Giesen-Heltzel and Driessen-Ewals family tree » Joannes Gielen (1787-????)

Personal data Joannes Gielen 

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Household of Joannes Gielen

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Joanna SPEE

Joannes Gielen

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  1. stamboom Henricus Janssen Web Site, Henricus Janssen, Joannes Gielen, April 5, 2024
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    Familiesite: stamboom Henricus Janssen Web Site

    Familiestamboom: 172975511-1

Historical events

  • The temperature on June 24, 1787 was about 17.0 °C. Wind direction mainly east-southeast. Weather type: betrokken. Source: KNMI
  • Erfstadhouder Prins Willem V (Willem Batavus) (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1751 till 1795 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • In the year 1787: Source: Wikipedia
    • February 3 » Militia led by General Benjamin Lincoln crush the remnants of Shays' Rebellion in Petersham, Massachusetts.
    • June 20 » Oliver Ellsworth moves at the Federal Convention to call the government the 'United States'.
    • July 13 » The Continental Congress enacts the Northwest Ordinance establishing governing rules for the Northwest Territory. It also establishes procedures for the admission of new states and limits the expansion of slavery.
    • August 6 » Sixty proof sheets of the Constitution of the United States are delivered to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    • September 17 » The United States Constitution is signed in Philadelphia.
    • October 1 » Russians under Alexander Suvorov defeat the Turks at Kinburn.

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Gielen

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  • Check the information Open Archives has about Gielen.
  • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Gielen.

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Frank Giesen, "Giesen-Heltzel and Driessen-Ewals family tree", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 11, 2025), "Joannes Gielen (1787-????)".