Henglias; the collected data of the Hengelo population » Johannes Lambertus Reudink (1897-1963)

Personal data Johannes Lambertus Reudink 

Household of Johannes Lambertus Reudink

He is married to Anna Willemina Hendrika de Klark.

They got married on May 14, 1925 at Hengelo, he was 27 years old.

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  1. Gerrit de Klark en voorgeslacht

Historical events

  • The temperature on August 25, 1897 was about 18.2 °C. The airpressure was 75 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 67%. Source: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • Regentes Emma (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1898 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from May 9, 1894 to July 27, 1897 the cabinet Roëll, with Jonkheer mr. J. Roëll (oud-liberaal) as prime minister.
  • In The Netherlands , there was from July 27, 1897 to August 1, 1901 the cabinet Pierson, with Mr. N.G. Pierson (unie-liberaal) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1897: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 5.1 million citizens.
    • April 18 » The Greco-Turkish War is declared between Greece and the Ottoman Empire.
    • July 2 » British-Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi obtains a patent for radio in London.
    • July 11 » Salomon August Andrée leaves Spitsbergen to attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon. He later crashes and dies.
    • August 10 » German chemist Felix Hoffmann discovers an improved way of synthesizing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
    • August 31 » Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscope, the first movie projector.
    • December 9 » Activist Marguerite Durand founds the feminist daily newspaper La Fronde in Paris.
  • The temperature on September 6, 1963 was between 8.3 °C and 15.5 °C and averaged 12.1 °C. There was 8.9 mm of rain during 3.9 hours. There was 0.8 hours of sunshine (6%). The partly or heavily clouded was. The average windspeed was 1 Bft (weak wind) and was prevailing from the north-northwest. Source: KNMI
  • Koningin Juliana (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from September 4, 1948 till April 30, 1980 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from May 19, 1959 to July 24, 1964 the cabinet De Quay, with Prof. dr. J.E. de Quay (KVP) as prime minister.
  • In The Netherlands , there was from July 24, 1963 to April 14, 1965 the cabinet Marijnen, with Mr. V.G.M. Marijnen (KVP) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1963: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 11.9 million citizens.
    • February 8 » The regime of Prime Minister of Iraq, Brigadier General Abd al-Karim Qasim is overthrown by the Ba'ath Party.
    • February 27 » The Dominican Republic receives its first democratically elected president, Juan Bosch, since the end of the dictatorship led by Rafael Trujillo.
    • May 22 » Greek left-wing politician Grigoris Lambrakis is shot in an assassination attempt, and dies five days later.
    • August 21 » Xá Lợi Pagoda raids: The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces loyal to Ngô Đình Nhu, brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem, vandalizes Buddhist pagodas across the country, arresting thousands and leaving an estimated hundreds dead.
    • October 3 » A violent coup in Honduras begins two decades of military rule.
    • December 25 » Turkish Cypriot Bayrak Radio begins transmitting in Cyprus after Turkish Cypriots are forcibly excluded from Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation.

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Reudink

  • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Reudink.
  • Check the information Open Archives has about Reudink.
  • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Reudink.

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Jan Verkade, "Henglias; the collected data of the Hengelo population", database, Genealogy Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/henglias/I96946.php : accessed February 14, 2025), "Johannes Lambertus Reudink (1897-1963)".