Beauchamp/Lunsford/Cook Family Tree » Margret Victoria /Griffin Thompson (1847-1927)

Personal data Margret Victoria /Griffin Thompson 

Household of Margret Victoria /Griffin Thompson

She has/had a relationship with Christopher Columbus "C. C." Thompson.


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Timeline Margret Victoria /Griffin Thompson

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Margret Victoria /Griffin Thompson

John W Griffin
± 1799-1881

Margret Victoria /Griffin Thompson

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    Historical events

    • The temperature on June 20, 1847 was about 15.0 °C. Wind direction mainly southwest. Weather type: half bewolkt. Source: KNMI
    •  This page is only available in Dutch.
      De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden werd in 1794-1795 door de Fransen veroverd onder leiding van bevelhebber Charles Pichegru (geholpen door de Nederlander Herman Willem Daendels); de verovering werd vergemakkelijkt door het dichtvriezen van de Waterlinie; Willem V moest op 18 januari 1795 uitwijken naar Engeland (en van daaruit in 1801 naar Duitsland); de patriotten namen de macht over van de aristocratische regenten en proclameerden de Bataafsche Republiek; op 16 mei 1795 werd het Haags Verdrag gesloten, waarmee ons land een vazalstaat werd van Frankrijk; in 3.1796 kwam er een Nationale Vergadering; in 1798 pleegde Daendels een staatsgreep, die de unitarissen aan de macht bracht; er kwam een nieuwe grondwet, die een Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam (met een Eerste en Tweede Kamer) instelde en als regering een Directoire; in 1799 sloeg Daendels bij Castricum een Brits-Russische invasie af; in 1801 kwam er een nieuwe grondwet; bij de Vrede van Amiens (1802) kreeg ons land van Engeland zijn koloniën terug (behalve Ceylon); na de grondwetswijziging van 1805 kwam er een raadpensionaris als eenhoofdig gezag, namelijk Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (van 31 oktober 1761 tot 25 maart 1825).
    • In the year 1847: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 3.1 million citizens.
      • January 1 » The world's first "Mercy" Hospital is founded in Pittsburgh, United States, by a group of Sisters of Mercy from Ireland; the name will go on to grace over 30 major hospitals throughout the world.
      • January 6 » Samuel Colt obtains his first contract for the sale of revolver pistols to the United States government.
      • February 28 » The Battle of the Sacramento River during the Mexican–American War is a decisive victory for the United States leading to the capture of Chihuahua.
      • March 9 » Mexican–American War: The first large-scale amphibious assault in U.S. history is launched in the Siege of Veracruz.
      • July 24 » Richard March Hoe, American inventor, patented the rotary-type printing press.
      • October 12 » Werner von Siemens founds Siemens & Halske, which later becomes Siemens AG.
    • The temperature on October 29, 1927 was between 5.7 °C and 14.9 °C and averaged 11.6 °C. There was 6.3 hours of sunshine (64%). The average windspeed was 4 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the west-southwest. Source: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from March 8, 1926 to August 10, 1929 the cabinet De Geer I, with Jonkheer mr. D.J. de Geer (CHU) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1927: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 7.5 million citizens.
      • January 10 » Fritz Lang's futuristic film Metropolis is released in Germany.
      • February 23 » German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg writes a letter to fellow physicist Wolfgang Pauli, in which he describes his uncertainty principle for the first time.
      • February 23 » U.S. President Calvin Coolidge signs a bill by Congress establishing the Federal Radio Commission (later replaced by the Federal Communications Commission) which was to regulate the use of radio frequencies in the United States.
      • April 12 » Rocksprings, Texas was hit by an F5 tornado that destroyed 235 of the 247 buildings in the town and killed 72 townspeople and injured 205; third deadliest tornado in Texas history.
      • September 5 » The first Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon, Trolley Troubles, produced by Walt Disney, is released by Universal Pictures.
      • December 30 » The Ginza Line, the first subway line in Asia, opens in Tokyo, Japan.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname Thompson

    • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Thompson.
    • Check the information Open Archives has about Thompson.
    • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Thompson.

    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Katherine Lunsford, "Beauchamp/Lunsford/Cook Family Tree", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed September 21, 2024), "Margret Victoria /Griffin Thompson (1847-1927)".