Families Klein, Ree, de Breed en de Vries van Terschelling » Amadeus VIII. van Savoye (1383-1451)

Persönliche Daten Amadeus VIII. van Savoye 

Quelle 1
  • Er wurde geboren am 4. September 1383 in Chambery.
  • Er ist verstorben am 7. Januar 1451 in Kasteel Ripaille (Thonon-les-Bains), er war 67 Jahre alt.
  • Ein Kind von Amadeus VII. van Savoye und Bonne van Berry

Familie von Amadeus VIII. van Savoye

Er ist verheiratet mit Maria van Bourgondië.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1402, er war 18 Jahre alt.


  1. Lodewijk van Savoye  1402-1465 
  2. Antoon van Savoye  1407-1407
  3. Antoon van Savoye  1408-1408
  4. Margaretha van Savoye  1410-1479 
  5. Maria van Savoye  1411-1479
  6. amadeus van savoye  1412-1431
  7. bona van savoye  1415-1430
  8. Hugo van Savoye  1415-1439
  9. filips van savoye  1417-1444

Notizen bei Amadeus VIII. van Savoye

Felix V (Chambéry, 4 september 1383 - Kasteel Ripaille (Thonon-les-Bains), 7 januari 1451), echte naam Amadeus VIII van Savoye, was de laatste tegenpaus in de geschiedenis van de Rooms-katholieke Kerk.

[bewerken] Wereldlijk levenAmadeus was als zoon van Amadeus VII van geboorte graaf van Savoye. In 1416 werd hij door keizer Sigismund tot hertog verheven. Hij trouwde met Maria van Bourgondië (1380-1422) en kreeg negen kinderen met haar

Lodewijk I van Savoye (1402-1465)Amadeus, vorst van Piëmont (1412-1431)Filips, graaf van Genève (1417-1444)Maria (1411-1479), gehuwd met Filippo Maria Visconti, hertog van Milaan (1392-1447)Bonna (-1430)Margaretha (-1418)Margaretha (1416/1420-1479), in 1432 gehuwd met hertog Lodewijk III van Anjou (1403-1434), in 1445 met keurvorst Lodewijk IV van de Palts (1424-1449) en in 1453 met graaf Ulrich V van Württemberg (-1480).Hij breidde zijn gebieden uit en was betrokken bij pogingen om de Honderdjarige Oorlog te beëindigen. Zo kocht hij in 1401 het graafschap Genève van Odo van Thoire en Villars voor 45.000 goudrnaken. Na de dood van zijn vrouw gaf hij zijn positie op en begon een leven als kluizenaar.

[bewerken] Kerkelijk levenDe toenmalige paus Eugenius IV had een conflict met het concilie van Bazel. In 1439 liet de paus het concilie voor wat het was en riep een nieuw concilie bijeen in Ferrara. De achterblijvers in Bazel werden door de paus geëxcommuniceerd. In reactie hierop werd Eugenius door het overblijfsel van het concilie eerst geschorst en vervolgens tot ketter verklaard. In november 1439 werd vervolgens Amadeus tot ware paus gekozen. Amadeus nam de naam Felix aan.

Felix V resideerde in Genève, Lausanne en Bazel. Zijn pauselijke waardigheid werd slechts erkend in Aragon, Hongarije, Beieren en Zwitserland. Een adviseur van Felix, Aeneas Piccolomini, de latere paus Pius II begon besprekingen met Eugenius. In 1449 gaf Felix zijn pretenties op. Eugenius beloonde dat met een benoeming tot bisschop van Sabina en een benoeming tot kardinaal. In 1451 overleed Felix/Amadeus.

Hertog van Savoye. Hij treedt later af en wordt in 1439 Paus!

(Felix V)

Regnal name of Amadeus of Savoy, Antipope (1440-1449).

Born 4 December, 1383, died at Ripaille, 7 January, 1451. The schismatic Council of Basle, having declared the rightful pope, Eugene IV, deposed, proceeded immediately with the election of an antipope. Wishing to secure additional influence and increased financial support, they turned their attention towards the rich and powerful prince, Duke Amadeus VIII of Savoy. Amadeus had exercised over his dependencies a mild and equitable sway, and had evinced a great zeal for the interests of the Church, especially in connection with the Western Schism regarding the papal succession, brought to a close by the Council of Constance. Emperor Sigismund had shown his appreciation of this ruler's services by raising, in 1416, the former counts of Savoy to the status of a duchy, and in 1422 conferred on Amadeus the county of Geneva. On the death of his wife, Maria of Burgundy, Duke Amadeus resolved to lead henceforth a life of contemplation, without however entirely resigning the government of his territories. He appointed his son Ludwig regent of the duchy, and retired to Ripaille on the Lake of Geneva, where in company with five knights whom he had formed into an Order of St. Maurice, he led a semi-monastic life in accordance with a rule drawn up by himself.

Amadeus had been in close relations with the schismatic council of Basle; and was elected pope, 30 October, 1439, by the electoral college of that council, including one cardinal (d'Allamand of Arles), eleven bishops, seven abbots, five theologians, and nine canonists. After long negotiations with a deputation from the council, Amadeus acquiesced in the election, 5 Feb., 1440, completely renouncing at the same time all further participation in the government of his duchy. Ambition and a certain fantastic turn of character induced him to take this step. He took the name of Felix V, and was solemnly consecrated and crowned by the Cardinal d'Allamand, 24 July, 1440. Eugene IV had already excommunicated him, 23 March, at the council of Florence. Until 1442, the famous Aeneas Sylvinus Piccolomini, later Pius II, was the antipope's secretary. This renewal of the schism ruined any success of Basle assembly, just closed at Constance. Subsequently, Amadeus took up his residence in Savoy and Switzerland; his efforts to surround himself with a curia met with little success; many of those whom he named cardinals declined the dignity. He found general recognition only in Savoy and Switzerland, but his claims were also recognized by the Dukes of Austria, Tyrol, and Bayern-München, the Count-Palatine of Simmern, the Teutonic Order, some orders in Germany and some universities hitherto adherents of Basle. He was soon embroiled in a quarrel with the Council of Basle concerning his rights and the distribution of revenues. The rightful pope, Eugene IV, and his successor Nicolas V (1447), who were universally recognized from the first in Spain and Poland, found their claims even more widely admitted in France and Germany. In 1442, Felix left Basle, and on 16 May, 1443, occurred the last session of the Baste assembly. Felix, who had for the sake of its revenue assumed the administration of the Diocese of Geneva, clung for six years more to his usurped dignity but finally submitted (1449) to Nicolas V, received the title of Cardinal of St. Sabina, and was appointed permanent Apostolic vicar-general for all the states of the House of Savoy and for several dioceses (Basle, Strasburg, Chur, etc.). Thus ended the last papal schism.

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  1. ANDREWS4 Web Site, Jim Andrews, Amadeus VIII felix van Savoye, 3. Februar 2014
    Added by confirming a Smart Match
    MyHeritage.com family tree Family site: ANDREWS4 Web Site Family tree: Family Tree James Joseph Andrews - 21021123

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Gleicher Geburts-/Todestag

Quelle: Wikipedia

Quelle: Wikipedia

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Marthan Klein, "Families Klein, Ree, de Breed en de Vries van Terschelling", Datenbank, Genealogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/families-klein-ree-ea/I44057.php : abgerufen 26. September 2024), "Amadeus VIII. van Savoye (1383-1451)".