Genealogy Ludwig » Christopher Weaver (1731-1788)

Persoonlijke gegevens Christopher Weaver 

Bronnen 1, 2

Gezin van Christopher Weaver

Hij is getrouwd met Anna Elizabeth Lintz.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 20 januari 1751 te Germantown Township, Philadelphia, Colony of Pennsylvania, British Colonial America, hij was toen 19 jaar oud.


  1. John Weaver  1749-1831
  2. Christopher H Weaver  1753-1835 
  3. Sally Weaver  ± 1754-1840
  4. Elizabeth Weaver  ± 1755-1840
  5. Henry Weaver  ± 1756-1800
  6. William Weaver  1759-????

Notities over Christopher Weaver


  • ID: I169
  • Name: Christopher Weaver (Sr.)
  • Surname: Weaver
  • Given Name: Christopher
  • Suffix: (Sr.)
  • Sex: M
  • Birth: ABT 1730 in , , Pennsylvania, Colony
  • Death: Apr 1788 in Sleepy Creek, Berkeley, Virginia, USA
  • Burial: Sleepy Creek, Berkeley, Virginia, USA
  • Reference Number: B_169
  • _UID: 6D95CFA37388574883D3D139454B5EA90588
  • Note:

    ABT 1730 near or in Philadelphia PA
    #215 (This gives his father's name as Casper von Weber - a
    supposition that has never been proven to the satisfaction
    of this compiler. There are several WEAVERs in the Martins-
    burg, West Virginia Cemeteries who may or may not have any
    connection with Christopher's line. They include 2 Casper
    WEAVERs in the Greenhill Cemetery. There is also a John J.
    WEAVER who died Dec. 13, 1855.)
    Possibly 20 JAN 1751 in the Germantown section of Philadel-
    phia to Anna Elisabeth LINTZIN - see page 601 - RECORD OF
    PHILADELPHIA COMMENCED ANNO 1745. The marriage record reads:
    "Weber, Christoph./Lintzin, Anna Elisabeth; m. January 20 in
    my room in Germantown. Witness. Matthias Lintz and many
    farmers." (The word "possibly" is used since thus far no
    evidence has been found to prove that this Christopher and
    our forefather were one and the same. We know that Chris-
    topher's wife was Elizabeth, but, again, is this the same
    Elizabeth?). There is also the possibility that Christopher
    had a second wife by the name of Elizabeth CHAPMAN.
    BEF 15 APR 1788, the date the will was proved "at a court
    held for Berkeley County".
    Sleepy Creek, Berkeley County VA. (Land Book 1782 - 1795
    Christopher WEAVER, page 13 - 147 acres - value 5/ 36 shill-
    ings 15 pence.)
    1810 Berkeley County VA concerning son, John.
    1787 Tax List concerning sons, Christopher, William and
    Henry (Baltzer Wollam, husband of Mary Magdalene WEAVER was
    held responsible for Henry's tax.)
    Photocopy of the original hand-written list of names and
    compensation at the Virginia State Library, Richmond VA
    which was listed by the library as follows: "Public Service
    Claims. Certificates. Berkeley County. Number 400.
    Certificate to Lazarus SWIM and others including Christopher
    WEAVER, for furnishing wheat, October 24, 1780." (Note. This
    and the Revolutionary War service of Christopher (jr) were
    used for the acceptance of the compiler in the Sons of the
    American Revolution.) This photocopy may be found in the
    compiler's Christopher WEAVER 64-7 file folder.
    The deed and the will below are the main source.
    Berkeley County, Martinsburg, West Virginia, Deed Book 5, pp
    THIS INDENTURE made this 16th day of February in the year of
    our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Nine BETWEEN
    William Chapman of the County of Berkeley and State of
    Virginia of the one part and Christopher Weber of the afore-
    said county and state of the other part. WITNESSETH that
    the said William Chapman for and in consideration of the sum
    of Five Pounds Sterling to him in hand paid by said Christo-
    pher Wever at or before the Sealing and Delivering of these
    presents DOTH bargain and sell unto said Christopher Weber
    all that tract of land situate lying and being on the East
    side of Sleppy Creek in the aforesaid county and state
    granted to the said William Chapman from under the hand of
    the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax bearing date the
    12th day of March A. D. 1777 and bounded as follows BEGIN-
    NING at a chestnut stake about two poles beyond the East
    bank of Sleepy Creek at the Butt of a tree said to be a
    cornered oak to William Paul's 218 acre Patent extending
    thence along a course of a line to the said Creek and the
    course continuing in the water down the Creek to a pole to
    the opposite bank of a great bank of the same and the course
    continuing 119 poles to the place where Paul's supposed
    fence should have been and the course further continuing 50
    poles to the two large Chestnut and chestnut oaks on a ridge
    on the No side of Sleepy Mountain thence S 46 E 42 poles to
    a double bodied while oak and a single white oak at the head
    of a small hollow in a line supposed to be of Matthias Swims
    159 acre patent thence along it S 69 W 80 poles to a white
    oak a black oak and pine on the high of a ridge in the line
    leaving said Patent and along the Light Hills of Creek N W
    78 poles to two black oaks and a white oak thence N 29 E 29
    poles to a pine thence N 43 Wt 50 poles to a white oak and
    black oak on the East bank of the said Creek and joining to
    the bank thereof N 30 E 82 poles N 47 W 80 poles N 85 E 96
    poles and crossing the Creek and the course continuing 4
    poles to the beginning containing 147 acres and all Houses,
    Orchards, Water Ways Water Courses Profits, Commodities,
    Hereditaments and appurtances whatsoever to the land hereby
    granted or any part thereof belonging or in anywise apper-
    taining and the reversion and reversions remainder and
    remainders rents issues and profits thereof TO HAVE AND TO
    HOLD the land and premises above mentioned and every part
    and parcel with the appurtances unto the said Christopher
    Weber his Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns from
    the Day next before the day of the Date of these presents
    for and during the full end and term of one whole year next
    ensuring and fully to be completed and ended yielding and
    paying therefore the rent of one Pepper Corn on Lady Day
    next if the same shall lawfully be demanded to the interest
    and purpose that by virtue of these presents and the statute
    for transferring uses into possession the said Christopher
    Weber may be in the actual possession of the premises and he
    therefore enabled to accept a grant and release of the
    Reversion of Inheritance thereof to him and his heirs. IN
    WITNESS whereof the said William Chapman hath hereunto set
    his hand and Seal the day and year first above written.

    Signed Sealed and Delivered William H
    Chapman (seal) Mark
    in the presence of
    John Skeling
    Robert Cockburn
    At a court held for Berkeley County the 16th day of February
    This Indenture was acknowledged by William Chapman party
    thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste.
    (the middle initial "H" is in doubt - probably "X" his mark)
    Examined William Drew Co Clk
    (Comment by Laurence A. Weaver, Jr. descendant of both Christopher Weaver and a William (Billy) Chapman. Nancy Chapman, daughter of Billy Chapman who married Henry Weaver, grandson of Christopher (sr), was born in New Jersey 16 Apr 1786. This would indicate the probability that this William Chapman and her father were not the same person since this land transaction was in 1779, before her birth.)

    I, Christine Bergen, 800 Winchester Ave., Martinsburg, W. Va
    do hereby certify that the above is a true, accurate and
    complete copy of the deed as shown in Deed Book 5, pages 159 
    and 160, Berkeley County Court, Martinsburg W. VA.
    Given under my hand and Seal this 23rd day of January 1964.
    /s/Christine Bergen
    My commission espires January 8, 1974.
    He left his estate to his wife, Elizabeth, his sons John
    (married Catherine Peckinpaugh), William (married Mary
    KIGER), and Henry (married Sarah unknown); his daughters
    Mary (married Baltzer WOLLAM), Dolly and Elizabeth (married
    Henry STURM). He left to his son Christopher Jr. (married
    Elizabeth RECTOR), the tract of land upon which he lived.
    The Will was recorded in Berkeley County Court on 15 April
    The Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron of Cameron in
    that part of Great Britain called Scotland Proprietor of
    The Northern Neck of Virginia:
    To all to whom this present writing shall come sends
    Know ye that for good for & in consideration of the Com-
    pensation to me paid & for the annual rent herein after
    reserved, I have given, granted & confirm unto William
    Chapman of Berkeley County apignee* of Geo.
    Chapman, a certain tract of waste & ungranted Land on each
    side of Sleepy Creek in the said County bounded as by a ( )
    thereof made by Richard Rigg. Beginning at a chestnut
    stake about 2 poles beyond the East bank of Sleepy Creek at
    the butt of a tree said to be a corner oak to Wm Paul's 218
    acres patent, extending thence along a course of a line of
    the same S 44oE 34 poles to the said Creek & the course
    continued in the waters down the creek 47 poles to the
    opposite bank of a great bend of the same & the course
    continued 119 poles to the place where Paul's supposed
    corner(?) pine should have been & the course further con-
    tinues 50 poles to 2 large chesnuts & a chesnut oak on a
    ridge on the north side of Sleepy Creek Mountain, then S
    46o E 42 poles to a double bodied white oak at the head of
    a small hollow in a line supposed to be Mathias Swyon's 159
    Acre patent, then along it S89o W 80 poles to a white oak,
    a black oak & a pine on the high end of a ridge in the line
    then leaving the said patent & along the high hills of the
    creek NoWt 78 poles to 2 black oaks & a white oak, then
    N29o E 29 poles to a Pine, then N 43o W 80 poles to 2 white
    oaks & a oak on the East side of the bank of the Creek,
    then along the several courses & meanders of the same down
    the creek joining the bank thereof N38o E 82 poles, N47o W
    80 poles, N85o E 96 poles & crossing the creek & the course
    continued four poles to the Beginning- containing 147 acres
    - Together with all Rights, Members & appurtenances thereto
    belonging. Royal mines Excepted, and a full third part
    of all Lead, copper, Tin, coals, Iron mine & Iron ore that
    shall be found therein. To have and to hold the said 147
    acres of Land, together with rights, profits & benefits to
    the same belonging or in any wise appertaining Except before
    Excepted to him the said Wm Chapman his heirs & apagne
    forever he(?) the said Wm Chapman his heirs & apigns
    therefore yielding & paying to me, my heirs or apigns, or to
    my certain attorney or attornies, agent or agents of my
    heirs or apigns Proprietors of the said Northern Neck,
    yearly & every year on the Feast Day of St. Michael the
    Archangel, the fee rent of one shilling sterling money
    for every 50 acres of land hereby granted & so proportion-
    ably for a greater or lesser quantity. Provided that if the
    said Wm Chapman his heirs and apigns1 shall not pay the said
    reserved annual rent as aforesaid, so that the same or any
    parts thereof shall be behind & unpaid by the space of 2
    whole years after the same shall become due. If legally
    demanded that then it shall & may be lawful for me, my heirs
    or apigns1 - Proprietors as aforesaid, may or their certain
    attorney or attornies agent or agents unto the above Granted
    premises to reenter & hold the same so as if this Grant had
    never passed."
    Given at my office in Frederick County under my hand & seal
    stated the 12 day of March 1777.
    *Notation: "Fairfax, Thomas, 6th Baron Fairfax of Cameron
    (1693-1781), Scottish peer and Virginia landowner, born in
    Kent, England, and educated at the University of Oxford. He
    inherited from his mother, the daughter of Baron Thomas
    Culpeper (1635-89), governor of Virginia, estates in Virgi-
    nia constituting one-fourth of the entire colony. In 1735,
    when the possibility arose that the grant would be revoked
    by the Crown, Fairfax visited America, had the lands sur-
    veyed, and defended his claims, in which he was confirmed in
    1745. He settled in Virginia in 1747 and built a home in
    the Shenandoah Valley on lands surveyed by George Washing-
    ton. During the American Revolution, Fairfax remained a
    firm Loyalist.
    Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corpo-
    ration. Copyright (c) 1993 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation.
    Definition: "apignee" of George Chapman probably is the same as this:
    4 appanage - encyclopedia article from 
    appanage - in France, primarily before the Revolution, the provision of lands within the royal domain, or in some cases of pensions, to the children of the royal family so that they might live in a style corresponding to their position in society. 
    In the name of God Amen I Christopher Weaver living on
    Sleepy Creek in Berkeley County and colony of Virginia
    Yeoman being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and
    memory thanks be to God calling into mind the mortality
    of my body do make this my last will and testimate in manner
    following I recommend my Soul into the Land of Almighty God
    that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be
    buried in a decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my
    Executor and as such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased
    God to help me in this life I give and devise and dispose of
    the Same in the following manner and form first I give and
    bequeath to Elizabeth Weaver my dearly beloved wife the
    third of my land during her life time and all my moveable
    Estate after all my Just debts and funeral be paid Also I
    give to my well beloved sons John Weaver and William Weaver
    and Henry Weaver and daughters Mary and Dolly and Elizabeth
    an equal part at my wife's Decease and if John Weaver is not
    satisfied to be paid five Shillings Sterling out of the
    Estate Also I give to my beloved son Christopher the tract
    of land which I now live on to him his heirs and aligns for
    ever Likewise constitute Elizabeth Weaver my wife and Chris-
    topher Weaver and William Rankin make and ordain any Sale
    Executors of this my last will and testament I do hereby
    utterly disallow and make all former testament Wills Lega-
    cies and Executors Ratifying and confirming this and no
    other to be my last Will and testament and in witness wher-
    eof I have hereto set my hand seal this twenty eight day of
    March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and
    eighty three. Signed sealed and declared as my last will
    and testament
    Christopher Weaver (LS)
    in presence of
    William Rankin
    Mathias Swain & William Hixson(?)
    At a court held for Berkeley County the 15th day of April 1788
    this last will and testament of Christopher Weaver deceased
    was proved by the oaths of William Rankin and William Hixon
    two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
    Examine Testr.
    M.V. Hunter ClCt
    (The above will was hand copied from the original hand-written
    will at the County Court House, Martinsburg, West Virginia,
    by the compiler - law jr. Because of the age of the paper,
    it could not be removed from the book to be photocopied.)
    1745 - The marriage record reads: "Weber, Christoph./ Lintzin, Anna
    Elisabeth; m. in my room in Germantown. Witness. Matthias Lintz and
    many farmers."
    !COMMENT: While the above is not proof of relationships, it is a
    indication that Matthias was the father of the bride. It is also an
    indication that this marriage was that of Christopher WEAVER and his
    wife Elizabeth. Since we know from his Revolutionary War pension
    application, their son, William, was born in the same county as Phil-
    adelphia about 5 miles out; Germantown approximates that description.
    Chronologically the date of marriage seems correct. Photocopy of this
    marriage record may be found in this compiler's file folder #19 -
    One source states "m. in my room in Germantown" while another says "at
    St. Michael's and Zion Church in Philadelphia, PA."
    The deed of purchase of Sleepy Creek land gives date of 16
    Feb 1779. The Berkeley County Land Book is marked 1782
    In the Berkeley County Office of the Surveyor of Lands is a
    document for Parcel 708, Index Map 98.41, 147 acres sum-
    marized as follows:
    24 Jan 1769 warrent Chapman, William
    1 Sep 1770 survey Chapman, George (bro of Wm)
    12 Mar 1777 grant Chapman, William & Mary
    16 Feb 1779 L & R Weber, Christopher & Elizabeth
    28 Mar 1783 Will Weaver, Christopher (Jr) & Mary (son)
    27 Sep 1794 B & S Weaver, John (Rebecca Cartmell)
    This brings forth problems - Mary, wife of William Chapman?
    - John's wife was Catherine Peckinpaugh (proven), so why was
    Rebecca Cartmell mentioned where wive's name were on the
    !MISC. DATA: The coordinates for Sleepy Creek given by the gov-
    ernment in 1995 is Morgan County, West Virginia - 39 40 01 N
    078 04 58 W (probably refers to where it joins the Potomac

  • Change Date: 7 Feb 2002 at 15:46:03


    Marriage 1 Anna Elizabeth Lintz b: ABT 1730 in

    • Married: 20 Jan 1751 in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Colony
    • Note:

      Record of the Marriages in the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Philadelphia Commenced Anno 
      1745 - "Anno 1751 
      Weber. Christoph.
      Lintzin, Anna Elisabeth; m. January 20 in my room in Germantown.
      Witness, Matthias Lintz and many farmers."


    1. Has Children Mary Magdalene Weaver b: 31 Jan 1752 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co, Pennsylvania, Colony
    2. Has Children Christopher Weaver (Jr.) b: ABT 1753 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co, Pennsylvania, Colony
    3. Has No Children Dolly Weaver b: ABT 1754 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co, Pennsylvania, Colony
    4. Has Children Elizabeth Weaver b: ABT 1755 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co, Pennsylvania, Colony
    5. Has Children Henry Weaver b: ABT 1756 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co, Pennsylvania, Colony
    6. Has Children William Weaver b: 24 Dec 1759 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co, Pennsylvania, Colony

    Marriage 2 Spouse Unknown

    • Married: BEF 1749 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Colony


    1. Has Children John Weaver b: 1749 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Colony


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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Christopher Weaver

Caspar Weaver

Christopher Weaver

John Weaver
Sally Weaver
± 1754-1840
Elizabeth Weaver
± 1755-1840
Henry Weaver
± 1756-1800

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  1. Family Search Org., via
  2. Find A Grave, via
    Birth: Dec. 25, 1731 Lancaster Lancaster County Pennsylvania, USA Death: Apr. 15, 1788 Sleepy Creek Morgan County West Virginia, USA Not found in Bethel Cemetery, Sleepy Creek, WV. Family links: Spouse: Anna Elisabeth Lintz Weaver (1730 - 1794) Children: John Weaver (1749 - 1831)* Maria Magdalena Weaver Wollam (1752 - 1842)* William Weaver (1759 - 1836)* Elizabeth Weaver Sturm (1765 - 1840)* *Calculated relationship Burial: Unknown Created by: Greg Volk Record added: Sep 07, 2013 Find A Grave Memorial# 116678759

Historische gebeurtenissen

  • De temperatuur op 25 december 1731 lag rond de 7,0 °C. De wind kwam overheersend uit het noord-westen. Typering van het weer: regen stofregen. Bron: KNMI
  • Van 1702 tot 1747 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • In het jaar 1731: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 3 februari » Het Koninklijk paleis in Brussel wordt totaal door brand verwoest.
    • 31 oktober » Ondertekening van een berucht emigratiebevel waardoor ongeveer 20.000 protestantse inwoners het land Salzburg moesten verlaten.
  • De temperatuur op 15 april 1788 lag rond de 7,0 °C. De wind kwam overheersend uit het noord-westen. Typering van het weer: zeer betrokken. Bron: KNMI
  • Erfstadhouder Prins Willem V (Willem Batavus) (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was van 1751 tot 1795 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden genoemd)
  • In het jaar 1788: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 2 januari » Georgia ondertekent als vierde staat de grondwet van de Verenigde Staten.
    • 9 januari » Connecticut ratificeert de Grondwet van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika en treedt toe tot de Unie als 5e staat.
    • 6 februari » Massachusetts ratificeert de grondwet van de Verenigde Staten en treedt toe tot de Unie als zesde staat.
    • 23 mei » South Carolina wordt de achtste staat van de Verenigde Staten.
    • 1 juni » Kapitein William Bligh licht het anker in de Valsbaai en zet koers naar de Oost met zijn schip de HMAV Bounty.
    • 23 november » Begin van de strengste winter sinds in 1706 in Nederland met metingen werd begonnen.

Dezelfde geboorte/sterftedag

Bron: Wikipedia

Bron: Wikipedia

Over de familienaam Weaver

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Richard Oliver Ludwig, "Genealogy Ludwig", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 27 september 2024), "Christopher Weaver (1731-1788)".