Genealogy Banekate

Picture of Teun Kloosterboer
The Genealogy Banekate publication was prepared by (contact the author) and consists of 32,385 persons. Because of privacy, 794 persons are not made visible. More statistical information about the publication (like numbers and dispersion of genealogical events) can be found on the statistics page. This publication was last updated on Saturday, December 7, 2024.

Verzameling genealogische gegevens rond Deventer.

NB. Zie voor de naam Kloosterboer / Klosterboer / Klosterbuer (USA) website Kloosterboer (sinds september 2015 online).

With Quick Search you can search by name, first name followed by a last name. You type in a few letters (at least 3) and a list of personal names within this publication will immediately appear. The more characters you enter the more specific the results. Click on a person's name to go to that person's page.

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