Genealogie Wylie » Thomas de Beauchamp , KG, 11th Earl of Warwick [[Ch-Wikibio+++]] sss (-1369)

Persönliche Daten Thomas de Beauchamp , KG, 11th Earl of Warwick [[Ch-Wikibio+++]] sss 

Quellen 1, 2, 3, 4

Familie von Thomas de Beauchamp , KG, 11th Earl of Warwick [[Ch-Wikibio+++]] sss

(1) Er ist verheiratet mit Catherine (Katherine) de Mortimer.

Sie haben geheiratet nach 22. Februar 1324/1325.Quellen 2, 4

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1337, er war 23 Jahre alt.Quellen 3, 5

(2) Er ist verheiratet mit Katherine (Catherine) de Mortimer.

Sie haben geheiratet nach 22. Februar 1324/1325.Quellen 2, 4

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1337, er war 23 Jahre alt.Quellen 3, 5


  1. Joan Beauchamp  ± 1335-????
  2. Maud de Beauchamp  ± 1336-???? 
  3. Guy de Beauchamp  ± 1337-1360
  4. Thomas II de Beauchamp  1338-1401 
  5. Alice de Beauchamp  ± 1341-1383
  6. Phillipa de Beauchamp  ± 1342-< 1386 
  7. William 1st Baron Beauchamp  ± 1358-1411 

Notizen bei Thomas de Beauchamp , KG, 11th Earl of Warwick [[Ch-Wikibio+++]] sss

Single brackets [Ch] means first in his line with number of paths (to Charlemagne) in triple figures (as would be all subject's blood descendants) which a ll would be same or greater.

+ affixed to Wikibio means one more item from researchers employed, or Charlemagne analysis included.
Additional pluses ++ mean more than one item shown. No plusses mean only Wikibio, if that.

Double brackets is for those who have one or more antecedents with same property,

Charlemagne Descendant many times over!

All descendants of Queen of England Eleanor of Aquitaine are in triple figures just through her paths (to Charlemagne), All descendants of King Louis VII of France, Eleanor's first husband are likewise in triple figures through his paths (to Charlemagne) alone.

This individual is such a descendant by standard documentation, including here of one of
these individuals, but not both, but still...

This Charlemagne descendant is documented on this one extended family site as among
others a15th-16th-17th-18th-19th great grandchild repeatedly so many times each uniquely
as to at least be into the triple figures as such a multi-ancestral path descendant of ,
Charlemagne, first Holy Roman Emperor [HRE]---coronation on 25 December 800 in Rome---
with HREs so created and so serving until August 6, 1806, when the Empire was disbanded.

Source above, includes portraits, paintings, maps and other
items not below; and working links and updates, is

WikipediaThe Free Encyclopedia


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====End of Wikibio=========prior posts below FYA FYH and FYI========================
====End of Wikibio=========prior posts below FYA FYH and FYI========================
None included from any of the original researchers including possibly rarely myself
unless shown below
Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick, KG (c1348, founding member);born probably 14 Feb 1314/5; Hereditary Sheriff of Worcs and Pantler atCoronations, knighted Jan 1328/9, Marshal of England Feb 1343/4-69,Sheriff of Warwicks and Leics for life 1344, one of two Marshals of theEnglish Army at Crecy 1346 (where jut commander Prince of Wales division)and Siege of Calais 1346-47, Admiral of the Fleet from mouth of Thamestowards West by March 1352/3, Constable of English Army in Gascony andcommander of the vanguard at victory over the French of Poitiers 1356;married after 22 Feb 1324/5 Lady Catherine de Mortimer, daughter of 1stEarl of March by Joan, daughter and heir of Piers de Geneville, and diedof the plague 13 Nov 1369. [Burke's Peerage]


Thomas de Beauchamp, KG, b. probably 14 Feb 1313/4, d. Calais, 13 Nov1369, buried Warwick Castle, 11th Earl of Warwick, KG 23 Apr 1349; m.1337 Katherine de Mortimer (17-7, 147-6). [Magna Charta Sureties]



THOMAS (DE BEAUCHAMP), EARL OF WARWICK, also hereditary Sheriff ofWorcestershire and Chamberlain of the Exchequer, son and heir, wasprobably born 14 February 1313/4. He was knighted by the King, 1 January,and given seisin of his lands, though under age, 20 February 1328/9; wassummoned for service against the Scots, 1333 and 1335, and was again inScotland,1336; Commissioner to treat for a truce with Scotland, 4 May1336, and for a final peace there, 24 July 1337, and to consider measuresfor the defence of the realm, 11 December 1336; Captain of the armyagainst the Scots, 25 March 1337, and Warden of the March of Scotland inthat year; Keeper of Southampton, 10 July 1339. In the autumn of 1339 hetook part in the King's campaign in France, being in the 3rd division atVironfosse (in the Aisne), where both sides were drawn up for the battlebut the French withdrew. The following year he was in command atValenciennes and later was with the King at the siege of Tournai, takingpart in the negotiations for the truce at Esplechin, 25 September 1340.He attended the Royal tournament at Dunstable, February 1341/2; was aCommissioner to treat for peace with France, 24 May 1342, and again, inthe Pope's presence, 29 August 1343; and served in Brittany, October1342-January 1342/3, being present at the siege of Vannes. Marshal ofEngland, 10 February 1343/4 till his death; Sheriff of cos. Warwick andLeicester for life, 26 June 1344. In the Crécy campaign he was appointedone of the two Marshals of the army and distinguished himself in thebattle, 26 August 1346, where he was in joint command of the Prince ofWales's division, and at the siege of Calais, 1346-47. About 1348 hebecame K.G., being one of the founders of that order. On 29 August 1350he took part in the King's naval action off Winchelsea; and he wasAdmiral of the Fleet from the mouth of the Thames towards the West,before 20 March 1352/3. Having accompanied the Prince of Wales to Gasconyin 1355, he was made Constable of the army there and commanded thevanguard at the battle of Poitiers, 19 September 1356. Shortly before 12July 1356 he recovered from John de Mowbray the lands of Gower andSwansea Castle, which had been alienated from Norman Earls of Warwick byKing John in 1203. Having served in Edward III's last campaign in France,1359-60, he was a witness to the treaty of Brétigny, 8 May 1360. AsCommissioner appointed, 19 July 1362, to take the homage due to thePrince of Wales as Duke of Aquitaine, he went to Gascony with the Princeand was there, November 1364. He was sent on a special mission toFlanders, October-November 1366; and was appointed, Keeper of the trucein the East and West Marches and a Commissioner to treat with the Scots,16 July 1367. In 1369 he played a prominent part in John of Gaunt'sexpedition into France and himself devastated Caux.

He married (dispensation 19 April 1319), after 22 February 1324/5,Catherine, daughter of Roger (DE MORTIMER), 1st EARL OF MARCH, by Joan,daughter and heir of Piers DE GENEVILLE. She died between 4 August and 6September 1369 and was buried in St. Mary's, Warwick. M.I. He died of theplague 13 November 1369 at Calais, aged 55, and was buried with her. M.I.[Complete Peerage XII/2:372-4, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]


Thomas de Beauchamp, (whose sponsors were Thomas Plantagenet, Earl ofLancaster, and Henry, his brother, and Thomas de Warrington, prior ofKenilworth] 3rd Earl of Warwick, regarding whom we find the king (EdwardII) in two years subsequently [1317] soliciting a dispensation from thepope to enable him to marry his cousin Catherine, dau. of Roger deMortimer, Lord of Wigmore, under whose guardianship the young earl hadbeen placed; an alliance eventually formed when his lordship hadcompleted his fifteenth year. In two years afterwards, the earl, byspecial licence from the crown, was allowed to do homage and to assumehis hereditary offices of sheriff of Worcestershire and chamberlain ofthe exchequer. This nobleman sustained in the brilliant reign of EdwardIII the high military renown of his illustrious progenitor, and becamedistinguished in arms almost from his boyhood. So early as the third yearof that monarch [1330], he commanded the left wing of the king's army atWyzonfosse, where Edward proposed to give the French battle, and fromthat period was the constant companion of the king and his gallant son intheir splendid campaigns. At Cressy, he had a principal command in thevan of the English army under the Prince of Wales, and at Poitiers, whereDugdale says he fought so long and so stoutly, that his hand was galledwith the exercise of his sword and pole-axe; he personally took Williamde Melleun, archbishop of Sens, prisoner, for whose ransom he obtained8,000 marks. After these heroic achievements in France, the earl arrayedhimself under the banner of the cross and reaped fresh laurels on theplains of Palestine, whence, upon his return, he brought home the son ofthe King of Lithuania, whom he christened at London by the name ofThomas, answering for the new convert himself at the baptismal font, forhis lordship was not more distinguished by his valour than his piety ashis numerous and liberal donations to the church while living, andbequests at his decease, testify. This nobleman rebuilt the walls ofWarwick Castle, which had been demolished in the time of the Maudits,adding strong gates with fortified gateways and embattled towers; helikewise founded the choir of the collegiate church of St. Mary, built abooth hall in the marketplace, and made the town of Warwick toll free.His lordship had issue by the Countess already mentioned, seven sons andnine daus., viz., Guy, called by Dugdale a "stout soldier," m. Philippa,dau. of Henry, Lord Ferrers, of Groby, and dying before his father, leftthree daus., viz, Katherine, Elizabeth, and Margaret, all nuns atShouldham, in Norfolk; Thomas, inheritor of the honours; Reynburne, wholeft an only dau., Alianore, wife of John Knight, of Hanslope, in co.Bucks, by whom she left a dau., Emma, who m. William Forster, from whomthe Forsters of Hanslope derived; William (Sir), K.G., Lord ofAbergavenny; John, Roger, and Hierom, all d. unm.; Maud,* m. to Roger deClifford; Philippa, m. to Hugh, Earl of Stafford; Alice, m. to John, LordBeauchamp, of Hache, co. Somerset; Joane, m. to Ralph, Lord Basset, ofDrayton; Isabel, m. 1st to John, Lord Strange, of Blackmere, and 2ndly,to William Ufford, Earl of Suffolk; Margaret, m. to Guy de Montford,after whose decease she took the veil at Shouldham; Agnes, m. 1st, ---Cokesay, and afterward --- Bardolf; Juliana, d. unm.; and Catherine, tookthe veil at Wroxhall, in Warwickshire.

The earl was one of the original knights of the Garter. His lordship d.13 November, 1369, of the plague at Calais, where he was then employed inthe military capacity and had just achieved a victory over the French; hewas s. by his eldest son, Thomas.

* Those ladies' portraitures are curiously drawn and placed in thewindows on the south side of the quire of the collegiate church atWarwick, in the habit of their time. Seven of them were married and havetheir paternal arms upon their inner garment, and on their outer mantletheir husbands arms; the picture of Isabel, who married twice, is twicedrawn. -- Dugdales Baronage. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant,Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage Ltd, London, England,1883, pp. 30-31, Beauchamp, Earls of Warwick]

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Thomas de Beauchamp

Maud FitzJohn
± 1237-1301
Mary Clarissa
Alice de Toeni
± 1283-< ????

Thomas de Beauchamp

Joan Beauchamp
± 1335-????
Maud de Beauchamp
± 1336-????
Guy de Beauchamp
± 1337-1360
Alice de Beauchamp
± 1341-1383
Phillipa de Beauchamp
± 1342-< 1386

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  1. Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 5-6, 17-7, 82-7
  2. Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999, 2944
  3. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 87-31
  4. Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Lt, XII/2:372-4
  5. Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 5-6

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