Family tree Bekker Hartman Crooij » Descendants of Wilhelmina Johanna Bekker

Generation 1


Wilhelmina Johanna Bekker, daughter of Hessel Bekker and Johanna Henriette Ilsabee Crooij, was born on September 9, 1885 in Leeuwarden Friesland Netherlands. She is schneiderin by profession. She got married on April 29, 1912 in Sneek Friesland Netherlands with Daniel Willem Hartman, son of Jacob Hartman and Lamberta Werner. He was born on June 10, 1884 in Rotterdam South Holland Netherlands. He is voorman seinwerker nederlandse spoorwegen by profession. Daniel Willem died at the age of 73 on November 3, 1957 in Alkmaar North Holland Netherlands.

They had 2 children:

Wilhelmina Johanna died at the age of 86 on July 4, 1972 in Meppel Drenthe Netherlands.

Generation 2


Jo Johanna Henriette Ilsabee Hartman, daughter of Daniel Willem Hartman and Wilhelmina Johanna Bekker, was born on December 15, 1913 in Alkmaar North Holland Netherlands. She is kauffrau by profession. She got married on November 21, 1935 in Alkmaar North Holland Netherlands with Dirk van Ginkel, son of Paulus Johannes van Ginkel and Pietje Postma. He was born on September 22, 1911 in Renkum Gelderland Netherlands. He is marineoffizier by profession. Dirk died at the age of 73 on August 11, 1985 in Leeuwarden Friesland Netherlands. Jo Johanna Henriette Ilsabee died at the age of 58 on June 23, 1972 in Drente Diever Netherlands.


Mies Wilhelmina Johanna Hartman, daughter of Daniel Willem Hartman and Wilhelmina Johanna Bekker, was born on December 30, 1916 in Alkmaar North Holland Netherlands. She is kaufmänn.angestellte ; kauffrau/buchhalterin by profession. Mies Wilhelmina Johanna died at the age of 92 on May 11, 2009 in Krefeld North Rhine Westphalia Germany.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111885 - 1885
221913 - 1916

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