Family Tree Welborn » Nicholas de Veteripont (± 1360-± 1420)

Persönliche Daten Nicholas de Veteripont 

Familie von Nicholas de Veteripont

Er ist verheiratet mit Eleanor Veteripoint (D'Aubeny).

Sie haben geheiratet.


Notizen bei Nicholas de Veteripont

Nicholas de Veteripont
circa 1360
Alston, Cumberland, England (United Kingdom)
1420 (55-65)
Alston, Cumberland, England (United Kingdom)

Immediate Family:
Husband of Eleanor Veteripoint (D'Aubeny)

Father of Margaret Stapleton (Veteripoint)

Nicholas de Veteripont is your 16th great grandfather.
¬â€  ·Üí Henry Marvin Welborn
your father ·Üí Henry Marvin Welborn, Sr.
his father ·Üí Calhoun H. Welborn
his father ·Üí Sarah Elizabeth Welborn (Dykes)
his mother ·Üí Benjamin Franklin Dykes
her father ·Üí William George Dykes (2 Dykes-Revolutionary War Loyalist), Sr.
his father ·Üí George Edward Dykes, Sr.
his father ·Üí Edward George Dykes
his father ·Üí Edward Deakes (Dyeck)
his father ·Üí Thomas Dyeck
his father ·Üí Edward Dykes
his father ·Üí Jane Dykes (Lancaster), of Sockbridge
his mother ·Üí Sir Lancelot Lancaster, MP
her father ·Üí William Lancaster
his father ·Üí Eleanor Musgrave
his mother ·Üí Joan Musgrave (Stapleton)
her mother ·Üí Margaret Stapleton (Veteripoint)
her mother ·Üí Nicholas de Veteripont
her father

The following is a extract from Alastair Robertson·Äôs book ·ÄúA History of Alston Moor.·Äù With his kind permission.
Alston Moor under the Veterponts.
In 1092, King William Rufus came north with a large army, drove out Dolphin, the Lord of Cumberland, established an English Colony in Carlisle, rebuilt the city and firmly took Cumberland for the English Kings. The lead mine on Alston Moor was already known to have a high silver content suitable for coining and, because of the royal mint in Carlisle, the area soon afterwards became permanently linked with Cumberland.
The Barons de Veteripont appeared in 1085. They were the first recorded Lords of the Manor, holding Alston Moor on behalf of the kings of Scotland from the Kings of England as part of the franchise of Tynedale, but the Kings of England retain the mineral rights
Because of this, administration of Alston moor was not straightforward. The majority of people in the area were tenants of the Scottish King, who held many estates in England, but the mines were subject to the English King and had many separate rights and privileges.
One of these, for example, was the right to cut down any trees they chose for their needs. This led to disputes. In 1152 there was a complaint from Henry, Archbishop of York to David I, King of Scotland, that the miners were ravaging the forests.
This divided sovereignty was clearly open to abuse, and the de Veteriponts seem to have acted in an independent manner. They collected taxes for the Kings of Scotland, while as agents for the Kings of England, they collected rents from the minners.
Robert de Veteripont was the first Lord of Alston Moor. His son, William, received a charter from William the Lion of Scotland, granting the moor to him. William de Veteripont married Maud, who had property of her own in Eden Valley, and they had two sons, Robert, later Lord of Appleby and an ancestor of the Clifford family, and Ivo was the younger son and Lord of the Manor of Alston Moor. He also owned lands at Elrington, Kirkhaugh, Maulds Meaburn, Ireby, Blencarn, Ainstable, Waverton and Carlisle and held the custody of Mount Sorrel Castle in Leicestershire.
On the 10th May, 1209 King John confirmed the lands of Alston Moor to be in Ivo·Äôs position. His son Nicholas inherited them on Ivo·Äôs death in 1239,
The lead mines were very important at this time, for in 1167, lead from Alston Moor was being taken to the kings houses at Windsor, and in 1177, 100 cartloads of lead were delivered to brother Simon to the work of the church of Clarevall, the Cistercian abbey at Clairvaux in France, near the border with Germany.
In 1225 complaints were made to the English King that the Lord of the Manor, Ivo de Veteripont, was ill-treating the miners and imprisoning them. Yet in the same year, on assurances of securety, Ivo was appointed collector of the Kings·Äôs mine taxes.
Henery III took all miners and their goods under the hid protection in 1234, for an extra payment of five marks, and the next year ordered all his miners in Cumbria to come and work on Alston Moor. In return, they were to receive all rights and privileges: they would be granted safety and security; and, because it was such an isolated part of the world, they would be supplied with victuals. In 12 37, Henry again granted them protection for a fee of 20 Shillings and endorsed their privileges, with a £10 fine to those who molested them.
When Ivo died in 1239, his son Nicholas soon began to usurp the miners·Äô rights. The Miners petitioned the King in 1246 to hold assizes at Ameshaugh, but there is no record that this hearing occurred.
Later in the 13th Century the mines became less profitable, and the English Kings lost interest to the point where the de Veteriponts held both the manor and the mines from the Kings of Scotland. However, Edward I decided to revive the English royal interest.
In 1278, Edward recovered the Manor from Nicholas·Äôs son Robert, after a series of assizes, over complaints about Robert running the mine in his own interests. This alienation from the King had been initiated years before by Ivo·Äôs manorial tenant Ranulf de Levington. Robert was accused of harbouring felons; of obstructing a useful road leading from Alston to Gossipgate; of obstructing the English Kings bailiffs in their duty; of not taking up a knighthood, even though he possessed lands to the value of a knight·Äôs fee; and of moving the Kings gallows from Ameshaugh to Bayles.
On the 21 June 1279, Edward returned the liberty of Alston Moor to Alexander III, the Scottish King, and it was found and confirmed to be indisputably a part of Cumberland. The Moor was referred to, however, as being in the marches of Scotland.
Robert de Veteripont was then called upon to prove his title, which he did successfully after the involvement of Alexander, son of King Alexander III, who was himself questioned as to his rights to Alston Moor.
The Lordship, without the mines, was then restored to Robert·Äôs son Nicholas de Veteripont in 1282. Robert had died in the meantime.
The de Veteriponts continued to be unruly and, at a trail in 1292, Robert de Veteripont·Äôs son Nicholas, in Carlisle before ·Äújustices·Äô itinerant·Äù was found to be in default for some reason, but penalty was deferred until the King·Äôs whish was known. After financial compensation by Nicholas had been offered and accepted, Edward I let Nicholas be, but the King still retained the mines.
Nicholas, like the rest of the de Veteriponts, was out for what he could get. In 1301 he attempted unsuccessfully to deprive a relative near Garrigill of his inheritance and estate. Whether there was any penalty for this failed endeavour is not recorded.
Following the death of Edward I in 1307, his son Edward II, after various troubles, had to conclude a truce with the Scots which did not prove to be permanent. Edward II was weak King by comparison with his father and Nicholas de Veteripont seems to have taken advantage of this, for he defaulted again, and again was caught out. At a trail on 10 October 1314, the custody of the Moor was delivered to John de Whelpdale, who would answer to Edward II. This was the year of the Battle of Bannockburn, where the English were heavily defeated by the Scots under Robert the Bruce, and the north was ravaged or else made to pay heavy tribute.
Had Nicholas·Äôs fault been to intrigue with the Scots? Yet, within the year Nicholas must have made good, for in 1315, the Manor came once more into his possession. However, he did not live long to enjoy it, for he died during that year. The Manor was then inherited by his son Robert, who was a minor, aged 14, and John de Whelpdale remained in charge until Robert became of age. In 1315, Robert had carried out his fealty to the King and came into his own. The Manor was confirmed to be Roberts in 1334 and, after this, Alston Moor remained firmly in the possession of the Veteriponts until 1371.
It was recorded of Nicholasမs estate in 1315 that: လIt was found by an inquest after the death of Nicholas de Veteripont that he held a capital messuage in Aldreston with 14 acres of arable and 100 acres of medow ground; 16 tenants who rendered 37s 6d yearly;33 tenants at Gerrardsgill, who held 33 sheildings and paid £5 18s yearly rent; 13 tenants at Amoteshalth [Ameshaugh] who paid yearly £38s 4d; 22 tenants at Nent and Corbriggate [Corbygates] who had 22 sheildings and paid £5 2s rent; also one water corn mill, and one fulling mill and 3,000 acres of pasture in Aldreston Moorဝ.
Nicholas held nothing else in Cumberland, which was a great reduction in wealth and power from the estate owned by his great-grandfather Ivo, who had died in 1239. His will gives an indication of the number of people living on the moor at the time. The historian Wallace supposed that the number of tenants might represent a total of between 500-600 people. This was the same as at Ivo·Äôs death.
On February 7th 1334, Edward III confirmed the lordship of Alston Moor with Robert de Veteripont, for a fee of 20s. He also confirmed the protection for the King·Äôs miners at Aldenston, granted at the miners request, because the original letters to the miners had been burned by the marauding Scots.
On November 2nd 1337, Robert was granted a licence to empark his wood of Walnewood [Wanwood] provided that it did not encroach upon the Kings forest of Geltsdale. The name Park Fell has survived and it encompasses farms named Nether Park, High Park, Middle Park, Low Park and a copse called Park Grove.
Although Robert de Veteripont was the Kings Sheriff of Alston Moor, the justice he carried out seems more akin to border law than to the King·Äôs. In 1357, he, with others including his son William, and John Parnyng, the rector of Skelton broke into the house of one Nicholas Skelton, assaulted him, cut off his left foot, and through grief, caused the death of his wife and unborn baby. The reasons for this act of violence and any legal repercussions are not known.
Edward III, in 1356, while he was present in the north to carry out another invasion of Scotland, reviewed the law in the area and commissioned an inquiry into the miner·Äôs privileges. Their rights had been infringed by the bailiff of neighbouring Tynedale, which belonged to Edward·Äôs wife, Queen Phillipa. The commission greatly increased the privileges, including the right to prospect for lead wherever the miners chose, and affirmed their right to elect their own executive officials, but only in the main communities of miners. The King also whished to be informed as to whether Alston was in Cumberland or the Scottish Liberty of Tynedale. Even sixty years after its annexation by Edward I, there was still royal doubt as to the position of Alston Moor.
Robert de Veteripont, Lord of the Manor, died in 1371, leaving two granddaughters, Elizabeth and Joan, as direct heiresses. He had outlived his eldest son Nicholas [the girls father] and his grandson, Nicholas·Äôs son. Robert. The Manor could only be passed to male heirs. It went to John, Robert·Äôs third and youngest son. The second son William had died without issue before his father.
In Roberts will, the manor of Alston Moor was stated to be of no profit above its expenses. As well as the various tenements, there were 40 dwelling houses called schelles [sheilings] worth 6s 8d each and the water mill worth 13s 4d. An interesting aside of the will is the tenancy arrangement of John Leker, who ·Äúheld the freehold of one message and one husbandry land by fealty and payment of one pound of pepper at Michaelmas·Äù
There occurs a 43 year gap in Alston·Äôs recorded history, throughout which hostilities between English and Scots continued intermittently. After Robert de Veteriponts death in 1371, the next reference to dealings of the Lords of Alston Moor occurs in 1414, when Henry V granted the continuance of Manor and Mine to William Stapleton, at 10 marks per year. This could be the same mine let in 1359, and which had been of no profit since then.
It would seem that the Manor of Alston Moor did not pass intact to John de Veteripont, but was divided up among the de Veteriponts on the death of Robert. As can be seen from the family tree, the inheritance of the de Veteripont estate through the female line, the relationship between de Veteriponts through marriage with the Stapletons, and how the de Cliffords came to hold the estate from the Veteriponts, is very complicated, and it is this period that the record are missing.
For a few years after the death of yet another Nicholas de Veteripont in 1414, and for reasons unknown, the Manor of Alston Moor had been in the over lordship of John de Clifford, a distant relative who died in war in 1421or 1422. Following de Clifford·Äôs death there were several years of legal wrangling in the Court of Chancery, by William and Mary Stapleton, claiming that they should have the rights enjoyed by de Clifford, rather than them being passed to the de Clifford Family, and, in February 1426, they succeeded.
The claim of William and Mary needs some explaining. William Stapleton had made two very astute marriages. His first wife, whose name is unknown, and who was the mother of his son, William the younger, was a direct defendant and heiress of the de Veteriponts, being the daughter of either Elizabeth or Joan, Roberts granddaughters, and his second wife was a de Veteripont heiress for life by her first mirage to Nicholas de Veteripont, the last male of the line. William had also married his son off to the daughter and heiress of that same Nicholas de Veteripont. All the strands of inheritance of Alston Moor had been brought together by William Stapleton for the benefit of his own family. This is the end of the Veteriponts as Lord·Äôs of the Manor of Alston Moor.
Below is a tree copied from the Book, in other pedigrees there are two Roberts and two Williams in the first generations,but I have reproduced this tree as in the book, However the generations are stretched a bit!
Descendants of Robert de Veteripont
Generation No. 1
1. Robert1 de Veteripont was born Bef. 1085.
Child of Robert de Veteripont is:
+ 2 i. William2 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1080.
Generation No. 2
2. William2 de Veteripont (Robert1) was born Abt. 1080. He married Maud de Morville.
Children of William de Veteripont and Maud de Morville are:
3 i. Robert3 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1150.
+ 4 ii. Ivo de Veteripont, born Abt. 1155.
Generation No. 3
4. Ivo3 de Veteripont (William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1155. He married Isabela de Thoresby.
Children of Ivo de Veteripont and Isabela de Thoresby are:
+ 5 i. Nicholas4 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1200.
6 ii. Laurence de Veteripont, born Abt. 1210.
Generation No. 4
5. Nicholas4 de Veteripont (Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1200.
Child of Nicholas de Veteripont is:
+ 7 i. Robert5 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1220.
Generation No. 5
7. Robert5 de Veteripont (Nicholas4, Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1220.
Child of Robert de Veteripont is:
+ 8 i. Nichalas6 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1250.
Generation No. 6
8. Nichalas6 de Veteripont (Robert5, Nicholas4, Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1250.
Children of Nichalas de Veteripont are:
+ 9 i. Robert7 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1300.
10 ii. William de Veteripont.
Generation No. 7
9. Robert7 de Veteripont (Nichalas6, Robert5, Nicholas4, Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1300.
Children of Robert de Veteripont are:
+ 11 i. Nicholas8 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1320.
12 ii. William de Veteripont, born Abt. 1325.
+ 13 iii. John de Veteripont, born Abt. 1330.
Generation No. 8
11. Nicholas8 de Veteripont (Robert7, Nichalas6, Robert5, Nicholas4, Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1320.
Children of Nicholas de Veteripont are:
14 i. Elizabeth9 de Veteripont.
15 ii. Joan de Veteripont.
13. John8 de Veteripont (Robert7, Nichalas6, Robert5, Nicholas4, Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1330.
Child of John de Veteripont is:
+ 16 i. Robert9 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1350.
Generation No. 9
16. Robert9 de Veteripont (John8, Robert7, Nichalas6, Robert5, Nicholas4, Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1350.
Child of Robert de Veteripont is:
+ 17 i. Nicholas10 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1368.
Generation No. 10
17. Nicholas10 de Veteripont (Robert9, John8, Robert7, Nichalas6, Robert5, Nicholas4, Ivo3, William2, Robert1) was born Abt. 1368.
Child of Nicholas de Veteripont is:
18 i. Margret11 de Veteripont, born Abt. 1390.

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Nicholas de Veteripont
± 1360-± 1420

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