Genealogie Wylie » Attila "Scourge of God" the (Attila "Scourge of God" the) Hun , King of Huns (± 400-453)

Persönliche Daten Attila "Scourge of God" the (Attila "Scourge of God" the) Hun , King of Huns 

Quellen 1, 2

Familie von Attila "Scourge of God" the (Attila "Scourge of God" the) Hun , King of Huns

(1) Er ist verheiratet mit Gundrun a Burgundian.

Sie haben geheiratet in 5th wife.Quelle 2


  1. Ernak King of Huns  ± 445-476 

(2) Er ist verheiratet mit Arykan.

Sie haben geheiratet in 1st wife.Quelle 2

(3) Er ist verheiratet mit Helche (Kreka).

Sie haben geheiratet in 2nd wife.Quelle 2

(4) Er ist verheiratet mit Ildiko (Hildiko).

Sie haben geheiratet in 4th wife.Quelle 2


(5) Er ist verheiratet mit Kriemhilt.

Sie haben geheiratet in 3rd wife.Quelle 2


Notizen bei Attila "Scourge of God" the (Attila "Scourge of God" the) Hun , King of Huns

From Jim Weber's database on Rootsweb WorldConnect: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk, & Staggs families of the Pacific Northwest

Below are several versions (all of which are probably "legendary" & unproven) of a descent from Attila the Hun, I personally prefer the 1st one by David Hughes.

David Hughes, in a post to SGM, 18 Feb 2003, gives three different descents from Attilla the Hun (the Tsars of Bulgaria, The Kings of Hungary, and Charlemagne); all three are "rumoured" to have descents, according to several postings on SGM, but David gives the most reasonable-seeming full descents (unfortunately David does not indicate his sources, caveat emptor):

From: david hughes ((XXXXX@XXXX.XXX))
Subject: Re: Attila the Hun
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2003-02-18 10:11:27 PST

am curious about the sudden interest in Attila The Hun & the genealogy of his house. . . for what it is worth here are my notes on the subject for consideration:

x. Donaton, King of Huns [1], enters Europe, circa AD 360, issue, three sons:
a. Basiq, King of Huns [2], d c 370
b. Balamber, King of Huns [3], attacks Byzantine empire, d 390
c. Uldin (Uldes), King of Huns [4] 390-411

the two sons of Uldin [4] (above) were
a. Karaton (Charaton), King of Huns [5] 411-?, the father of Octar,
King of Huns [6]
b. Kuridak

the two sons of Prince Kuridak (above) were
a. Rugila, King of Huns [7] ?-433
b. Mundzuk

the two sons of Prince Mundzuk (above) were
a. Bleda, King of Huns [8] 433-437

- - - - - - - -

x. ATTILA "THE HUN" & "The Scourge", King of Huns [9] 437-453 had several wives: =1 Arykan; =2 Helche (Kreka); =3 Kriemhilt; =4 Ildiko (Hildiko);=5 Gundrun [note: a German myth says that his Burgundian wife, Gundrun,murdered her twin sons, Erpe & Eiti, begotten by him, and served their hearts for Attila to eat]

a. Scharpfe, murdered 453
b. Ortelipe, murdered 453
[note: the sons of ATTILA quarreled after his death over the chieftainship, during which, Ardaric, the Gepidae king, rallied the Germans against their Hunnish masters and utterly defeated the Huns at the Battle of Nedao, 456, after which the remnant of the Huns gathered around the sons & grandsons of Attila "the Hun", creating several groups,of which some remained in Germany and Central Europe while others retreated to Scythia-Minor and became the Magyars, Bulgars, & Mongols]
c. Ellak, King of Huns [10] 453-456 [possibly the father of Aella of Sussex & Alesa of Wessex]
d. Tuldila, King of Huns [11] 456-7
e. Dengizec, King of Huns [12] 457-469, the father of Oulibus (d469)
f. Sengilac, the father of Sunigila (daughter), wife of Odovacar, aTeutonic chieftain, conquered the Roman Empire & became King of Italy476-493
g. Emnetzur
h. Ultzindur
i. Elpfrat
j. Tingiz
k. Bel-Kermek (475), father of Djurash "Masgut" (498/499), father ofTatra (Baltavar) (550s), father of Boyan-Chelbir (d590), father ofTubdjak, King of Magna-Bulgaria (620), father of (a) Bu-Yurgan (Organas)& (b) Alburi (d632), father of Kubrat, 1st King of Bulgaria 632-651[note: Kubrat is called the "son" of Organus in one source, and calledhis "nephew" in another source, as the son of his brother, Alburi]
l. Ernak [called Attila's "youngest son"], King of Huns [13] 469-476
m. Escam (Ascama) (daughter), wife of Ardaric, a Gepidae chief/king

issue of Ernak [13] (above) were
a. Gordas, King of Huns [14] 493-527
b. Dullo (Dubla)
c. Zeliorbes, King of Huns [15] 530s, wars vs. Justinian The Great
d. Chaba (Chola) (530), father of Edus (Elus) (560), father of Kadiha(590), father of Chazew (620), father of Kulchug (650), father of Edur(680), father of Vegerus (Vegecus) (710), father of Elendus (740), fatherof Avarius (770), father of Venedobel (800), father of Ogyek (830),father of Almos (860), father of Arpad, 1st King of Hungary 896-907
e. Gheism (d535), the father of Mundio (d535)

issue of Prince Dullo (Dubla) (above) was
a. Avarius, King of Huns [16] (mid-500s), accepted Pannonia [Hungary]from Lombard King Albion [who invaded Italy] & re-conquered Germany 568

issue of Avarius [16] (above) were
a. Chaganus, last King of Huns [17], invaded Thrace 593; wasted theBalkans 611; the father of two sons, who were executed by Priscus in AD601; led remnant of Huns to Scythia-Minor
b. Schzarus

- - - - - - - -

note: the descent-line from Attila The Hun to Charlemagne posted recentlyon the net is incorrect, however, the descent can be made through thewife of Pepin of Landen rather than through his mother, which then wouldbe:

00. Attila The Hun (d453)
01. Escam (Ascama) = Ardaric, Gepidae-King of Germany (d476)
02. Elemund (d493/515)
03. Austrisa = Waccho, Lombard-King of Italy (d540)
04. Walderade =1 Theudebald, King of France 548-555 [note: she =2
Clothaire I of France; & =3 Garibald I of Bavaria]
05. Grimoalde, Duke of Aquitaine (d599) = Itite (d612), daughter of
Severus, a duke
06. Itte (Idoberge) (d652) = Pepin [I] of Landen (d639)
07. Begga (d694) = Ansgise (d685)
08. Pepin [II] of Heristal (d714) =2 Aupais
09. Charles "Martel", Duke of France 737-741 =1 Rotrude
10. Pepin "Le Korte", King of France 751-768 = Bertha "The White-Lady"
11. Charlemagne


The following post, 23 May 1998, by William Reitwiesner, gives a pedigreeback to Atilla the Hun & and way past him to the Chou dynasty in China!Undoubtedly it is not super accurate and debatable whether it is evenlikely (some on SGM did think it likely that the later Magyar rulers ofHungary may have had a tie to Attila, others not):

From: William Addams Reitwiesner ((XXXXX@XXXX.XXX))
Subject: Re: Magyar kings to Attila the Hun
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 1998/05/23

(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) (Doug Holmes) wrote:
>Can anyone describe this supposed connection via the Magyar kings to
>Attila? I've never seen such an attempt.

It's a howl. The only version I've seen was in *Die Ahnen von IrenePrinzessin zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg*, which was typedby a Dr. Schilling in 1947 in Glücksburg and is retained in the archivesthere. The line is on pp. 206-217, and it doesn't just stop at Attila.It goes like this (most recent people first and then going backwards, nottranslated from the German):

Elisabeth die Heilige (+1231) m 1221 Ludwig VI Landgraf von Thüringen
Andreas II, König von Ungarn, 1205-1235
Bela III, ungarischer König, reg 1173-1196
Geysa III, König von Ungarn, 1141-1161
Bela II der Blinde, König von Ungarn, reg 1131-1141
Almos +1129
Ladislaus I der Heilige, König von Ungarn, reg 1077-1095
Bela I, König von Ungarn, reg 1060-1063
Ladislaus der Kahle, ungarischer Prinz, * nach 975
Michael, madjarischer Fürst, * um 950
Toxus, madjarischer Fürst, reg 920-nach 955, * um 900
Zultan III, madjarischer Fürst, * um 870
Arpad, madjarischer Fürst, reg 890-907
Almos II, hunnischer Fürst
Edur II
Sultan II
Almos II
Edus I
Chaba, hunnischer Fürst
Attila (gennant Godegisil), hunnischer grosschan, starb 453
Bendekuz gennant Mundiuch, Fürst der Hunnen
Turda, Fürst der Hunnen
Zultan I
Beztur (Baktur), Grosschan der Hunnen, reg 209-174 v.Zw.
Bor, Herrscher der Hunnen


Bor's wife, and mother of Dama, is given as Ly-sze, daughter of theChinese Emperor Yu-Wang (reigned 781-771 v.Zw. -- note that "v.Zw." means"B.C."). Yu-Wang was an Emperor of the Chou dynasty. The line back fromLy-sze is given by Schilling as follows:


Ly-sze, Kaiserliche prinzessin von China aus der dynastie Tschou
Yu-wang, Chinesischer Kaiser, reg 781-771 v.Zw.
Hsüan-wang, Chinesischer Kaiser, reg 827-782 v.Zw.
Li-wang, Chinesischer Kaiser, reg 878-827 v.Zw.
Tscheng, kaiserlicher prinz von China
Tschi-fah, kaiserlicher prinz von China
Mu-wang, Chinesischer Kaiser, reg 1001-957 v.Zw.
Tung, Chinesischer Prinzregent
Kang-wang, Chinesischer Kaiser, reg 1078-1052 v.Zw.
Tscheng-wang, Chinesischer Kaiser, reg 1115-1078 v.Zw.
(Fah-)Wu-wang, Chinesischer Kaiser, reg 1135-1115 v.Zw., Begründer derDritten Dynastie: Tschou
(Tschang-)Wen-wang, König von Tschou und Tschin, reg 1168-1135 v.Zw.
(Tscheng-)I-wang, Grosskönig von Tschou, reg 1195-1168 v.Zw.
Li-wah, Königlicher Prinz der Tschou und Tschin, u 1200 v.Zw.
Kilik, Herzog von Tschou
Tschan-fu, Herzog von Tschou
Tan-fu, Herzog von Tschou, machte sich 1327 v.Zw.


And there Schilling stops, though not without the helpful informationthat Tan-fu is in the 103rd generation back from Princess Irene, and thathe is her ancestor number 11,180,164,869,262,022,086,263,635,968 (usingthe standard Kekule method of ancestor numbering).

In case anybody is gasping in shock or horror, I'm not endorsing any ofthis descent (at least not before Almos, d. 1129), I'm just reportingwhat I've found. I didn't notice if Schilling said where he found thedescent.

William Addams Reitwiesner

"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.


The following gives two brief, undoubtedly legendary, lines from Attilathe Hun.

From: Henry Soszynski ((XXXXX@XXXX.XXX))
Subject: Re: Atilla the Hun
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2003-01-22 14:49:48 PST

AFAIK There are no verifiable descents from A the H, nowever that's notgoing to stop me posting the following.

Attila->Irnac->[?generation]->Mugel->Chinial+c555->Zabergan->[?generation]->Kubrat +642 IIRC (this is the line of theKutrigur Khans) and Kubrat was the ancestor of some of the early rulersof Bulgaria, many question marks and dotted lines).

Attila->Chaba->Edus->Vegecus->Elendus->Almus->Ugyck->Almos->Arpad(founder of the Arpad dynasty of Hungary)



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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Attila "Scourge of God" the Hun

Attila "Scourge of God" the Hun
± 400-453


± 400-????


Helche (Kreka)
± 405-????


Ildiko (Hildiko)
± 415-????


± 410-????

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  1. Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on, Attila
  2. Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -, David Hughes, 18 Feb 2003

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