Stamboom Homs » Ximena "Jimena de Oviedo" de Oviedo Reina de Valencia (± 1046-± 1115)

Persoonlijke gegevens Ximena "Jimena de Oviedo" de Oviedo Reina de Valencia 

Gezin van Ximena "Jimena de Oviedo" de Oviedo Reina de Valencia

Zij is getrouwd met Rodrigo 'el Cid' Díaz de Vivar.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 12 juli 1074 te Palencia, Palencia, Castille and Leon, SpainPalencia, Castille and Leon.


Notities over Ximena "Jimena de Oviedo" de Oviedo Reina de Valencia

Name Suffix: Dona



Niece or cousin of Alfonso VI (presumably of Castile).



Niece or cousin of Alfonso VI (presumably of Castile).
DESCENT" Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700, 7th ed., at 104 (1992). Line 113A-23.
SURN Bivar
GIVN Ximene De Dias
_UID B4AD84837BF52B4A8DD0BB2090384063F0BA
1 UID 4302AEAC6626984FB709E634DF700297D475
1 UID 12DBF87724EDB1408DC3BFB9CAC9B15EC8B0
DATE 21 May 2009
TIME 19:23:43
After Rodrigo's death, Jimena attempted to carry on El Cid's rule ove r Valencia.
{geni:occupation} Señora de Valencia entre 1093 y 1102., ruler of Valencia
{geni:about_me} Jimena Díazíaz

Jimena Díaz o Doña Jimena (antes de 1046 – hacia 1115) fue la esposa del Cid y señora de Valencia entre 1093 y 1102.

Según la genealogía propuesta por la profesora Margarita Torres Sevilla, basada en fuentes narrativas y documentales, fue hija del conde en Asturias don Diego Fernández, fallecido antes del 24 de julio de 1046,1 y de una dama de apellido Fernández, probablemente llamada Cristina. El conde Diego Fernández, hijo del conde Fernando Flaínez (de la Casa de Cea) y de Elvira Peláez, casó dos veces; en primeras nupcias con Cristina Fernández y en segundas con Elvira Ovéquiz.

Tal y como sugiere la Historia Roderici, doña Jimena fue nepta (sobrina) del emperador Alfonso VI de León (1040 - 1109). La autora, Margarita Torres, reconstruye el esquema genealógico de los Flaínez y la dinastía reinante, así como las hipótesis barajadas por Ramón Menéndez Pidal2 y por Manuel Carriedo Tejedo3 para esclarecer el parentesco entre doña Jimena y el monarca.

Por el lado paterno (los Flaínez), el rey Alfonso VI de León y doña Jimena, comparten como ancestros al conde Bermudo Núñez de Cea y su esposa Argilo. Partiendo de esta relación, doña Jimena sería prima tercera del emperador.

Según la hipótesis de Menéndez Pidal, la madre de Jimena Díaz, Cristina Fernández, sería hija del conde Fernando Gundemáriz y la infanta Jimena de León, hija del rey Alfonso V de León. En este caso, doña Jimena sería hija de una prima hermana del rey Alfonso, con lo que, siguiendo la costumbre mantenida hasta hoy en determinadas regiones españolas, recibiría el nombre de sobrina del monarca.

En la genealogía propuesta por Carriedo, el conde Fernando Gundemáriz, casó con Sancha Ordóñez, hija del infante Ordoño Ramírez «el Ciego» (hijo de Ramiro III de León) y de la infanta Cristina Bermúdez (hija de Bermudo II de León y la reina Velasquita). Según esta hipótesis, doña Jimena sería prima tercera de Alfonso VI de León, el mismo grado de parentesco que tendría por el lado paterno.

Asumiendo que la esposa de Fernando Gundemáriz fue Sancha Ordóñez (más verosímil al entrar por primera vez el nombre de Cristina por la infanta Cristina Bermúdez) el árbol genealógico sería el siguiente:


Jimena Díaz o Doña Jimena (hacia 1054 - 1115) fue la esposa del Cid, reina de Valencia entre 1093 y 1102.

Jimena Díaz era hija del conde de Asturias don Diego Rodriguez de las Asturias (hacia 1034), y de la condesa Doña Cristina Fernández.

Su madre era hija de Fernando Gundemárez (hacia 1002 - 1052) y Jimena Alfónsez (hacia 1010 - 1037), princesa de León, hija de Alfonso V de León (hacia 1004 - 1057) y de la princesa Urraca de Navarra, hija de García Sánchez II el Temblón (hacia 964 - 999), rey de Navarra, Conde de Aragón en 994. La maternidad de Jimena Alfónsez ha sido también atribuida a una relación extramatrimonial, con una mujer que pudiera haberse llamado Fronilda, siendo en este caso Urraca de Navarra madre de otra Jimena que no sería la abuela de Cristina.

Entre los varios hermanos que pareció tener figuran:

* Rodrigo Díaz de las Asturias, conde de Asturias.

* Fernando Díaz de las Asturias, conde de Asturias.

* Bernardo Díaz Meneses, quien confirma privilegios en 1119. Casó con N. Alonso, hija de Alonso Téllez, Señor de Montealegre, Mayordomo Mayor del Rey Alfonso VI de León.

* Pedro Díaz de Aller, Señor del Castillo y villa de Goyanza (luego Valencia de don Juan), se opuso a Alfonso VII, que le derrotó y confiscó sus bienes, y que más tarde se los reintegró. Casó con María Ordóñez.(Quiñones). Tuvo por hija a Gontrodo Petri, madre con Alfonso VII de Doña Urraca la Asturiana, Reina de Asturias.

La historia de la familia de Jimena es un misterio. Pudo también ser un misterio en la misma época en que vivió ella. Según la opinión de María Ema Escobar, en esta familia hay algo raro, porque los datos que conocemos no encajan entre sí, como si ya en su vida se hubiese querido tapar algo raro. Sus padres fueron Diego Fernández (como se ve por la documentación de la catedral de Oviedo), conde de Oviedo, y Cristina. Abuelo paterno: Rodrigo Alonso. Abuelos maternos: Fernando Gundemariz (hijo del conde de Oviedo, Gundemaro Pinióliz) y, según algunos, Jimena de León (que murió después de 1037 y era hija de Alfonso V de León, y Urraca de Navarra. Los padres de Fernando Gundemariz fueron Gundemaro Pinióliz (+1012) y Mumadona. Abuelos paternos: algunos mencionan a Pinolo Jiménez (969 a 1-II-1049/50, hijo de Jimeno Jiménez y Aragonta) y Alonsa Muñíz (+7-III-163/64, hija de Munio Rodríguez). María Ema Escobar sostiene que no consta en ningún sitio que Fernando Gundemariz estuviese casado con Jimena de León (hija del rey de León). Fernando estuvo casado con la gallega Mumadona Ordóñez, hija de Ordoño Ramírez (hijo de Ramiro III de León) y Cristina de León (hija de Vermudo II). Al parecer la confusión arranca de que Alfonso VI de León y Castilla llama a Jimena Díaz "suprina", algo así como sobrina o parienta, pero es probable que esto fuese porque ella probablemente descendía de la infanta Cristina], hija de Vermudo II y media-hermana de Alfonso V. También aclara María Emma Escobar que Gundemaro Pinióliz no fue hijo de Piniolo Jiménez. Eso fue un error que cometió Ramón Menéndez Pidal, pues Piniolo Jiménez es sobrino de Gundemaro Pinióliz: Gundemaro Pinioliz y su hermana Aragonta Pinióliz fueron hijos de Piniolo Gundemáriz. Aragonta Pinióliz casó con Jimeno Jiménez y fueron padres de Piniolo Jiménez.


Doña Jimena Díaz (c.1054–c.1115) was the wife of El Cid from 1074 and her husband's successor as ruler of Valencia from 1099 to 1102.


Marriage and family life

El Cid was married in July 1075 to Alfonso's kinswoman Jimena of Oviedo The Historia Roderici calls her daughter of a Count Diego of Oviedo, a person unknown to contemporary records, while later poetic sources name her father as an otherwise unknown Count Gomez de Gormaz. The marriage was probably on Alfonso's suggestion[citation needed], a move that he probably hoped would improve relations between him and El Cid; although we are told[who?] that when the Cid laid eyes on her he was enamored by her beauty. Together El Cid and Jimena had three children. Their daughters Cristina and María both married high nobility; Cristina to Ramiro, Lord of Monzón, grandson of García Sánchez III of Navarre via an illegitimate son; María, first (it is said) to a prince of Aragon (presumably the son of Peter I) and second to Ramón Berenguer III, count of Barcelona. El Cid's son Diego Rodríguez was killed while fighting against the invading Muslim Almoravids from North Africa at the Battle of Consuegra (1097).

His own marriage and that of his daughters increased his status by connecting El Cid to royalty; even today, living monarchs descend from El Cid, through the lines of Navarre and Foix. El Cid is an ancestor to the monarchies of France and Britain, as well as every other monarchy in Europe, through his daughter Cristina's son, king García Ramírez of Navarre, as well as most of their nobility and even many of the people, which once considered him one of their own.


Doña Jimena Díaz (also spelt Ximena) (c.1054–c.1115) was the wife of El Cid from 1074 and her husband's successor as ruler of Valencia from 1099 to 1102.


El Cid was married in July 1074 to Alfonso's kinswoman Jimena of Oviedo (spelled Ximena in Old Spanish). The Historia Roderici calls her daughter of a Count Diego of Oviedo, a person unknown to contemporary records, while in "Cantar de Mío Cid" it directly points out that El Cid's enemy, Count García Ordóñez, was the father of doña Jimena. The marriage was probably on Alfonso's suggestion, a move that he probably hoped would improve relations between him and El Cid; although when the Cid laid eyes on her he was enamored by her beauty. Together El Cid and Jimena had three children. Their daughters Cristina and María both married high nobility; Cristina to Ramiro, Lord of Monzón, son of Sancho Garces, and bastard grandson of García V of Navarre; María, first (it is said) to a prince of Aragon and second to Ramón Berenguer III, count of Barcelona. El Cid's son Diego Rodríguez was killed while fighting against the invading Muslim Almoravids from North Africa at the Battle of Consuegra (1097).

Jimena Diaz

Jimena Diaz Jimena or Doña (for 1054 - 1115) was the wife of the Cid, Queen of Valencia between 1093 and 1102.

Jimena Diaz was the daughter of the Count of Asturias Don Diego Rodriguez of Asturias (to 1034) and Countess Doña Cristina Fernández.

His mother was the daughter of Fernando Gundemárez (circa 1002 - 1052) and Jimena Alfónsez (circa 1010 - 1037), Princess of Leon, daughter of Alfonso V of Leon (c. 1004 - 1057) and Princess Urraca of Navarre, daughter of García Sanchez Temblón II (circa 964 - 999), king of Navarre, Conde de Aragón at 994. Maternity Alfónsez Jimena has also been attributed to an extramarital relationship with a woman who might have been called Fronilda being here Urraca de Navarra Jimena another mother who would not be the grandmother of Cristina.

Among the many brothers who have appeared include:

Rodrigo Diaz from Asturias, Count of Asturias.

Fernando Diaz from Asturias, Count of Asturias.

Bernardo Díaz Meneses, who confirmed privileges in 1119. Married N. Alonso, daughter of Alonso Tellez, Lord of Montealegre, Mayordomo Mayor of King Alfonso VI of Leon.

Pedro Diaz de Aller, Lord of the castle and town of Goyanza (Valencia then Don Juan), opposed to Alfonso VII, who defeated them and seized their property, and later they returned. Married Mary Ordóñez. (Quinones). He had a daughter by Petri Gontrodo, mother of Alfonso VII of Doña Urraca the Asturiana, Queen of Asturias.

Family history of Jimena is a mystery. Could also be a mystery at the same time that she lived. In the opinion of Maria Ema Escobar, in this family there is something strange, because the data that we know not fit together as if in his life had wanted to cover up something wrong. His parents were Diego Fernandez (as shown by documentation of the Cathedral of Oviedo), Count of Oviedo, and Cristina. Paternal grandfather: Rodrigo Alonso. Maternal grandparents: Gundemariz Fernando (son of the Count of Oviedo, Gundemaro Pinióliz) and, for some, Jimena de Leon (who died after 1037 and was the daughter of Alfonso V of León and Urraca de Navarra. Gundemariz Fernando's parents were Gundemaro Pinióliz (+1012) and Mumadona. paternal grandparents: some mention Pinole Jimenez (969 to 1-II-1049/50, son of Jimeno Jiménez and Aragonta) and Alonso Muñíz (+7- III-163/64 daughter Munio Rodríguez). Ema Maria Escobar argues it is not anywhere that Gundemariz Fernando was married Jimena de Leon (daughter of the king of Leon). Fernando was married to the Galician Mumadona Ordóñez, daughter of Ordoño Ramírez (son of Ramiro de Leon III ) and Cristina de Leon (daughter of Vermudo II). It appears that the confusion stems from Alfonso VI of Castile and León Jimena Diaz called "suprina", something like a niece or relative, but it is likely that this was probably because she fell of the Infanta Cristina], daughter of Vermudo II and half-sister of Alfonso V. He also said that Maria Emma Escobar Gundemaro Pinióliz was not the son of Piniolo Jimenez. That was inconceivable that he committed an error Ramón Menéndez Pidal, because Piniolo Jimenez is nephew Gundemaro Pinióliz: Gundemaro Pinioliz and his sister Aragonta Pinióliz were sons of Piniolo Gundemáriz. Aragonta Pinióliz married Jimenez Jimeno and were parents of Piniolo Jimenez. [citation needed]

[Edit] Marriage and children

Married in July 1074 with Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar "El Cid", a policy of rapprochement between the nobles of Alfonso VI. With El Cid, Jimena had three children:

Cristina (circa 1075 -?) Married remarried with Ramiro Sánchez, lord of Monzón (circa 1057 to 1116). Donna Elvira in the Song of Mio Cid

Diego (circa 1076 - 1097) died with 19 years in the battle of Consuegra

Mary (circa 1077 - 1105) married remarried with Ramón Berenguer III (1082 - 1131), Count of Barcelona. Doña Sol in the Song of Mio Cid.

[Edit] Lady of Valencia

On the death of the Cid in 1099 maintained the siege of Valencia to attack Muslims, but Valencia could not keep safe. In 1102 the city was occupied and Jimena and people were escorted by the army of the King of Castile and Leon Alfonso VI, his cousin. He retired to the monastery of San Pedro Cardeña, where he died towards 1115.

[Edit] Tomb

She was buried next to Cid at San Pedro Cardeña. In 1921 his remains were moved to the cathedral of Burgos, where they remain.


Doña Jimena Díaz (c.1054–c.1115) was the wife of El Cid from 1074 and her husband's successor as ruler of Valencia from 1099 to 1102.

Referencia: 1886

Modificación: 29 noviembre 2008 14:30:29
Jimena or Ximene was the daughter of the Count of Oviedo, andgranddaughter on the mother's side of Alphonse V. King of Oveido andLeon. The original deed of the marriage-contract is extant.

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