Vorfahren Kok » Aelfthryth (945-1000)

Persönliche Daten Aelfthryth 

  • Sie ist geboren im Jahr 945.
  • Sie ist verstorben im Jahr 1000, sie war 55 Jahre alt.
  • Ein Kind von Orgar
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 5. Februar 2010.

Familie von Aelfthryth

Sie ist verheiratet mit Edgar (De Vreedzame) van Engeland (Wessex).

Sie haben geheiratet


Notizen bei Aelfthryth

Ælfthryth (c. 945-1000, also Alfrida, Elfrida or Elfthryth) was the second or third wife of King Edgar of England. Ælfthryth was the first king's wife known to have been crowned and anointed as Queen of the Kingdom of England. Mother of KingEthelred the Unready, she was a powerful political figure. She was linked to the murder of her stepson King Edward the Martyr and appeared as a stereotypical bad Queen and evil stepmother in many medieval histories.

Contents [show]
1 Early life
2 Edgar's queen
3 Queen dowager
4 Notes
5 References

[edit] Early life
Ælfthryth was the daughter of Ealdorman Orgar. Her mother was a member of the royal family of Wessex. The family's power lay in the west of Wessex. Ordgar was buried in Exeter and his son Ordwulf founded, or refounded, Tavistock Abbey.[1]

Ælfthryth was first married to Æthelwald, son of Æthelstan Half-King as recorded by Byrhtferth of Ramsey in his Life of Saint Oswald of Worcester.[2] Later accounts, such as that preserved by William of Malmesbury, add vivid detail of unknown reliability.

According to William, the beauty of Ordgar's daughter Ælfthryth was reported to King Edgar. Edgar, looking for a Queen, sent Æthewald to see Ælfthryth, ordering him "to offer her marriage [to Edgar] if her beauty were really equal to report." When she turned out to be just as beautiful as was said, Æthelwald married her himself and reported back to Edgar that she was quite unsuitable. Edgar was eventually told of this, and decided to repay Æthelwald's betrayal in like manner. He said that hewould visit the poor woman, which alarmed Æthelwald. He asked Ælfthryth to make herself as unattractive as possible for the king's visit, but she did the opposite. Edgar, quite besotted with her, killed Æthelwald during a hunt.[3]

The historical record does not record the year of Æthelwald's death, let alone its manner. No children of Æthelwald and Ælfthryth are known.

[edit] Edgar's queen
Edgar had previously been married to Æthelflæd, by whom he had a son named Edward, and perhaps to Wulfthryth, with whom he had a daughter named Eadgifu—later known as Saint Edith of Wilton. Sound political reasons encouraged the match between Edgar,whose power base was centred in Mercia, and Ælfthryth, whose family were powerful in Wessex. In addition to this, and her link with the family of Æthelstan Half-King, Ælfthryth also appears to have been connected to the family of Ælfhere, Ealdormanof Mercia.[4]

Edgar married Ælfthryth in either 964 or 965. In 966 Ælfthryth gave birth to a son who was named Edmund. In King Edgar's charter (S 745) regranting privileges to New Minster, Winchester that same year, the infant Edmund is called "clito legitimus" (legitimate ætheling), and appears before Edward in the list of witnesses. Edmund died young, circa 970, but in 968 Ælfthryth had given birth to a second son who was called Æthelred.[5]

King Edgar organised a second coronation, perhaps to bolster his claims to be ruler of all of Britain at Bath on 11 May 973. Here Ælfthryth was also crowned and anointed, granting her a status higher than any recent queen.[6]

[edit] Queen dowager
Edgar died in 975 leaving two sons, Edward and Æthelred. Edward was almost an adult, and was supported by many key figures including Archbishops Dunstan and Oswald and the brother of Ælfthryth's first husband, Æthelwine, Ealdorman of East Anglia. Supporting the claims of the child Æthelred were the Queen dowager, Bishop Æthelwold of Winchester, and Ælfhere, Ealdorman of Mercia.[7]

On 18 March 978, while visiting Ælfthryth at Corfe, King Edward was killed by servants of the Queen, leaving the way clear for Æthelred to be installed as king. Edward was soon considered a martyr, and Ælfthryth blamed for his murder. Due to Æthelred's youth, Ælfthryth served as regent for her son until his coming of age in 984. By then her earlier allies Æthelwold and Ælfhere had died, and she withdrew from the court at this time. However, she remained an important figure, being responsiblefor the care of Æthelred's children by his first wife, Ælfgifu.[8]

Although her reputation was marked by the murder of her stepson, Ælfthryth was a religious woman, taking an especial interest in monastic reform when Queen. Late in life she retired to Wherwell where she died on 17 November, between 999 and 1001.[9]


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