Family tree Leendert van Meteren » Antonij Willemsze van Meteren (1701-1763)

Personal data Antonij Willemsze van Meteren 

Household of Antonij Willemsze van Meteren

He has/had a relationship with Neeltje Willemse Heijkoop.


  1. Dirckje van Meteren  1735-1738
  2. Willem van Meteren  1737-1739
  3. Willem van Meteren  1739-1794 
  4. Dirkje van Meteren  1745-1745

Notes about Antonij Willemsze van Meteren

De patroniem leidt tot de naam van de vader: Willem van Meteren. OmdatAnthonij in Schoonrewoerd is geboren is gezocht in de DTB vanSchoonrewoerd van begin achttiende eeuw. Hier is een Willem van Meterengevonden. Vooralsnog nemen we aan dat dit de vader is !

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Timeline Antonij Willemsze van Meteren

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Relationship Antonij Willemsze van Meteren

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  1. Begraafboek

Historical events

  • Stadhouder Prins Willem III (Huis van Oranje) was from 1672 till 1702 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • In the year 1701: Source: Wikipedia
    • May 23 » After being convicted of piracy and of murdering William Moore, Captain William Kidd is hanged in London.
    • July 9 » A Bourbon force under Nicolas Catinat withdraws from a smaller Habsburg force under Prince Eugene of Savoy in the Battle of Carpi.
    • July 24 » Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac founds the trading post at Fort Pontchartrain, which later becomes the city of Detroit.
    • August 4 » Great Peace of Montreal between New France and First Nations is signed.
    • September 16 » James Francis Edward Stuart, sometimes called the "Old Pretender", becomes the Jacobite claimant to the thrones of England and Scotland.
    • October 9 » The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later renamed Yale University) is chartered in Old Saybrook.
  • The temperature on February 24, 1763 was about 3.0 °C. Wind direction mainly southwest. Weather type: omtrent helder. Special wheather fenomena: rijp. Source: KNMI
  • Erfstadhouder Prins Willem V (Willem Batavus) (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1751 till 1795 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • Regent Lodewijk Ernst (Hertog van Brunswijk-Wolfenbüttel) was from 1759 till 1766 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • In the year 1763: Source: Wikipedia
    • February 10 » French and Indian War: The Treaty of Paris ends the war and France cedes Quebec to Great Britain.
    • May 9 » The Siege of Fort Detroit begins during Pontiac's War against British forces.
    • June 2 » Pontiac's Rebellion: At what is now Mackinaw City, Michigan, Chippewas capture Fort Michilimackinac by diverting the garrison's attention with a game of lacrosse, then chasing a ball into the fort.
    • July 31 » Odawa Chief Pontiac's forces defeat British troops at the Battle of Bloody Run during Pontiac's War.
    • September 14 » Seneca warriors defeat British forces at the Battle of Devil's Hole during Pontiac's War.
    • October 7 » King George III issues the Royal Proclamation of 1763, closing Indigenous lands in North America north and west of the Alleghenies to white settlements.

About the surname Van Meteren

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Wim de Haart, "Family tree Leendert van Meteren", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed September 16, 2024), "Antonij Willemsze van Meteren (1701-1763)".