Genealogie Wylie » Marie von Guelders [[Ch-Wikibio+]] sss (1434-1463)

Persönliche Daten Marie von Guelders [[Ch-Wikibio+]] sss 

Quellen 1, 2, 3

Familie von Marie von Guelders [[Ch-Wikibio+]] sss

(1) Sie ist verheiratet mit James II Stewart King of Scotland.

Sie haben geheiratet am 3. Juli 1449 in Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian, Scotland, sie war 20 Jahre alt.Quellen 3, 5


  1. Sonunnamed Stewart  1450-1450
  2. Mary Stewart  1452-1488 

(2) Sie ist verheiratet mit Adam Hepburn.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1462 in No Marriage (A Romance), sie war 32 Jahre alt.Quelle 6

Notizen bei Marie von Guelders [[Ch-Wikibio+]] sss

Single brackets [Ch] means first in his line with number of paths (to Charlemagne) in triple figures (as would be all subject's blood descendants) which a ll would be same or greater.

+ affixed to Wikibio means one more item from researchers employed, or Charlemagne analysis included.
Additional pluses ++ mean more than one item shown. No plusses mean only Wikibio, if that.

Double brackets is for those who have one or more antecedents with same property,

Charlemagne Descendant many times over!

All descendants of Queen of England Eleanor of Aquitaine are in triple figures just through her paths (to Charlemagne),

All descendants of King Louis VII of France, Eleanor's first husband are likewise in triple figures
through his paths (to Charlemagne) alone.

This individual is such a descendant by standard documentation, including here of one of
these individuals, or both, through both her parents, and thus...

This Charlemagne descendant is documented on this one extended family site as among
others a 23rd-24th-25th-26th-27th-28th great grandchild repeatedly so many times each
uniquely as to at least be into the triple figures as such a multi-ancestral path descendant of ,
Charlemagne, first Holy Roman Emperor [HRE]---coronation on 25 December 800 in Rome---
with HREs so created and so serving until August 6, 1806, when the Empire was disbanded.

Source above, includes portraits, paintings, maps and other
items not below; and working links and updates, is

WikipediaThe Free Encyclopedia


Contents: These live links at source as follows by clicking into wikibio
found by using above main link, clicking and looking at upper left column
Contents list above are live links at source as follows by clicking into wikibio
found by using above main link, clicking and looking at upper left column

====End of Wikibio=========prior posts below FYA FYH and FYI========================
====End of Wikibio=========prior posts below FYA FYH and FYI========================
None included from any of the original researchers including possibly rarely myself
unless shown below.

Curt Hofemann 2007-11-11 17:58:16
ID: I19357 Marie of Gueldres

MARY OF GUELDRES (d. 1463), queen Of James II of Scotland, was the daughter of Arnold, duke of Gueldres, by Catherine, duchess of Cleves, and daughter of John duke of Burgundy. She was brought up at the court of her kinsman, Philip the Good of Burgundy, who in 1449 recommended her to the Scottish commissioners a fitting consort for their king. Charles VII of France, whom they thereupon consulted, having also strongly advised the match, a treaty for the marriage was agreed upon between Philip and James II, I April 1449. In the treaty she is described as 'nubilis et formosa.' She set sail from Flanders in a splendid galley, escorted by a large retinue of nobles, and three hundred men of arms in thirteen other ships; and after paying her devotions at the chapel of St. Andrew, in the Isle of May, landed at Leith on 18 June. Thence she journeyed to Edinburgh, where not improbably the palace of Holyrood had been built for her reception (Burnet, _Exchequer Rolls_, vol. v. p. lxxvi). Philip of Burgundy granted her a portion of 60,000 crowns, while James II settled on her, in the event of her surviving him, a dower of 10,000 crowns secured on lands in Strathearn, Atholl, Methuen, and Linlithgow. The marriage was celebrated at Holyrood on 3 July.
On the death of James II at the siege of Roxburgh, 3 Aug. 1460, Mary, taking with her the infant Prince, James III, immediately set out for the camp, and so inspired the soldiers to redouble their efforts to capture the castle, that, soon after her arrival it was carried by assault. During the minority of James III, who was crowned at Kelso on 10 Aug., she retained her position as regent of the kingdom, with Bishop Kennedy as her principal minister. In July 1460 she entertained Margaret of Anjou and her son in Lincluden Abbey; and she also gave Margaret and her husband, Henry VI, shelter after their defeat at Towton in 1461. Henry VI also obtained the promise of help from the powerful Earl of Angus; but a proposal of the Earl of Warwick, on behalf of Edward IV, for the hand of the queen regent, tended to weaken the influence of his rival in Scotland. Mary died, according to Bishop Leslie, on 16 Nov. 1463 (_History of Scotland_, Bannatyne ed. p. 36), but according to the 'Exchequer Rolls' (vii. 389) on 1 Dec. 1464. The year given in the 'Exchequer Rolls' is clearly a clerical error; but otherwise this date is probably correct. She was buried in the church of Trinity College, Edinburgh. Although credited with intrigues with Somerset, who after Towton took refuge in Scotland, and with Adam Hepburn, second lord Hales, she was as a sovereign both prudent and energetic. She built the castle of Ravenscraig, near Dysart, Fife, and the church of Trinity College Edinburgh, besides providing for extensive repairs on Stirling Castle, the palace of Falkland, and other royal residences.
[Chroniques de Matthieu d'Escouchy; Auchinleck Chronicle; Histories of Leslie, Lindsay of Pitscottie, and Buchanan; Francisque Michel's Les Écossais en France; Exchequer Rolls of Scotland; see arts. James II and James III of Scotland.] T. F. H.* [Ref: DNB, Editor, Sidney Lee, MacMillan Co, London & Smith, Elder & Co., NY, 1908, vol. xii, pp. 1275-6]

* Thomas Finlayson Henderson, author of this article.



died at Roxburg Castle.
pigeon English
Maria of yellow
Van Wikipedia
Go to: navigation, missing

Maria of Guelders, queen of shot countryMaria of yellow (grave 17 January 1429 and 1434 - Roxburgh Castle, Edinburgh 1 December 1463) were the woman of king Jacobus II of shot country and regentes (1460 - 1463) for its zoon Jacobus III. She was for the of Arnold van Egmond, duke of yellow and Catharina of kleef.

On 3 July 1449 she married Abbey in Edinburgh in Holyrood with Jacobus II of shot country. They got eight children. After the death of its man she became regentes for its under 21 zoon Jacobus III. She stood strong under the influence of bishop James Kennedy van Saint Andrews and duke Filips good of Burgundy.

Maria founded in Edinburgh the Trinity college Church, where she was also buried. In 1848, she became herbegraven in Holyrood Abbey.

[treat] to see also
Jacobus II of shot country

Categories: Scottish person | House Stuart | House Egmont

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  1. Mac 14Febxx.FTW
    Date of Import: Mar 12, 2000
  2. #1474
    Date of Import: Mar 12, 2000
  3. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 252-35
  4. Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, Alan B Wilson, 4 Jan 1997
  5. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 252-35
  6. Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999, 418

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Gleicher Geburts-/Todestag

Quelle: Wikipedia

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