Family tree Cromer/Russell/Buck/Pratt » Nele (Nigel) II de Mowbray (1146-1191)

Persönliche Daten Nele (Nigel) II de Mowbray 

  • Er wurde geboren im Jahr 1146 in Axholme or Thirsk North Riding Yorkshire, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England.
  • Er ist verstorben im Jahr 1191 in Palestine, Acre, Akko, North District, Israel, er war 45 Jahre alt.
    Nigil died on a quest to the Holy Land. (Not Israel) Seige of Acre
  • Ein Kind von Sir Roger I de Mowbray (d'Aubigny) of Masham und Alice de Gant (Gaunt)

Familie von Nele (Nigel) II de Mowbray

Er ist verheiratet mit Mabel FitzPatrick de Clare.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1175, er war 29 Jahre alt.


  1. Mabel de Mowbray  1179-1200 
  2. Roger de Mowbray  1180-???? 
  3. Alice de Mowbray  1190-1219 

Notizen bei Nele (Nigel) II de Mowbray


* Father: Roger DE MONTBRAY

* Mother: Alice DE GAUNT

* Birth: 1146, Axholme, Lincolnshire, England

* Death: 1191, Acre, Palestine

* Marriage with: Mabel DE CLARE

o Child: William DE MOWBRAY Birth: 1170, Axholme, Lincolnshire, England

o Child: Philip DE MOWBRAY

o Child: Robert DE MOWBRAY

o Child: Roger DE MOWBRAY


Roger de Mowbray & Alice de Gaunt/Gand were parents of

NELE [Nigel] de Mowbray (-Acre 1191). "Roger de Mobraio and Nigel his son" donated property to the abbey of Saint-André-en-Gouffern by charter dated [1160][899]. “Rogerus de Molbray” confirmed the grant of property to the hospital of St Peter, York, with the consent of “Nigellus filius meus”, by charter dated to [1155/65][900]. “Alicia de Gaunt uxor Rogeri de Mubray” donated property to Fountains Abbey by charter dated 13 Apr 1176 which names “filiorum meorum Nigelli et Roberti”[901]. He accompanied his father on crusade in [late 1185][902]. “Rogerum de Molbrai et filios suos Nigellum et Robertum” donated property to Fountains Abbey by undated charter[903]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1190/91], records "Nigellus de Munbray" paying "xliv l ii s vi d, iv xx viii [=88?] milites et quartam" in Yorkshire[904]. A manuscript which recites the Mowbray ancestry records that “filius Rogeri de Molbray primogenitus…Nigellus de Molbray” took the cross and died “in mare Græco”[905].

m (before Nov 1170) MABEL, daughter of --- (-[1203]). A manuscript which recites the Mowbray ancestry names “Mabiliam” as the wife of “filius Rogeri de Molbray primogenitus…Nigellus de Molbray”[906]. A manuscript record of the Mowbray family (many of the details in which relating to the early generations of the family are inconsistent with other sources) states that “filius Rogeri de Molbray primogenitus…Nigellus de Molbray” married “filiam Edmondi comitis de Clara…Mabillam”[907], but her supposed father has not been identified from other sources. “Mabilla uxor domini Nigelli de Moubray” donated property to St Mary Overey Priory, Southwark by undated charter[908]. "Mabill de Mumbrai" claimed "terra de Mauto [Leicestershire] …ex dono Nigill viri sui" from "Rob de Mubrai" in 1194/95[909].

Nele & his wife had four children:

a) WILLIAM de Mowbray (-Axholme before 25 Mar 1224, bur Neufbourg). A manuscript which recites the Mowbray ancestry names “Willielmum, Robertum, Philippum et Rogerum” as the four sons of “filius Rogeri de Molbray primogenitus…Nigellus de Molbray” & his wife, adding that William died “in insula de Haxeiholm” and was buried “apud Novum-Burgum”[910].

b) PHILIP de Mowbray (-after 22 Sep 1196). A manuscript which recites the Mowbray ancestry names “Willielmum, Robertum, Philippum et Rogerum” as the four sons of “filius Rogeri de Molbray primogenitus…Nigellus de Molbray” & his wife[911]. “Willielmus de Molbrai” confirmed donations to Newburgh Abbey by “Rogeri de Molbray avi mei et Nigelli de Molbray patris mei” by undated charter, witnessed by “Roberto de Mubray patruo meo, Philippo de Mubray fratre meo, Roberto de Mubray fratre meo…”[912]. "…Roll constabul, Philipp de Mubray, Willmo de Valloñ, Henr Biset, Thomas de Colville, Adam fil Herb, Ferg fratre Roll, Alexander de Finton" witnessed the charter dated 22 Sep (no year, but dated to after 1196) under which William King of Scotland confirmed the donation of "in territorio de Cliftun" to Melrose abbey made by "Walterus Corbet filius Walteri"[913].

c) ROBERT de Mowbray (-after 1196). A manuscript which recites the Mowbray ancestry names “Willielmum, Robertum, Philippum et Rogerum” as the four sons of “filius Rogeri de Molbray primogenitus…Nigellus de Molbray” & his wife[914]. “Willielmus de Molbrai” confirmed donations to Newburgh Abbey by “Rogeri de Molbray avi mei et Nigelli de Molbray patris mei” by undated charter, witnessed by “Roberto de Mubray patruo meo, Philippo de Mubray fratre meo, Roberto de Mubray fratre meo…”[915]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1196/97], records "Robertus de Munbray" paying "xx s, i militem" in Northamptonshire[916].

d) ROGER de Mowbray (-after 1210). A manuscript which recites the Mowbray ancestry names “Willielmum, Robertum, Philippum et Rogerum” as the four sons of “filius Rogeri de Molbray primogenitus…Nigellus de Molbray” & his wife[917]. “Rogerus de Mowbray” donated property to Newburgh Abbey, with the consent of “Sampsone de Albeneio” to whom “Nigellus pater meus” had granted the property in question, by undated charter[918]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], records "Rogerus de Munbray" paying "l s, ii militem et dimidium" in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire[919]. The Red Book of the Exchequer records "Rogerus de Munbray" holding "x libratas in Fulburne et xvi libratas in Suaveshulle, de terries Britonum, de dono regis Johannis…de serjanteriis et terris sine servitio" in Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire in [1210/12][920].

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Elizabeth Cromer, "Family tree Cromer/Russell/Buck/Pratt", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 25. September 2024), "Nele (Nigel) II de Mowbray (1146-1191)".