Family tree Willems Hoogeloon-Best » Blanche de PAS-en-ARTOIS (1014-1075)

Personal data Blanche de PAS-en-ARTOIS 

Household of Blanche de PAS-en-ARTOIS

She is married to Pierre de RAINCHEVAL.

They got married in the year 1030, she was 16 years old.


  1. Jossine de RAINCHEVAL  1032-1089 
  2. Louise de RAINCHEVAL  1034-1099 
  3. Elénore de RAINCHEVAL  1044-1098 
  4. Hortense de RAINCHEVAL  1047-1089 

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Timeline Blanche de PAS-en-ARTOIS

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Blanche de PAS-en-ARTOIS

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About the surname De PAS-en-ARTOIS

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Kees Willems, "Family tree Willems Hoogeloon-Best", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 9, 2025), "Blanche de PAS-en-ARTOIS (1014-1075)".