Family tree Homs » Labhradh Longseach mac Ailella Rí na h'Éireann

Personal data Labhradh Longseach mac Ailella Rí na h'Éireann 

Household of Labhradh Longseach mac Ailella Rí na h'Éireann

He has/had a relationship with Moriat . ingen Scoriat.


Notes about Labhradh Longseach mac Ailella Rí na h'Éireann


A Grandchild's Heritage URL:

Generation No. 28-35

28 Laeghaire Lorc, the 68thMonarch of Ireland: son of Ugaine Mor:

29 Olioll Aine: his son. Slain by Cobhthach Caolmbreag, lest he should disturb his reign.

30 Labhradh Longseach:his son. (This is around 250 B.C.)

31 Olioll Bracan: his son.

32 Aeneas Ollamh: his son; the 73rd Monarch for 18 years. He fell by the sword of Iaran Gleofathach

33 Breassal: his son.

34 Fergus Fortamhail: his son; the 80th Monarch. He was known by that name because he had great strength of body, and brave beyond any of his time. He reigned 12 years and was slain 384 BC in battle by Aongus Tuirmea

35 Felim Fortuin: his son.

{geni:occupation} 70th MONARCH of IRELAND; aka Labhra LOINGSEACH Maoin, d367bc

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    About the surname Mac Ailella

    The Family tree Homs publication was prepared by .contact the author
    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    George Homs, "Family tree Homs", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed September 21, 2024), "Labhradh Longseach mac Ailella Rí na h'Éireann".