Harrower Family Tree » Jean Kerr

Persönliche Daten Jean Kerr 

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Familie von Jean Kerr

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Jean Kerr

Bryce Ker
1730-± 1810
Agnes Gilmour
Hugh Workman
Robert Ker
Margaret Workman
1776-< 1864

Jean Kerr

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    1. History of County of Ayr Vol 1, James Patterson, The History of County of Ayr Vol 1 Page 426-427
      The History of County of Ayr Vol 1 Page 426-427


      There are several cadets of the Kersland family, small proprietors in the parish of Beith and Dalry.
      The more ancient and important of them are the Kers of Auchingree. Robertson, writing from family
      information, says that -
      Robert Ker, second son of Kersland, got the farm of Auchingree (extending to £97, 18s. 4d. valued
      rents) from his father, about the year 1530. His wife's name was Elizabeth Stewart. He was
      succeeded by his son,
      Robert Ker in Auchingree, denominated fair Robert, from his complexion. He married Margaret
      Gawan, sister of Hew Gawan in Bog. He died before 1609, in which year the decease of his wife
      occurred. Her will is designed "The Testament, & c., of vmqle Margaret Gawan, spous to vmqle
      Robert Ker in Auchingrie, wt. in the parochin of Dalry, the time of her deceis, Quha deceist in the
      moneth of November, 1609 zeiris," &c. She left "to hir maister, ye Laird of Kersland, ten punds. . .
      Item, to Bessie Campbell, her guid dochter vili. xiiis. iiiid. . . Item, the said Margaret Gawan levis the
      half of hir guidis and geir qt.sumevir, the debtis beand payit, to Hew Ker, hir youngest sone. Item,
      the said Margaret levis the rest of hir guidis and geir to Rot., Daniell, Jeane, and Elspeth Keris," &c.
      Robert Ker succeeded his father in Auchingree. He is mentioned as in Auchingree in the testament of
      Daniel Ker of Kersland, in 1614; and again, in that of William Stewart in Hiefield, in 1649. He married
      Elizabeth or Bessie Campbell, "of the family of Cesnock." On a stone in the wall of the old house,
      there still remain the initials R. K. B. C. 1638. He had two sons, the second of whom, Hugh, was
      ancestor of the Kers, portioners of Davidshill, another farm in the barony of Kersland.
      He was succeeded by
      Robert Ker in Auchingree. He is styled "younger in Auchingrie" in the testament of David Dunbar of
      Enterkin in 1643. He took part with the Covenanters, and was at the rencounter at Fenwick Moor, in
      1685, where he was wounded, and became afterwards lame for life. He was succeeded by his son,
      Robert Ker of Auchingree, who was born in 1670. He married Ann Gavin, in Lintseedrig. He acquired
      an heritable free right to this farm, which had been so long held under lease: as also to the
      neighbouring lands of Maulshead, now called Sidehouse, extending to £34 valuation. The disposition
      granted to both, by John Ker of Kersland, and Anna Ker, his wife, is dated in 1700. He was succeeded
      by his son,
      Robert Ker of Auchingree, who married Janet Muir, from Bloack, in the parish of Stewarton, by
      whom he had three sons, Robert, Bryce, and William. He was baron bailie on the estate of Kersland,
      after it was purchased by Mr Scot of Bavelaw. He was succeeded by his eldest son,
      Robert Ker of Auchingree. He lost his sight when young and died unmarried, at the age of 74. His
      brother, Bryce Ker of Auchingree, succeeded to the property. He married Agnes, daughter of James
      Gilmour of Clarkland, in Stewarton parish, by whom he had three sons and two daughters ------
      1. Robert.
      2. James, of Sidehouse.
      3. William, of Meadowhead.
      4. Jean, married to William Muir, portioner of Drakemyre.
      5. Janet, married to Alexander Ramsay, merchant, Beith.
      He was succeeded by his eldest son.
      Robert Ker of Auchingree. He married, in 1797, Margaret Workman, by whom he had two sons,
      Bryce and Robert, and five daughters, Margaret, Jean, Agnes, Mary, and Janet.
      Bryce Ker of Auchingree, the eldest son, succeeded.
      Auchingree is about two miles west of Beith, on the north side of the old road to Dalry.

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    Colin Harrower, "Harrower Family Tree", Datenbank, Genealogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/harrower-family-tree/I539.php : abgerufen 24. September 2024), "Jean Kerr".