Thank you for visiting this extensive family-tree . It includes families in various nations such as Australia, New Zealand, Central America, Canada and the USA
On request we may supply an interested the visitor more details or copies of supporting documents.
Please contact us. We also like to receive a feedback: hear your remarks or observations etc.
This database and website are protected by all copyrights 1980, 1990, 2000, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.
This is a part of a 50-year compilation of data and had been gathered due to a lot of effort! The total collection of data is of more than 38,000 persons registered.
We are grateful to all national and municipal archives we visited.
We appreciate the various websites we were allowed to visit: they were a great help and/or support.
We thank our children for all the trouble they endured to travel for us to verify, research and obtain more data (before computers existed)
Therefor it is not allowed to copy the whole or part of this database, no matter which method or technique is applied or used:
it being a machine, a scanner or camera, etc.
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more than 10 thousand genealogists preceded you!