Family tree Sunnotel (Genotel) » Judith Bisset (1644-> 1709)

Personal data Judith Bisset 

Household of Judith Bisset

She is married to Jean Genotel.

They got married on September 2, 1668 at Sedan, she was 24 years old.Source 1

They were married in church on September 2, 1668 at Sedan Frankrijk, she was 24 years old.Source 2


  1. Jeanne Genotel  1669-????
  2. Christophe Genotel  1671-????
  3. Daniel Genotel  1672-1737 
  4. Daniel Genotel  1672-????
  5. Anne Genotel  1674-????
  6. Jeremie Genotel  1676-1676
  7. Christophe Genotel  1677-1678
  8. Jeanne Genotel  1678-1715 

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Timeline Judith Bisset

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Judith Bisset

Isaac Buisset
Isaac Buisset

Judith Bisset
1644-> 1709


Jean Genotel

Anne Genotel

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    1. France, registres protestants, 1536-1897
    2. Trouwregister L'Eglise Protestante de Sedan

    Historical events

    • Stadhouder Prins Frederik Hendrik (Huis van Oranje) was from 1625 till 1647 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
    • In the year 1644: Source: Wikipedia
      • February 29 » Abel Tasman's second Pacific voyage begins.
      • March 18 » The Third Anglo-Powhatan War begins in the Colony of Virginia.
      • April 25 » The Chongzhen Emperor, the last Emperor of Ming dynasty China, commits suicide during a peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng.
      • May 25 » Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing.
      • May 28 » English Civil War: Bolton Massacre by Royalist troops under the command of James Stanley, 7th Earl of Derby.
      • June 5 » The Qing dynasty Manchu forces led by the Shunzhi Emperor take Beijing during the collapse of the Ming dynasty.
    • Stadhouder Prins Frederik Hendrik (Huis van Oranje) was from 1625 till 1647 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
    • In the year 1644: Source: Wikipedia
      • March 18 » The Third Anglo-Powhatan War begins in the Colony of Virginia.
      • May 25 » Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing.
      • May 28 » English Civil War: Bolton Massacre by Royalist troops under the command of James Stanley, 7th Earl of Derby.
      • October 27 » Second Battle of Newbury in the English Civil War.
      • November 8 » The Shunzhi Emperor, the third emperor of the Qing dynasty, is enthroned in Beijing after the collapse of the Ming dynasty as the first Qing emperor to rule over China.
      • November 23 » John Milton publishes Areopagitica, a pamphlet decrying censorship.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname Bisset

    • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Bisset.
    • Check the information Open Archives has about Bisset.
    • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Bisset.

    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Dick R Sunnotel, "Family tree Sunnotel (Genotel)", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 7, 2025), "Judith Bisset (1644-> 1709)".