Généalogie Wylie » Edmund Hawes (????-1693)

Données personnelles Edmund Hawes 

  • Il est décédé le 6 juin 1693 dans Yarmouth, Massachusetts.
  • Cette information a été mise à jour pour la dernière fois le 6 janvier 2003.

Famille de Edmund Hawes


  1. John Hawes  < 1640-1701 

Notes par Edmund Hawes

Will Of
Edmond Hawes
Yarmouth, Mass

In ye Name of God. Amen this 5th day of May 1692: I Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth in ye County of Barnestable in New England being aged and under much bodily decay and weakness but of sound memory and disposing mind, praise be given to God for ye same, knowing ye uncertainety of this Life on earth and being desireous to settle things in order: do make this my Last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) first I committ my soul to god Almighty hopefully believing that I shall Receive full pardon and free Remission of all my sins and be saved by ye pretious death and merrits of my Beloved Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ; and my Body to ye earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as to my executor hereafter named shall be thought meet and convenient and as tuching such worldly estate as ye Lord hath been pleased hetherto: to Lend me my will and meaning ye same shall be Imployed and bestowed as hereafter by this my will is expressed; and first I do revoke Renounce and make void all wills by me formerly made and declared and appoint this my Last will and Testament.
2ly I do give and bequeath to my Grandson Joseph Hawes six acres of of my Land (to be laid forth to him at marriage or full age which shall first happen) so as it may Liy next to Capt. Thachers or John Hallets Land and Abut up on ye highway and also ye one halfe of my Island of Sedg or crick thatch Land which Lyies in ye Lone tree crick the which sd Island being divided in too equal devitions my son John Hawes to have his choice first: And also I do give to ye sd Joseph priviledg to driy thatch upon that meadow at Lone tree; And also I do give to ye sd Joseph one acre of my meadow where his father shall see cause to lay it forth to him; all which sd six acres of Land and half of sd Island priviledg of drying thatch and one acre of meadow I do give to him ye sd Joseph Hawes his heirs and assignes forever.

3ly I do give and bequeath unto my Naturalo son John Hawes all my uplands & meadows and broken marshes or creek thatch Land wheresoever within ye Township of Yarmouth or else where to have and to hold to him his heirs and assignes for ever.

4ly I do give and bequeath to my Loving Daughter Desire Hawes ye wife of my sd son John Hawes one cow and calf and my great Brass kettle and my Brass morter and pestle with all my houshold stuff; only my Bed with all thereto belonging I do give to my grand Daughter Desire Hawes and one ewe sheep.

5ly I do give to my Grand Daughter Elizabeth Dogged one cow.

6ly. I do give to my Grand Daughter Mary Bacon on cow.

7ly. I do give to my Grand son Jabez Hawes one cow and to my Grand son John Hawes I do give and bequeath one two year old and one young horse if his Brother Edmond dont comagaine; but if Edmond his Brother do come againe I do give sd young horse to him and to my Grand son Ebenezer Hawes I do give one yearling; and to my two grand children Isaac and Benjamin I do give to each of them one calf; and to my Grandchild Experience I do give one sheep; and ye Rest of my sheep my will is that my executor do devide them to my great grand children in such proportions as he shall think fitt; And I do give and bequeath to John Hathaway of Yarmouth thirty shillings wich he oweth to me by a bill I have of his hand.

And lastly I do make ordaine costitute and appointe my well Beloved son John Hawes to be sole executor to this my Last will and Testament: In Witness whereof I ye sd Edmond Hawes have hereunto sett my hand and seal ye day and year first above written.


Signed sealed and declared
in presence of: JOHN THACHER

John Thacher and Lydia Thacher whose Names are sett as witnesses to this will made oath that they did see the above sd Edmond Hawes deceased signe and seal and heard him declare this to be his Last will and Testament before Barnabas Lothrop Esqr. Judg of ye probate of Wills and granting Administration July ye 20th 1693.

Attest: JOSEPH LOTHROP Register.

Be it knowne that I the sd Edmond Hawes on the other side mentioned upon my further consideration do order and declare and my will is that ye within on ye other side mentioned six acres of Land given and bequeathed unto my Grand son Joseph Hawes there mentioned to Ly next adjoyning to John Hallets on ye west side of my Land or next to John Thacher on ye east side be Determined and settled on which side his ffather pleaseth; and further my will is that in case his father my son John Hawes in Leue of this sd six acres of Land do give him ye sd Joseph six acres of Land in som other place to ye sd Jossephs Liking that then this sd six acres in my will given to Joseph shall be my son Johns and his heirs forever as ye Rest of my Land is; by my will on ye other side is given.

In witness to this codicil I ye sd Edmond Hawes being yet of disposing mind Blessed be God have set to my hand and seal ye 31: day of March 1693.


This above written was signed sealed
and declared before us


An Inventory of ye Lands Chattels goods credits and debts of Mr. Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth in ye County of Barnestable deceased taken and apprized this first day of August 1693 by us whose Names are under writen

To house Lands and meadowss att 100
To five cowes 8
one 3 year old heifer one 2 year old heifer 2
two yearlings and one Bull and 2 calves 2
five sheep and one Lamb
one young horse
To bed bolster Blankets sheets and coverlids and bedstead
To wearing apparil wollin and Linnin and money
To a Bible and other books
To fire slice and Tonges 2 chaires and one chest all att
To a Brass kittle morter and pestle and 3 pewter dishes
To an Iron Trammil 3 Iron wedges Augurs and old chests
To old share and Coulter chaine and other small things

Debts due from ye estate upon ye Ballance of Accounts to his son John Hawes for diat and tendance Debts due to ye estate from several persons 02-02.

Ensigne John Hawes made oath to ye truth of this Inventory before Barnabas Lothrop Esq. Judg of ye probate of Wills and granting Administration August ye 2d, 1693.

Attest: JOSEPH LOTHROP, Register.

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Ancêtres (et descendants) de Edmund Hawes

Edmund Hawes


John Hawes
< 1640-1701

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Événements historiques

  • En l'an 1693: Source: Wikipedia
    • 11 janvier » le séisme au Val di Noto détruit une partie de la Sicile et de l'île de Malte.
    • 29 juillet » victoire du maréchal de Luxembourg sur Guillaume III d'Orange-Nassau à la Bataille de Neerwinden pendant la guerre de la Ligue d'Augsbourg.
    • 4 août » date probable de découverte du procédé de fabrication du champagne par Dom Pérignon.
    • 4 octobre » victoire française à la bataille de La Marsaille pendant la guerre de la Ligue d’Augsbourg.

Même jour de naissance/décès

Source: Wikipedia

Sur le nom de famille Hawes

  • Afficher les informations que Genealogie Online a concernant le patronyme Hawes.
  • Afficher des informations sur Hawes sur le site Archives Ouvertes.
  • Trouvez dans le registre Wie (onder)zoekt wie? qui recherche le nom de famille Hawes.

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Kin Mapper, "Généalogie Wylie", base de données, Généalogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/genealogie-wylie/I93989.php : consultée 27 septembre 2024), "Edmund Hawes (????-1693)".