Family tree Goes en meer » Gijsberta van der Voorn (1856-1933)

Personal data Gijsberta van der Voorn 

Household of Gijsberta van der Voorn

She is married to Adrianus Kuijf.

They got married on May 10, 1879 at Nieuwkoop, she was 22 years old.Source 3


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Gijsberta van der Voorn


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  1. ELenO BS Geboorte Nieuwkoop, akte 76
  2. ELenO BS Overlijden Nieuwkoop, akte 34
  3. ELenO BS Huwelijk Nieuwkoop, akte 11

Historical events

  • The temperature on September 16, 1856 was about 16.3 °C. The air pressure was 12 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the west-northwest. The atmospheric humidity was 62%. Source: KNMI
  •  This page is only available in Dutch.
    De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden werd in 1794-1795 door de Fransen veroverd onder leiding van bevelhebber Charles Pichegru (geholpen door de Nederlander Herman Willem Daendels); de verovering werd vergemakkelijkt door het dichtvriezen van de Waterlinie; Willem V moest op 18 januari 1795 uitwijken naar Engeland (en van daaruit in 1801 naar Duitsland); de patriotten namen de macht over van de aristocratische regenten en proclameerden de Bataafsche Republiek; op 16 mei 1795 werd het Haags Verdrag gesloten, waarmee ons land een vazalstaat werd van Frankrijk; in 3.1796 kwam er een Nationale Vergadering; in 1798 pleegde Daendels een staatsgreep, die de unitarissen aan de macht bracht; er kwam een nieuwe grondwet, die een Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam (met een Eerste en Tweede Kamer) instelde en als regering een Directoire; in 1799 sloeg Daendels bij Castricum een Brits-Russische invasie af; in 1801 kwam er een nieuwe grondwet; bij de Vrede van Amiens (1802) kreeg ons land van Engeland zijn koloniën terug (behalve Ceylon); na de grondwetswijziging van 1805 kwam er een raadpensionaris als eenhoofdig gezag, namelijk Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (van 31 oktober 1761 tot 25 maart 1825).
  • From April 19, 1853 till July 1, 1856 the Netherlands had a cabinet Van Hall - Donker Curtius with the prime ministers Mr. F.A. baron Van Hall (conservatief-liberaal) and Mr. D. Donker Curtius (conservatief-liberaal).
  • In The Netherlands , there was from July 1, 1856 to March 18, 1858 the cabinet Van der Brugghen, with Mr. J.L.L. van der Brugghen (protestant) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1856: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 3.3 million citizens.
    • March 30 » The Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the Crimean War.
    • April 11 » Second Battle of Rivas: Juan Santamaría burns down the hostel where William Walker's filibusters are holed up.
    • May 24 » John Brown and his men kill five slavery supporters at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas.
    • August 10 » The Last Island hurricane strikes Louisiana, resulting in over 200 deaths.
    • September 2 » The Tianjing incident takes place in Nanjing, China.
    • October 8 » The Second Opium War between several western powers and China begins with the Arrow Incident.
  • The temperature on May 10, 1879 was about 7.2 °C. The air pressure was 4 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the north-northeast. The airpressure was 76 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 53%. Source: KNMI
  • Koning Willem III (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1849 till 1890 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from November 3, 1877 to August 20, 1879 the cabinet Kappeijne van de Coppello, with Mr. J. Kappeijne van de Coppello (liberaal) as prime minister.
  • In The Netherlands , there was from August 20, 1879 to April 23, 1883 the cabinet Van Lijnden van Sandenburg, with Mr. C.Th. baron Van Lijnden van Sandenburg (conservatief-AR) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1879: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 4.0 million citizens.
    • January 22 » The Battle of Isandlwana during the Anglo-Zulu War results in a British defeat.
    • January 22 » The Battle of Rorke's Drift, also during the Anglo-Zulu War and just some 15km away from Isandlwana, results in a British victory.
    • May 26 » Russia and the United Kingdom sign the Treaty of Gandamak establishing an Afghan state.
    • July 4 » Anglo-Zulu War: The Zululand capital of Ulundi is captured by British troops and burned to the ground, ending the war and forcing King Cetshwayo to flee.
    • October 15 » The Segura river in southeastern Spain floods, killing 1077 people.
    • December 31 » Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time, in Menlo Park, New Jersey.
  • The temperature on September 22, 1933 was between 9.8 °C and 17.2 °C and averaged 12.6 °C. There was 0.4 mm of rain during 0.5 hours. There was 8.5 hours of sunshine (69%). The average windspeed was 2 Bft (weak wind) and was prevailing from the north-northeast. Source: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from August 10, 1929 to May 26, 1933 the cabinet Ruys de Beerenbrouck III, with Jonkheer mr. Ch.J.M. Ruys de Beerenbrouck (RKSP) as prime minister.
  • In The Netherlands , there was from May 26, 1933 to July 31, 1935 the cabinet Colijn II, with Dr. H. Colijn (ARP) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1933: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 8.2 million citizens.
    • May 18 » New Deal: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority.
    • May 27 » New Deal: The U.S. Federal Securities Act is signed into law requiring the registration of securities with the Federal Trade Commission.
    • June 17 » Union Station massacre: In Kansas City, Missouri, four FBI agents and captured fugitive Frank Nash are gunned down by gangsters attempting to free Nash.
    • August 7 » The Kingdom of Iraq slaughters over 3,000 Assyrians in the village of Simele. This date is recognized as Martyrs Day or National Day of Mourning by the Assyrian community in memory of the Simele massacre.
    • September 8 » Ghazi bin Faisal became King of Iraq.
    • October 10 » A United Airlines Boeing 247 is destroyed by sabotage, the first such proven case in the history of commercial aviation.

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Van der Voorn

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Cees Goes, "Family tree Goes en meer", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed January 24, 2025), "Gijsberta van der Voorn (1856-1933)".