About the day » Friday June 6, 1902Calender converter

June 7, 1902 Next pagePrevious page June 5, 1902

Born on Friday June 6, 1902
Died on Friday June 6, 1902

Source: Delpher (KB | national library) Newspapers from June 6, 1902 at Delpher

Born on June 6

Died on June 6

Names that were popular for boys in 1902
Names that were popular for girls in 1902

Source: Wikipedia Historical events 1902
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from August 1, 1901 to August 16, 1905 the cabinet Kuijper, with Dr. A. Kuijper (AR) as prime minister.
  • The Netherlands had about 5.2 million citizens.
  • March 18 » Macario Sakay issues Presidential Order No. 1 of his Tagalog Republic.
  • April 2 » "Electric Theatre", the first full-time movie theater in the United States, opens in Los Angeles.
  • May 31 » Second Boer War: The Treaty of Vereeniging ends the war and ensures British control of South Africa.
  • August 9 » Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • August 22 » Cadillac Motor Company is founded.
  • November 29 » The Pittsburgh Stars defeated the Philadelphia Athletics, 11–0 to win the first championship associated with an American national professional football league.
Weather June 6, 1902

The temperature on June 6, 1902 was between 10.4 °C and 16.6 °C and averaged 12.7 °C. There was 0.6 hours of sunshine (4%).

Source: KNMI