Family Tree Welborn » Mathilde von Hammerstein gravin van Zutphen (± 995-± 1064)

Persoonlijke gegevens Mathilde von Hammerstein gravin van Zutphen 

Gezin van Mathilde von Hammerstein gravin van Zutphen

Zij is getrouwd met Liudolf of Zutphen.

Zij zijn getrouwd


  1. Adelheid von Lothringen Zutphen  ± 1015-± 1059 

  • Het echtpaar heeft gemeenschappelijke voorouders.

  • Notities over Mathilde von Hammerstein gravin van Zutphen

    Matilda of Zutphen is your 27th great grandmother.
    ¬â€ ¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry Marvin Welborn
    your father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry Marvin Welborn, Sr.
    his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Francis "Fannie" Pernerviane Welborn
    his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Primma M. Davis
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sarah Autra Pridgen
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Major John Pitchlynn, Sr.
    her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Jemima Sally Pitchlynn
    his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Marie Hickman
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Janneke aka Jane Hornbeck
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sarah Kortright
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Jannetje Aldertse Roosa
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Capt. Aeldert Hymansz Roosa
    her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Heijmen Guijsbert Roosa
    his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Gijsbert Goertzen Roosa
    his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Jutta van Heukelom, gezegd van Rosendael
    his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Otto Ottensz van Heukelom
    her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Otto van Heukelom
    his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Otto Ottensz van Heukelom
    his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Otto II van Heukelom, heer van Asperen en Hagestein
    his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Agatha Gijsbertsdr van der Lecke
    his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Judith Jutte van Cuijk
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Jutta von Nassau-Ginnich van Cuijk, Gravin
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Mechtilde van Geldren von Nassau von Geldren, Gravin von Nassau, Countess of Gelre and Zutphen
    her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Otto I, count of Guelders
    her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Hendrik I, count of Guelders
    his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Ermengarde of Zutphen
    his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Otto II de Rijke van Zutphen
    her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Adelheid van Zutphen
    his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Matilda of Zutphen
    her mother

    Mathilde von Hammerstein, gravin van Zutphen is your 28th great grandmother.
    ¬â€  ·Üí Geneva Allene Welborn
    your mother ·Üí Henry Loyd Smith, Sr.
    her father ·Üí Edith Lucinda Smith
    his mother ·Üí William M LEE, Will
    her father ·Üí Britton Lee
    his father ·Üí William Samuel Lee
    his father ·Üí Lemuel Samuel Lee
    his father ·Üí Edward Lee, Sr.
    his father ·Üí Mary Lee
    his mother ·Üí William Bryan, I
    her father ·Üí John Smith Bryan
    his father ·Üí William Bryan
    his father ·Üí Sir Francis Bryan, II, Justicar of Ireland
    his father ·Üí Sir Francis Bryan I "The Vicar of Hell", Lord Chief Justice of Ireland
    his father ·Üí Margaret Bryan, Lady Bryan
    his mother ·Üí Humphrey Bourchier, Sir
    her father ·Üí John Bourchier, 1st Baron Berners
    his father ·Üí Anne of Gloucester, Countess of Stafford
    his mother ·Üí Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester
    her father ·Üí Philippa of Hainault, Queen consort of England
    his mother ·Üí William III, count of Holland
    her father ·Üí Phillipa, countess of Luxembourg
    his mother ·Üí Henry de Luxembourg, V
    her father ·Üí Ermesinde de Namur, countess of Luxembourg
    his mother ·Üí Agnes of Guelders
    her mother ·Üí Hendrik I, count of Guelders
    her father ·Üí Ermengarde of Zutphen
    his mother ᆒ Otto II, graaf van Zütphen
    her father ·Üí Adelheid von Lothringen Zutphen
    his mother ·Üí Mathilde von Hammerstein, gravin van Zutphen
    her mother

    Mathilde von Hammerstein
    circa 995
    circa 1064 (61-77)
    Immediate Family:
    Daughter of Otto von Hammerstein, graaf van Zütphen and Irmgard, comtesse de Verdun
    Wife of Liudolf, Count of Zutphen
    Mother of Mathilde von Lothringen; Adelheid von Lothringen Zutphen; Heinrich von Lothringen; Konrad I von Lothringen, Herzog von Bayern and Irmintrud van Zutphen or gravin van Aspel en Rees
    Sister of Irmentrud - Irmitrud von Hammerstein and Udo von Zutphen

    The identity of the Graaf van Zutphen, recorded as father of the [two] children shown below, has not been ascertained.¬â€  From a chronological point of view only, it appears more likely that he was Graaf Otto who is named above rather than Graaf Gottschalk who is named in Part B. below.¬â€  Vanderkindere suggests that Ermengarde who is named below was the same person as Ermengarde/Ermentrude, wife of Gozelon Comte de Montaigu (see the document LOWER LOTHARINGIA NOBILITY)[1253].¬â€  This co-identity appears unlikely to be correct as the properties which she donated in the [1179/89] charter quoted below are located in the Lower Rhine area, while the identifiable witnesses to that document are all members of the Lower Rhine nobility.¬â€ 
    1.¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ --- (-bur Rees). ¬â€ Graaf van Zutphen.¬â€  m ---.¬â€  [Two children]:¬â€ 
    a)¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ERMENGARDE¬â€ (-21 Feb [1076], bur [Rees]).¬â€  A manuscript transcribed in the mid-19th century records that ·ÄúIrnigardis...filia comitis Zutphani√¶, cognata sanct√¶ Irmtrudis, qu√¶ quiescit in ecclesia Ressensi·Äù reconstructed at her expense in 1040 the church of Rees which had been destroyed by lightning[1254], which appears to refer to Ermengarde who is named below.¬â€  [Heinrich III King of Germany granted "in villis Harive, Vals, Apine, pago Livgowe et in comitatu Dietbaldi comitis" to "Irmingard√¶...nepti nostr√¶", at the request of ·Äúducum Gozelonis filiique sui Gotefredi·Äù, by charter dated 15 Feb 1041[1255].¬â€  Kupper, indicating that this charter originated in the archives of Rees, suggests that the grantee was this Ermengarde[1256].¬â€  If that is correct, her precise family relationship with Heinrich III has not been ascertained.]¬â€ ¬â€ [Archbishop Poppo of Trier confirmed the donation by "comitem Kadelonem et eius contectalem Irmingart" of hereditary property "de chorte Pr√ºmizvelt" by undated charter, dated to [1040/44], subscribed by "Duci Godefrido, Adalberto de Musel, comes Becelinus·Ä¶"[1257].¬â€  Vanderkindere suggests the possibility that this document refers to Ermentrude/Ermengarde, wife of Gozelon Comte de Montaigu (see the document LOWER LOTHARINGIA NOBILITY)[1258].¬â€  It is more probable that the document relates to Chadalhoh Graf im Isengau[1259].¬â€  Although the property donated was outside Chadalhoh·Äôs usual area of activity in Bavaria, the reference to the same property in the 3 Aug 1101 charter (quoted below under Ermengarde·Äôs possible sister Mathilde) suggests that this identification may be correct.]¬â€  Anno Archbishop of K√∂ln confirmed that "domna Irminthrudis comitissa" had donated " Ressa" to the archbishopric by charter dated to [1056/75][1260].¬â€  A charter dated to [1074/87] records various donations to Admont including the donation made by "Irmgart comitissa vidua Chadilhohi comitis"[1261].¬â€  Two charters indicate a close connection between Ermengarde and Bruno von Heimbach. ¬â€ Hildolf Archbishop of Köln confirmed various donations, including "Strala·Äù [Stralen near Geldern] which after the death of ·ÄúBrunonis·Äù had defaulted to ·Äúdomne Ermendrude", and ·Äúhereditariam partem...Flattena, Pirna et vinee in Winitre, Venheim·Äù which she held ·Äúcum Brunone·Äù, to the abbey of Siegburg by charter dated 1076[1262].¬â€  Siegwin Archbishop of Köln noted a donation of property ·Äúin Resa, in Embrico, in Wezevelde...Winetre...·Äù (the last-named for anniversaries after her death) by "Irmengarda comitissa" for the souls of ·Äúsuis parentumque suorum in Resa quiescentium peccatis redimendis·Äù, by charter dated [1079/89], witnessed by ·ÄúRuotger advocatus...Adelbrat comes, Adolph de Monte, Gerhart de Gulecho, de Saphenberch Adelbrecht, Hesse comes...·Äù[1263].¬â€  An epitaph at Bugeham records the death ·Äúdie nono ante kal Mar·Äù of ·ÄúIrmingart·Äù[1264].¬â€  [m¬â€ CHADALHOH Graf im Isengau, son of CHADALHOG Graf im Isengau & his wife --- (-30 Oct [1050]).]¬â€ 
    b)¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ [MATHILDE¬â€ [von Ehrenbreitstein] (-before 3 Aug 1101, bur Pr√ºm St Salvator).¬â€  The necrology of Siegburg records ·Äúpridie Non Jun·Äù that ·ÄúBruno comes et uxor eius Mathilda de Erenbreitstein·Äù donated ·Äúpr√¶dium in Gulse·Äù[1265].¬â€  Anno Archbishop of K√∂ln founded Siegburg abbey and listed its properties, including the donation of " Zulpiaco que in beneficio fuerat Sicconis comitis" made by "Mathilda Brunonis quondam coniuge", by charter dated to [1064][1266].¬â€  Anno Archbishop of Köln confirmed possessions of Siegburg abbey, including the donation of " Zulpiaco, qu√¶ in beneficio fuerat Sicconis comitis" made by "Mathilda Brunonis quondam coniuge", by charter dated 1064[1267].¬â€  Emperor Heinrich IV restored "predium·Ä¶Pr√ºmizfelt quidam comes Bruno de Hengebach·Ä¶tradidit·Ä¶cum uxore sua Mathilde", taken by "comes Henricus de Lintburc", to the abbey of Pr√ºm (where Matilda was buried) by charter dated 3 Aug 1101[1268].¬â€  No direct indication has been found that Mathilde, wife of Bruno von Heimbach, was the sister of Ermengarde.¬â€  However, the reference to "Pr√ºmizfelt" in the 1101 charter which names Mathilde and her husband suggests a close relationship as the same place is named in the undated charter, dated to [1040/44], quoted above under her possible sister[1269].¬â€  The absence of any reference to Bruno and Ermentrude being siblings suggests that a relationship by marriage is a more likely possibility.¬â€  If that is correct, one explanation is that Pr√ºmizvelt was inherited by supposed sisters Ermengarde and Mathilde from one of their parents.¬â€  Indeed, if this was not the case, it is difficult to explain why his wife Mathilde would have been named in the 1101 charter with Bruno.¬â€  If Ermengarde and Mathilde were sisters, it is not certain that they shared the same father: the reference to Mathilde as ·Äúvon Ehrenbreitstein·Äù indeed suggests that their fathers were different.¬â€ ¬â€ m¬â€ BRUNO von Hengebach Graf in Z√ºlpich, son of --- (-25 Feb [1063/64]).]¬â€ 

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Over de familienaam Von Hammerstein

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Marvin Loyd Welborn, "Family Tree Welborn", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 27 september 2024), "Mathilde von Hammerstein gravin van Zutphen (± 995-± 1064)".