Richard and Charlotte Allen Cosby Ancestry » Edward Dorsey (± 1619-< 1659)

Persoonlijke gegevens Edward Dorsey 

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Gezin van Edward Dorsey

Hij is getrouwd met Anne.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1638 te Maryland, United States***Data is already there***.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1638 te Maryland, United States.


  1. Edward Dorsey  < 1645-1705 
  2. Joshua Dorsey  1654-1688
  3. John Dorsey  1659-1715

Notities over Edward Dorsey

Edward Dorsey was among the first settlers of Anne Arundel Co. in 1649, having come from Lower Norfolk Co.,VA with other Puritans and Independents. His name was published among those of his Portsmouth area neighbors who were later his Maryland neighbors is a list of citizens of Virginia who were not attending church services and were thus subject to arrest and imprisonment. He is known to have been in Virginia by 11 February, 1642 when a cattle transaction between him and "John Browne of Elizabeth River in the County of Lower Norff", was recorded at a court held in William Shipp's house on 3 November 1645. Three cattle were bought by Edward Dorsey and their identifying marks were described for the court in 1645. This from Anne Arundell Co., MD Website: his parentage, wife's last name, and birthplace not yet proven. Darcy, Edward 1619 at Yorkshire, ENGLAND 2 Aug 1659 at AA Co., MD Married: Anne Howard. Parents: Thomas Darcy & Elizabeth Conyors. Children: John Horace, Joshua, Edward, Ann, and Sarah. On 2 August 1659, Thomas Hinson petitioned the Anne Arundel County, MD court regarding Edward Dorsey's boate which he had salvaged, and stated these were the boats wherein Edward Dorsey and others had drowned. Hinson was granted one hundd pounds of Tob. payd for his paynes & care for those who possesse and enjoy the sd boate.

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Edward Dorsey

John Conyers,
Maud Clifford

Edward Dorsey
± 1619-< 1659



Edward Dorsey
< 1645-1705
Joshua Dorsey
John Dorsey

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Visualiseer een andere verwantschap


  1. Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Trees
  2. Early Immigrants to Virginia from the 1500s and 1600s, Kinard, June. comp.
    Residence date: Residence place: Virginia
  3. Millennium File, Heritage Consulting
    Birth date: 1615 Birth place: of, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA Death date: 1659 Death place: Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
  4. U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970,
  5. Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Edmund West, comp., Birth year: 1619; Birth city: of; Birth state: MD.
    Birth date: 1619 Birth place: of, Anne Arundel, MD Death date: 2 August 1659 Death place: Isle of Kent, Anne Arundel Co, MD
  6. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, Gale Research, Place: Maryland; Year: 1661; Page Number: .
    Arrival date: 1661 Arrival place: Maryland
  7. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, Gale Research, Place: Maryland; Year: 1625;1649; Page Number: .
    Arrival date: 1625;1649 Arrival place: Maryland
  8. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, Gale Research, Place: Virginia; Year: 1642; Page Number: .
    Arrival date: 1642 Arrival place: Virginia

Aanknopingspunten in andere publicaties

Deze persoon komt ook voor in de publicatie:

Over de familienaam Dorsey

  • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam Dorsey.
  • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over Dorsey.
  • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam Dorsey (onder)zoekt.

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Richard Cosby, "Richard and Charlotte Allen Cosby Ancestry", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 19 februari 2025), "Edward Dorsey (± 1619-< 1659)".