Stamboom Homs » Mahalath / מחלת "Basemath"

Persoonlijke gegevens Mahalath / מחלת "Basemath" 

Gezin van Mahalath / מחלת "Basemath"

Zij had een relatie met Esau / Edom / עשו / אדום.


  1. Igrath   

Notities over Mahalath / מחלת "Basemath"

{geni:occupation} Dotter till Ismael, Abrahams son, Esau takes his third wife after learning Jacob kept his fathers wish to marry laban's daughter.,
{geni:about_me} Genesis 28:9 -
Aholibamah was the daughter of Anah, who was the son of Zibeon, who was the brother of Lotan and son of Seir the Horite.


Aholibamah was the daughter of Anah, who was the son of Zibeon, who was the brother of Lotan and son of Seir the Horite.
Genesis 26:34 - called Basemath, but in

Genesis 36:2 - called Ada.
Gen 26:34, Gen 36:3

Gen 26:34 wife 2

Is this the same person as RIN 4626?
Gen 36:2

Gen 36:2 Wife 3
Gen 28:9

Child # unknown-daughter of Ishmael, sister of Nebajoth

See also Gen 36:3 Is this the same person?
Gen 28:9

Child # unknown-daughter of Ishmael, sister of Nebajoth

See also Gen 36:3 Is this the same person?
Gen 36:2

Gen 36:2 Wife 3
Gen 36:3

55 (Child # not known) Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth

Gen 36:3 wife 5?

Gen 36:3 See also Gen 26:34 Is this the same person stating a different father?
Gen 26:34, Gen 36:3

Gen 26:34 wife 2

Is this the same person as RIN 4626?
In Gen 26:34 Basemath is described as the daughter of Elon the Hittite; In
Gen 36:3 she is described as the daughter of Ishmael and sister of
Nebaioth. Here another wife, Adah, is described as a daughter of Elon the
Hittite.Note also that another of Esau's wives, Manalath, is described as a
sister of Nebaioth in Genesis 28:9.
In Gen 26:34 Basemath is described as the daughter of Elon the Hittite; In Gen 36:3 she is described as the daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth. Here another wife, Adah, is described as a daughter of Elon the Hittite.Note also that another of Esau's wives, Manalath, is described as a sister of Nebaioth in Genesis 28:9.
GEN 36-2
GEN 36-2
Gen 36:3

55 (Child # not known) Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth

Gen 36:3 wife 5?

Gen 36:3 See also Gen 26:34 Is this the same person stating a different father?

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    George Homs, "Stamboom Homs", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 27 september 2024), "Mahalath / מחלת "Basemath"".