Clymer Weir Cox Genealogy » Helena (Winsser) Winsofer (1546-1603)

Persönliche Daten Helena (Winsser) Winsofer 

  • Sie ist geboren im Jahr 1546 in Hingham, Norfolk, England.
  • Sie ist verstorben am 9. Mai 1603 in Snoring Magna, Norfolk, England, sie war 57 Jahre alt.
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 18. Juli 2023.

Familie von Helena (Winsser) Winsofer

Sie ist verheiratet mit Thomas Henry Blavarest (Hobart) Hubbard.

Date: 30 Jul 1569
Place: Snoring Magna, Norfolk, England

Sie haben geheiratet am 30. Juli 1569 in Snoring Magna, Norfolk, England, sie war 23 Jahre alt.


Notizen bei Helena (Winsser) Winsofer

Many have her as mother of EDMUND HUBBARD. That is not impossible but not proven. If Thomas was the father of EDMUND HARE then he would be ancestor of

Disputed Parentage
The parentage of Edmund Hobart is disputed. In 1966, in response to a $150 reward that he had offered for proof of Edmund's parentage, Keith W. Hubbard received "proof" from Ronald F. Kingsbury that Edmund Hobart's parents where a Thomas Hubbarde of Snoring Magna (aka Great Snoring), Norfolk and his wife Hellena. As discussed in the profile for thatThomas Hubbarde, however, it is probable that Kingsbury fabricated that proof in order to claim the reward and, from the evidence apart from Kingsbury's suspected fabrications, it is highly unlikely that Edmund was the "Edwardi Hubbard" baptized in Great Snoring on January 1, 1573/4 or was the son of the Thomas Hubbarde and Hellena Winsofer who were married in Great Snoring on July 30, 1569.
Prior to Kingsbury's theory, others had suggested that Edmund's parents wereHenry HobartandDorothy Bell. However, Edmund, the son ofHenry HobartandDorothy Bell, could not have been this profile's Edmund Hobart, as he died at Eton in 1607.[1][2]
A hypothesis: Perhaps Edmund's father was also named Edmund because his first born son was named Edmund (potentially honoring his paternal grandfather).
Date and Place of Birth
If, as is likely, the Edmund was not the "Edwardi Hubbarde" baptized in Great Snoring on January 1, 1573/4, his date and place of birth are uncertain. Based on the date of his first marriage (1600), he was probably born sometime in 1573-1577, with about 1575 being a reasonable midpoint estimate. Based on the fact that Edmund was married and lived in Hingham prior to emigrating and the fact that Hingham records suggest that there were a number of Hubberd, Hubbert, Hubbard families living in Hingham by 1600 when Hingham parish records begin, it is mostly likely that he was born in or near Hingham, Norfolk, England.
Possible Siblings/Cousins
Edmund may have been the brother or cousin ofStephen Hubberd,George Hubberd,Simon HubberdandAdam Hubberte, who also had children baptized in Hingham, England in 1600-1615, and of Ellen Hubberd and Elizabeth Hubberd, who were married in Hingham, England in 1606[3]and 1610,[4]respectively.
First Marriage and Children
Edmund "Hubberte" marriedMargaret Deweon September 7, 1600 in Hingham, England.[5][6][7](As discussed in her profile, Margaret's last name was Dewe, not Dewey, and most likely pronounced as Dew.)
Edmund and Margaret had the following children, all baptized at Hingham, England:
1Nazareth, bpt. June 7, 1601, m. 1st November 9, 1626 Robert Turner in Hingham, England, m. 2d July 13, 1630 John Beal in Hingham, England, d. September 23, 1658 in Hingham, Massachusetts. (See sources and discussion in Nazareth's profile.)
2Edmund, bpt. January 16, 1602/3,[8][6][7]m. October 28, 1632 Elizabeth Elmer at Hingham, England,[6][7]d. February 16, 1685/6 at Hingham, Massachusetts[6][9]
3Peter, bpt. October 13, 1604,[10][6][7]m. October 12, 1628 Rebecca Ibrook at Covehithe, Suffolk,[11][7]m. about June 1646 Rebecca Peck at Hingham, Massachusetts,[6][7]d. January 20, 1678/9 at Hingham, Massachusetts[12][13][6]
4Thomas, bpt. bpt. February 23, 1605/6,[14][6][7]m. 1st June 2, 1629 Anne Plomer at Wymondham, England,[6][7]m. 2d Jane ____,[6][7]d. August 18, 1689 at Hingham, Massachusetts[15][6]
5Alice, bpt. March 20, 1606/7,[16][6][7]m. February 28, 1631/2 Thomas Chubbuck at Hardingham, England,[6][7]d. February 20, 1674/5 at Hingham, Massachusetts[6]
6Antony, bpt. October 8, 1609,[17][6][7]bur. December 22, 1609 at Hingham, England[18][6][7]
7Edward, bpt. November 4, 1610,[19][6][7]bur. November 28, 1610 at Hingham, England[20][6][7]
8Rebecka, bpt. December 29, 1611,[21][6][7]admitted to Charlestown church in 1633,[22][6][7]no further record[7]
9Josuah/Joshua, bpt. October 9, 1614,[23][6][7]m. March 1637/8 Ellen Ibrook at Cambridge, Massachusetts,[6][7][15]d. July 28, 1682 at Hingham, Massachusetts[6][7][15]
10Sarah, bpt. December 26, 1617,[24][6][7]came to New England in 1633,[7]no further record[7]
Some online family trees state that Edmund and Margaret also had a daughter named Elizabeth (b. about 1612) who married Ralph Smith of Hingham. As discussed in the profiles forElizabeth HobartandRalph Smith, however, no reliable evidence has been found for either the proposition that Edmund and Margaret had a daughter name Elizabeth or the proposition that Ralph Smith was married to a woman named Elizabeth.
Edmund's first wife, Margaret, died sometime between December 1617 (when her last child was born) and October 1634 (when Edmund remarried).[7]She may well have died before Edmund emigrated to New England, as she did not join the Charlestown church with Edmund when he joined on October 19, 1633.[22][7]
Puritan Paragons
Although written more than 50 years after Edmund's death and thus no doubt based only on family lore, Cotton Mather, in the chapter about Edmund's son Rev. Peter Hobart in his 1702Magnalia Christi Americanadescribed Peter's parents, Edmund and Margaret in their days in Hingham, England as follows:
[They] were eminent for piety, and even from their youth "feared God above many;" wherein their zeal was more conspicuous by the impiety of the neighbourhood, among whom there were but three or four in the whole town that minded serious religion, and these were sufficiently maligned by the irreligious for their Puritanism.[25]
Emigration to New England
Banks in his 1930Planters of the Commonwealth of Massachusettsstated that Edmond, his wife Margaret, and children Nazareth, Edmond, Thomas, Joshua, Rebecca and Sarah (as well as daughter Alice who emigrated with her husband Thomas Chubbock) "probably" arrived in New England in June 1633 aboard theElizabeth Bonaventure.[26]No actual passenger list exists for theElizabeth Bonaventure's voyage to confirm Bank's supposition. However, it appears reasonably probable for the most part, as supported by (1) the fact that the earliest record of the presence of Edmund in New England is a record in the Charlestown town records that an entry from June 1663 which shows "Edmond Hubbert Senior & his 2 sons Edmond & Joshua Hubert" were admitted as inhabitants of Charlestown[7]and (2) the fact that Governor John Winthrop's diary entry for June 15, 1633 states that: "Mr. Graves, in the shipElizabeth Bonadventure, from Yarmouth, arrived with ninety-five passengers, and thirty-four Dutch sheep, and two mares."[27]
Bank's assertion that Edmond's daughter Nazareth emigrated with him, however, is incorrect, as she emigrated with her husband Jeremiah Beale in 1638.[28]In addition, his assertion that Edmond's first wife, Margaret, emigrated with him is questionable, since, as discussed above, as she may have died before they emigrated.
In emigrating from Hingham, England to New England with his family in 1633, Edmond appears to have initiated a mass migration of families from the Hingham area of Norfolk, England to New England. According to Banks, by 1640 at least 35 families from the Hingham area had emigrated to New England, more than from any other English locality other than London.[29]
Residency at Charlestown
After immigrating to New England, Edmund and his family settled initially at Charlestown in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, where, as mentioned above, Edmund and his sons Edmund Jr and Joshua were admitted as inhabitants in June 1633.[7]Edmund's son Edmund Jr. and his wife Elizabeth were admitted to the Church of Charlestown on September 21, 1633, Edmund himself (as "Edmond Hubbard senior") was admitted on October 19, 1633, and his children Josuah and Rebecca were admitted on December 27, 1633.[22]Edmund was appointed by the town of Charlestown as a lot-layer and assessor in January 1633/4[7]and as constable in 1635.[30][7]In January 1633/4 and January 1635/6, he appeared on Charlestown town lists of inhabitants.[7]Edmund was made a freeman of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (as "Edmond Hubbert") on March 4, 1633/4.[7][31]
Second Marriage
He married (2) Sarah (_______) Lyford Oakley, in Charlestown 10 Oct 1634.[6][32][33]This is stated as fact, but where did this date come from? Not in the vital records. Not in the printed Charlestown church records. Torrey's Marriages list these sources: {Hingham 3:47;Winthrop Papers 4:137; EIHC 37:307; Smith-Bryant 179; Lyford 3; Bent Anc. 47; Granberry 252; Reg. 40:270; NYGBR 60:117} bolded ones have been consulted She was born abt 1586 (deposed 1 August 1639 aged "about fifty-three years"), widow of Rev. John Lyford.[34]She died in Hingham on 23 June 1649 ("Mother Hobart died in the evening being Saturday, buried on the Sabbath"[35]). Edmund Hobart was guardian to the children of his second wife, and was otherwise involved in securing their inheritance from their father. Sarah had children by Lyford. Edmund Hobart was guardian to at least one of them[34]and was involved in securing their inheritance from their father.
Residency at Hingham
After the arrival of his son Rev. Peter Hobart, in 1635, Edmond removed to Bare Cove in 1635, where he drew his house lot 18 Sept 1635.[36]Bare Cove was renamed Hingham.
In the fall of 1639, Thomas Hamond of Hingham sued Edmund Hubbard for trespass "in his Indian corn since planting time till now to the value of 50s in his corn ground at Hingham.[Lechford 175]
Deputy for Hingham to Massachusetts Bay General Court, 22 May 1639, 4 Sept. 1639, 7 Oct. 1640, 8 Oct 1642.[37]
Edmund (as Edmond Hubberd and Edmond Hubbard) was appointed as one of three magistrates authorized to hear and decide small claims under 20s in Hingham in 1638,[38]1639[39]and 1641[40].[7]
Edmund (as "Edmond Hubberd Senr") served on Grand Jury at the Quarter Court held on September 19, 1637.[41][7]
At a Court of Assistants held on June 5, 1638, "Edmond Hubberd, Senior, was fined 40s. for leaving a pit open, in which a child was drowned."[42][7]The fine was reduced to 10s at the General Court held on September 6, 1638.[43][7]
At a General Court at Boston held on June 6, 1639, "Edmond Hubberd, Senior" was appointed as a member of a committee of 12 men to raise a levy of £1000 from towns in the Colony.[44][7]
"father Hubbeard" died 8 MAR 1646 Hingham, Massachusetts.[35]From the context of the printed version of the Hobart Journal this is 1645/6. Torrey also says that it is 1645/6. Anderson, mistakenly, gives his death as 1646/7 citing this printed version.

1?1.01.1Sterry, Wasey.The Eton College Register: 1441-1698.Eton, Berkshire: Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co., Ltd., 1943. p. 173.Link to page at
2?2.02.1The Visitation of Norfolk in the Year 1563. Vol. II.1895. pp. 73, 76.Link to pages at
3?3.03.1"England Marriages, 1538œ1973 ," database, FamilySearch ( 12 February 2018), Walter Cordy and Ellen Hubberd, 25 Jun 1606; citing Hingham, Norfolk, England, reference 9, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,526,135.
4?4.04.1"England Marriages, 1538œ1973 ," database, FamilySearch ( 12 February 2018), Cleave Lowerenson and Elizabeth Hubberd, 17 Jun 1610; citing Hingham, Norfolk, England, reference 13, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,526,135.
5?5.05.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 1 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
6?, Clarence Almon. "Edmond Hobart of Hingham, Massachusetts".The American Genealogist. Vol. 29 (1951). pp 94-95.Link to article at
7?, Robert Charles.The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Vol. II G-O. 1995. Profile for Edmund Hobart. pp. 958-960.Link at AmericanAncestors.
8?8.08.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 4 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
9?9.09.1History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts. In Three Volumes. Volume II. Genealogical.The Town of Hingham, 1893. p.334.Link to page at
10?10.010.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 7 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
11?11.011.1Anderson, Robert Charles. "English Marriages of New Englanders: Hobart, Fisher".The American Genealogist. Vol. 67 (1992). p 28.Link to page at
12?12.012.1"The Hobart Journal."The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol 121 (1967). p 203.Link to page at
13?13.013.1History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts. In Three Volumes. Volume II. Genealogical.The Town of Hingham, 1893. p.335.Link to page at
14?14.014.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 9 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
15? of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts. In Three Volumes. Volume II. Genealogical.The Town of Hingham, 1893. p.336.Link to page at
16?16.016.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 11 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
17?17.017.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 13 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
18?18.018.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 14 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
19?19.019.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 14 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
20?20.020.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 15 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
21?21.021.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 15 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
22? of the First Church in Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1632-1789. 1880. p. 8.Link to page at
23?23.023.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 17 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
24?24.024.1"England, Norfolk, Parish Registers (County Record Office), 1510-1997," database with images, FamilySearch ( 25 June 2014), Hingham > Baptisms, Marriages, Burials > 1600-1676 > image 20 of 60; Record Office, Norwich.
25?25.025.1Mather, Cotton.Magnalia Christi Americana; Or the Ecclesiastical History of New-England; from Its First Planting, in the Year 1620, Unto the Year of Our Lord 1698. Silas Andrus and Son, 1855. p. 497.Link to page at
26?26.026.1Banks, Charles Edward.The Planters of the Commonwealth: A Study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times: to which are added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which brought them; their English Homes, and the Places of their Settlement in Massachusetts. 1620-1640. 1930. Reprinted by the Genealogical Publishing Company. pp 102-103.Link to pages at ($).
27?27.027.1Winthrop, John.Winthrop's journal: "History of New England", 1630-1649, Volume I. New York: Scribner, 1908. p. 102.Link to page at
28?See the profile forNazareth (Hobart) Beale.
29?29.029.1Banks, Charles Edward.The Planters of the Commonwealth: A Study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times: to which are added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which brought them; their English Homes, and the Places of their Settlement in Massachusetts. 1620-1640. 1930. Reprinted by the Genealogical Publishing Company. pp 17-18.Link to pages at ($).
30?30.030.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 134.Link to page at
31?31.031.1Andrews, H.F. (arranger).List of Freemen Massachusetts Bay Colony from 1630 to 1691. 1906.Link to page at
33?History of the town of Hingham, Massachusetts, Volume 2 p. 334 By Hingham (Mass.), Thomas Tracy Bouvé, Edward Tracy Bouvé, John Davis Long, Walter Lincoln Bouvé, Francis Henry Lincoln, George Lincoln, Edmund Hersey, Fearing Burr, Charles Winfield Scott Seymour. 1893.
34?34.034.1Winthrop Papers, Volume 4(1638-1644) p. 137. Massachusetts Historical Society, 1944.
35?35.035.1"The Hobart Journal."New England Historical and Genealogical RegisterV.121, 'Mother' p.22; Father p18. NEHGS, Jan. 1967
36?Anderson[NEHGR 2:250]
37?Anderson[MBCR 1:255, 271, 301: 2:23]
38?38.038.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 239.Link to page at
39?39.039.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 259.Link to page at
40?40.040.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 329.Link to page at
41?41.041.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 203.Link to page at
42?42.042.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 233.Link to page at
43?43.043.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 245.Link to page at
44?44.044.1Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Vol. I. 1628-1641. 1853. p. 260.Link to page at
See also:
•Clarence Almon Torrey,Edmund Hobart of Hingham, Massachusetts, The American Genealogist, (New Haven: D. J. Jacobus, 1951), vol. 27, pp. 94-95.Link to article at
•Anderson, Robert Charles.The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633.Volumes I-III, 3 vols., 1995. "Edmund Hobart" Vol II pp. 958-960link at AmericanAncestors
•Banks, Charles Edward.Planters of the Commonwealth: A Study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times: to which are added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which brought them; their English Homes, and the Places of their Settlement in Massachusetts, 1620-1640.Baltimore, Maryland: (reprint) Genealogical Printing Company, 1930/1991 reprint.
•Margaret Griffith,Hobart Genealogy: The Descendants of Edmund Hobart of Hingham, Mass.,San Francisco, California Genealogical Soc., (1952).
•Hobart, Donald M.Ancestors and Descendants of John Sullivan Hobart.Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: Bryn Mawr College, 1951.
•L. Smith Hobart,William Hobart his Ancestors and Descendants,Springfield, MA, S.G. Otis & Co., (1886)
•Hobart, Edgar.Hobart genealogy: the descendants of Edmund Hobart of Hingham, Mass.compiled from the records of Edgar Hobart by Margaret Griffith. San Francisco, Calif.: California Genealogical Society, 1952.
•Franklin Bowditch.[[Extracts From The Itineraries and Other Miscellanies of Ezra Stiles(Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, Conn., 1916Page 363
•Stearns, Ezra S.Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire(Lewis Publishing Company, 1908)Vol. 2, Page 861
•Findagrave memoria

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Helena (Winsser) Winsofer


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