Family Tree of Thomas James Johnson III

Photo de Thomas James Johnson III Vincek
La publication Family Tree of Thomas James Johnson III a été préparée par (contacter l'auteur) et se compose de personnes 250. On peut trouver plus d'informations sur la publication (comme nombre et étalement d'événements généalogiques) à la page sous statistiques. Vous trouverez la liste des sources utilisés à la page sources. Cette publication a été mise à jour le mardi, mars 12, 2024.

Confirmed Maternal Mitochondrial Haplogroup: J1c5a

Confirmed Paternal Y-Chromosome Haplogroup: J-FT262754


You can't survive without mitochondria, we humans are more complicated than cells growing in culture, and we cannot live without mtDNA. Our cells, living in our multicellular body with high energy demands and tightly regulated cell processes, need perfectly functioning mitochondria.


Abraham the patriarch of the Ishmaelites and the Israelites was born in Ur of the Chaldeans (Ur Kasdim), Mesopotamia.

J-L859 is the genetic signature of the Hashemites, a clan to which the Prophet Muhammed belonged. The current King of Jordan Abdullah II is a Hashemite descendant and one of the better-known living descendants of the Prophet Muhammed.


J-Z18271 is the genetic signature for the Jewish Priesthood Kohanim Lineage. Members of the Jewish priesthood, an ancient priestly class that can trace their heritage to Aaron. The Jewish priesthood began when Moses anointed his older brother Aaron the first high priest.

J-L1253 is the genetic signature of the Border Reiver Grahams AKA Grahams of Netherby & Grahams of Brackenhill & Grahams of Esk

Border Reivers ~ Grahams of Netherby & Grahams of Brackenhill & Grahams of Esk

Border reivers were raiders along the Anglo-Scottish border from the late 13th century to the beginning of the 17th century. They included both Scottish and English people, and they raided the entire border country without regard to their victims' nationality.

Graham baronets, of Netherby (1783)

Sir James Graham, 1st Baronet (1761–1824)
Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet (1792–1861)
Sir Frederick Ulric Graham, 3rd Baronet (1820–1888)
Sir Richard James Graham, 4th Baronet (1859–1932)
Sir (Frederick) Fergus Graham, 5th Baronet (1893–1978)
Sir Charles Spencer Richard Graham, 6th Baronet (1919–1997)
Sir James Fergus Surtees Graham, 7th Baronet (born 1946)


An/Anu/Anum - Mesopotamian Supreme god, father of the Anunnaki and a member of the triad of deities completed by Enlil and Ea (Enki). He is father not only of all the gods but also of evil spirits and demons. Anu is also the god of kings and of the yearly calendar.

To the Greeks he is known as Zeus. To the Elamite he is known as Jabru. To the Hurrian he is known as Hamurnu. To the Egyptians he is known as Atum.


#PaternalFamilyTreeoftheProphets, #TheJewishPriesthood, #KohanimLineage, #Abraham, #Ishmael, #Aaron, #Muhammad, #Quraysh, #BanuHashim, #Prophets, #PaternalHaplogroupJ, #DNAdontLieItVerifies, #TwelveTribesFromIshmael, #TwelveTribesFromJacob, #GeneticSignature, #KingAbdullah, #KingofJordan, #MaternalHaplogroupJ, #TheOmniverseAcademy, #Jarrahids, #HouseOfSaud, #KatzenellenbogenRabbinicLineage, #Neanderthals, #Denisovans, #DNA, #ThelineageoftheProphets, #FamilyTreeDNA, #BorderReivers, #GrahamsofNetherby, #Mesopotamia, #MesopotamiaSupremeGod

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