January 25 » The Battle of Ayubale results in the destruction of most of the Spanish missions in Florida.
February 29 » Queen Anne's War: French forces and Native Americans stage a raid on Deerfield, Massachusetts Bay Colony, killing 56 villagers and taking more than 100 captive.
April 24 » The first regular newspaper in British Colonial America, The Boston News-Letter, is published.
August 4 » War of the Spanish Succession: Gibraltar is captured by an English and Dutch fleet, commanded by Admiral Sir George Rooke and allied with Archduke Charles.
August 13 » War of the Spanish Succession: Battle of Blenheim: English and Imperial forces are victorious over French and Bavarian troops.
December 6 » Battle of Chamkaur: During the Mughal-Sikh Wars, an outnumbered Sikh Khalsa defeats a Mughal army.
When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin: Dr Wilton McDonald- black Hebrew, "M(a)cDonald Family Site - black Jewish YAHYA family line 3", database, Genealogy Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/mcdonald-family-site/I703961.php : accessed February 11, 2025), "Mercy Whitney (1704-????)".
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