This is the main entree point to the ancestor tree that I created for Noelle van Ee. It focusses mainly on the immigration history of her ancestors, so I also added some not-so-direct ancestors to show that her direct ancestors didn't emigrate alone.
Noelle is an American colleague of mine which upon visiting our Dutch office told me that half of her grandparents were of Dutch descent. I'm a Dutch amateur, armchair genealogist, so I offered to research that Dutch ancestry. After two years, I got stuck and asked if I could research the other half of her ancestors as well. And hey presto, those were mainly of Dutch descent too!
The fan chart below shows, in bright colors, all the direct ancestors that were born in the Netherlands and moved to the US. This involved 15 families comprised of in total 38 direct ancestors taking the big leap across the ocean in search of a better life.
The best way to start exploring this tree is by reading the Immigration History of Noelle, a little story I wrote to hopefully bring her ancestry more to life. It shows how both the religious climate in the Netherlands, and several downturns in the economic circumstances, drove people to abandon their country and seek a life elsewhere.
Feel free to send me your comments and suggestions, especially if you think I've made a mistake somewhere!
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