Über den Ort » Sluipwijk, Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, Zuid-Holland, Niederlande

Aufzeichnungen von Sluipwijk

Sluipwijk is a village in the Dutch province of South Holland. It is a part of the former municipality of Reeuwijk, and lies about 3 km northeast of Gouda. The villages is surrounded by the lakes of the Reeuwijkse Plassen. The statistical area "Sluipwijk", which also can include the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 380. Sluipwijk was a separate municipality until 1870, when it became part of Reeuwijk. In 1821, Wiltenburg had been added to Sluipwijk.

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Dieser Ort gehört zum Arbeitsbereich des Regionaal Historisch Centrum Rijnstreek en Lopikerwaard