Bacheler Family Tree » Henry Rolfe Ill, of Wiltshire (1515-1558)

Personal data Henry Rolfe Ill, of Wiltshire 

  • He was born in the year 1515 in Hamptworth, Dowton Parish, Wiltshire, England.
  • He was christened in the year 1515 in England.
  • Alternative: He was christened in the year 1515 in England.
  • Alternative: He was christened in the year 1515 in England.
  • Alternative: He was christened in the year 1515 in England.
  • Profession: .
  • He died on June 9, 1558, he was 43 years oldDownton
  • He is buried in St Lawrence Churchyard, Downton England.
  • A child of Henry Rolfe and Margaret Rolfe Dennis
  • This information was last updated on November 18, 2019.

Household of Henry Rolfe Ill, of Wiltshire

He is married to Agnes Butler.

They got married in the year 1550, he was 35 years oldWiltshire England.


  1. John Rolfe  ± 1550-1625 

Notes about Henry Rolfe Ill, of Wiltshire

Henry Rolfe's Will, 1558
The Will of Henry Rolff thelder of Hamptworth in the parish of Downton, co. Wylts, husbandman, 5 May 1558. To be buried in the church lytten of St. Lawrence in Downton. To our lady church in Sarum 2d. To the reparation of my parish church in Downton 8d. To Alis Whytehere, my servant, a ewe and a lamb, my wife's petticoat, etc. To the children of my sister Margaret Blake of Playtford a ewe lamb among them. To Elizabeth Blaake my wife's black hat. To Agnes Saunders' children a bullock among them. To Agnes Bampton a frock. To William Hyckeman my best "hooses." To Dennys Husse a brass pot. To my son Richard Rolfe my great brass pot, a cupboard, etc., and he shall have three kine at fifteen years of age, to be delivered by Henry Rolfe the younger* of Hamptworth or by his assigns, he being one of my overseers for the keeping of my said son Richard. To Margaret Rolfe, my daughter, all my wife's wearing gear unbequeathed, and at the age of fifteen years two kine to be delivered to her by John Lyght of Hamptworth, he being the other of my overseers for the keeping of my said daughter Margaret. To my son Richard and my daughter Margaret all my instuff of household at fifteen years, equally divided; if both die, reversion to the children of Thomas Blaake, Thomas Husse, Agnes Sawnders, John Lyght and Henry Rolff the younger for the perfect bringing up of my children Richard and Margaret until the age of fifteen. Witnesses: Willm Marks, preist, and Thomas Husse. Proved 4 June 1558, by John Lyght and Henry Rolff Jun. (Archdeaconry of Sarum, vol. 3, fo. 97.)

*Is this a nephew? There was a Henry Rolfe obviously closely connected to Henry the elder who died in 1579 and whose will is also in these papers. He had a wife named Thomasyn, possibly Stride (he had a brother-in-law named Stephen Stride), a daughter whose married name was Owery and who apparently predeceased him, leaving one daughter named Johan (Joane); I infer from the will's language that Mr. Owery was either also dead or estranged, as he is not mentioned at all. There appear to be no other progeny, and the daughter could easily have been born after 1558, so this is a definite candidate for the person named above, but his exact relationship is never clarified.

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Timeline Henry Rolfe Ill, of Wiltshire

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Henry Rolfe

Henry Rolfe
± 1465-????
William Dennis
± 1470-1533
Anne Berkeley
1474-> 1523
Henry Rolfe
± 1500-1547

Henry Rolfe


Agnes Butler

John Rolfe
± 1550-1625

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    Historical events

    • Graaf Filips III (Oostenrijks Huis) was from 1555 till 1581 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Graafschap Holland)
    • In the year 1558: Source: Wikipedia
      • January 7 » French troops, led by Francis, Duke of Guise, take Calais, the last continental possession of England.
      • April 24 » Mary, Queen of Scots, marries the Dauphin of France, François, at Notre Dame de Paris.
      • July 13 » Battle of Gravelines: In France, Spanish forces led by Count Lamoral of Egmont defeat the French forces of Marshal Paul de Thermes at Gravelines.
      • October 17 » Poczta Polska, the Polish postal service, is founded.
      • November 17 » Elizabethan era begins: Queen Mary I of England dies and is succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth I of England.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname Rolfe

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    • Check the information Open Archives has about Rolfe.
    • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Rolfe.

    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Steven Adrian Bacheler, "Bacheler Family Tree", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 14, 2025), "Henry Rolfe Ill, of Wiltshire (1515-1558)".