Genealogy Kittrell

Foto van Wm. Samuel McAliley II aided by foundation built by Henny Carlisle in 2003
De publicatie Genealogy Kittrell is opgesteld door (neem contact op) en bestaat uit 27.781 personen. Vanwege privacy zijn 25.429 personen niet zichtbaar gemaakt. Meer statistische informatie over de publicatie (zoals aantallen en spreiding van genealogische gebeurtenissen) is te vinden op de statistieken pagina. Een lijst met gebruikte bronnen is te vinden op de bronnen pagina. Deze publicatie is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op woensdag 1 januari 2020.

Henny Carlisle, is now being murdered by an elder cleanser and accomplices with the FBI Greenville Field office refusing to investigate strong evidence that Henny was taken hostage in plain site at her local hospital, UNC Wayne Memorial Hospital.  Henny may still be living but no one but this author is actively striving to get her rescued.  FBI Washington, DC is negligent as it provides no way to correct bad or failed FBI local agents.

This is being posted as a last resort hoping that Kittrells will respond and demand of their congress members that this founding Kittrell tree preparer, Henny Carlisle be rescued ASAP.  It is shocking that so many have failed to comply with their sworn oath to obey the U.S. Constitution, including Judge Annette Turik who rejected 18 U.S.C. Section 4 Notification of 22 felonies, including the harm to Henny Carlisle the sole witness allowed my defense in my eviction at the subordinate court to this court, as myself as defendant was criminally prevented by the presiding magistrate, Aldonna Jones, from testifying in my own defense, and being the only one with first hand knowledge there was no contradiction to the false claims of the landlord's agent; and the federal felonious assault by Judge Turik's then bailiff, a Wayne County Sheriff's Dept deputy sergeant, from behind without words or any warning with a hard blow to the lower spine and then a false arrest, which resulted in a failure to allow a timely emergency first phone call and a day later a refusal to allow defendant a first appearance but an ejection of me, the felonious assault and false arrest victim, out of the jail well after all first appearances were completed at around noon plus or minus a half hour, without explanation.

Save Henny Carlisle from murder.  FBI contact me at and work with me to find out how outrageous the conduct of the three FBI males who may or may not be special agents.

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