About the day » Monday April 6, 1733Calender converter

April 7, 1733 Next pagePrevious page April 5, 1733

Born on Monday April 6, 1733
Died on Monday April 6, 1733

Source: Delpher (KB | national library) Newspapers from April 6, 1733 at Delpher

Born on April 6

Died on April 6

Names that were popular for boys in 1733
  1. Jan
  2. Joannes
  3. Cornelis
  4. Johannes
  5. Pieter
  6. Jacob
  7. Hendrik
  8. Petrus
  9. Gerrit
  10. Willem
  11. Jacobus
  12. Jean
  13. Dirk
  14. Johann
  15. John
  16. Thomas
Names that were popular for girls in 1733
  1. Maria
  2. Anna
  3. Marie
  4. Johanna
  5. Catharina
  6. Cornelia
  7. Joanna
  8. Elisabeth
  9. Neeltje
  10. Elizabeth
  11. Trijntje
  12. Grietje
  13. Jannetje
  14. Mary
  15. Aaltje
  16. Adriana

Source: Wikipedia Historical events 1733
  •  This page is only available in Dutch.
    Van 1702 tot 1747 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
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  • November 23 » The start of the 1733 slave insurrection on St. John in what was then the Danish West Indies.
Weather April 6, 1733

The temperature on April 6, 1733 was about 14.0 °C. Wind direction mainly south east. Weather type: geheel betrokken.

Source: KNMI