by charter dated Aug 887, with the consent of "fratre nostro Airberto" and subscribed by "Garsis comitis, Willelmi comitis…"[218]. The charter dated 16 Jun 918, which records an audience at Ausonne in the diocesis of Carcassonnne held by "Aridemandus episcopus sedis Tolosæ civitatis...missus advocatus Raymundo comite Tolosæ civitatis et marchio" with the consent of "Odone comite genitore suo"[219], suggests that Odon resigned the county in favour of his son Raymond before he died.

m GERSENDE, daughter of ---. "Oddo…comes uxorque mea Garsindis" exchanged property with Frotaire Archbishop of Bourges by charter dated to [886] witnessed by "Airberti fratris eius, Garsiæ scriptoris comitis, Willelmi comitis…"[220]. "Oddo…comes uxorque mea Garsindis" sold property "in comitatu Lemovicino…villa…Orbaciacus" by charter dated Aug 887, with the consent of "fratre nostro Airberto" and subscribed by "Garsis comitis, Willelmi comitis…"[221]. The Histoire Générale de Languedoc suggests that she was Gersende d'Albi, daughter of Ermengaud Comte d’Albi & his wife, basing this on Gersende naming her second son Ermengaud[222]. Even if it is correct that Gersende was connected to the comte d´Albi, it is presumably possible that she was a more remote relation of Ermengaud than his daughter.

Comte Odon & his wife had [three] children:

1. RAYMOND II Comte de Toulouse (-[923/24]) m. Guinidilda

2. ERMENGAUD Comte de Rouergue (-after [Jul 935])

3. GERSENDE (-[after 13 May 962]). m (898) GUIFRE [II] BOREL Conde de Barcelona

Ancestral File Number: 9HMG-53
443591688. Grev Odo (Eudes) RAIMUNDSON av Toulouse +(16269) was born about 830.(16270) He was a Greve in 875.(16271) (16272) Han etterfulgte i 875 sin bror Bernhard, var 877 greve (eller hertug) av Toulose, desuten greve av Querzy, Ruergue samt arving til Carcasona og Rasez. Omkring 878 fikk han ved sitt ekteskap grevskapet Albigeois. He died in 918/19.(16273) I 880 kom Toulouse under Carloman. Han anerkjente 880 kong Eudes og underskrev 910 grunnleggelsesdokumentet i Cluny for hertug Wilhllm av Aquitanien. 918 var han til stede ved et rettsmøte og må da ha vært meget gammel. He was married to Grevinne Garsinde ERMENGAUDSDTR av Albi before 875.(
Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
Count of Toulouse (855-919)
AKA: Eralius
1 NAME Eude, Comte /De Rouergues/
2 GIVN Eude, Comte
2 SURN De Rouergues

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