Familienstammbaum Snelder - Versteegh » King García Sanchez III of Navarra (1012-1054)

Persönliche Daten King García Sanchez III of Navarra 

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Er ist verheiratet mit Stephanie.

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Notizen bei King García Sanchez III of Navarra


;">García Sánchez III (BasqueGartzea III.a Sanoitzc. 1012 – 15 September 1054),[1] nicknamed García from Nájera (BasqueGartzea NaiarakoaSpanishGarcía el de Nájera) was King of Pamplona from 1034 until his death. He was also Count of Álava and had under his personal control part of the County of Castile. As the eldest son of Sancho III he inherited the dynastic rights over the crown of Pamplona, becoming feudal overlord over two of his brothers: Ramiro, who was given lands that would serve as the basis for the Kingdom of Aragón; and Gonzalo, who received the counties of Sobrarbe and Ribagorza. Likewise, he had some claim to suzerainty over his brother Ferdinand, who under their father had served as Count of Castile, nominally subject to the Kingdom of León but brought under the personal control of Sancho III.

0.5em 0px; color: #202122; font-family: sans-serif;">García Sánchez inherited the crown of Pamplona after the death of his father Sancho III in 1035, bypassing the late king's eldest son Ramiro, who was illegitimate. In 1043 he defeated his half-brother in battle, setting the eastern border of the kingdom. García Sánchez III took advantage of the weakened state of the numerous Islamic taifa kingdoms that arose after the dissolution of the Caliphate of Córdoba to push the southern border over their territory, taking the city of Calahorra in 1045. He also inherited from his father the County of Álava and a great part of the County of Castile (La BurebaTrasmieraMontes de Oca, the Encartaciones and Las Merindades).

In the year 1037 he joins his brother Ferdinand, the nominal Count of Castile, in a battle against the Kingdom of León that took place near the river Pisuerga and that came to be known as Battle of TamarónBermudo III, King of León, was defeated and killed in battle, ending a dynasty of monarchs that went back to ;Peter of Cantabria. Ferdinand would then be crowned King of León.[2] The relationship between the two brothers would however turn sour by the conflictive distribution of the lands of Castile between León and Pamplona, leading to the Battle of Atapuerca, where García Sánchez would perish.[1][3]

: 0.5em 0px; color: #202122; font-family: sans-serif;">García Sánchez III married Stephanie of Foix in Barcelona in 1038. Stephanie was the youngest daughter of Bernard-Roger, Count of Bigorre[4] They had nine children:

m 0px 0px 1.6em; padding: 0px; color: #202122; font-family: sans-serif;">" title="Sancho IV of Navarre" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_IV_of_Navarre">Sancho Garcés, nicknamed Sancho the Noble, who became King of Pamplona and ruled as Sancho IV from 1054 until his death in 1076. He married Placencia of Normandy.title="García Ordóñez" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garc%C3%ADa_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez">García Ordóñez, lord of Nájera and Grañón.ortún Sánchez, lord of Yéqueda.ki/Ramiro_Garc%C3%A9s,_Lord_of_Calahorra">Ramiro Garcés, lord of Calahorra.rcés, lord of Murillo and Agoncillo. Ramón became known as the fratricidal, after he murdered his brother and King Sancho IV. Afterwards he escaped to the Taifa of Zaragoza. In an 1134 charter, Marquesa, wife of Aznar López, referred to her grandfather "rex Raymundi" (literally 'king' Ramón). However, in medieval Navarre there are examples of the term being used by infantes, so this need not signify he claimed the throne on his brother's death.[5]ackground: none;" title="Hornos de Moncalvillo" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hornos_de_Moncalvillo">Hornos de Moncalvillo and Daroca.[6].org/wiki/Yanguas">Yanguas.nchez had two illegitimate children by unknown women:

; padding: 0px; color: #202122; font-family: sans-serif;"> of Uncastillo" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_Garc%C3%A9s,_Lord_of_Uncastillo">Sancho Garcés, lord of Uncastillo, married to Constanza. His son, Ramiro Sánchez would be the father of García Ramírez, who became King of Pamplona.e="margin-bottom: 0.1em;">Mencía Garcés, married to Fortún Ochoiz, lord of Cameros.

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    1. Beroemde mensen door de geschiedenis heen
      García Sánchez III Of Pamplona<br>Geslacht: Man<br>Geboorte: 1012 - Nájera, Spain<br>Beroep: Ruler<br>Huwelijk: Partner: Stephanie Queen Of Pamplona<br>Overlijden: 1 sep 1054 - Battle of Atapuerca<br>Omschrijving: King Of Pamplona<br>Bron: Bekijk het full record op Wikipedia.<br>Familieleden:
      Relatie Naam
      Father Sancho III Of Navarre
      Mother Mayor Of Castile
      Spouse Stephanie Queen Of Pamplona
      Child Sancho IV Of Navarre
      Child Ramiro Garcés Lord Of Calahorra
      Child Sancho Garcés
      Child Raimondo Garcés Di Navarra
      Child Ermessinda Garcés Di Navarra
      Child Urraca Di Navarra
      Child Fernando Garcés
      Child Mencía Garcés
      Child Jimena Garcés
      Child Mayor Garcés
      Child Sancha Garcés
      Sibling Gonzalo of Sobrarbe and Ribagorza
      Sibling Ferdinand I of León and Castile
      Sibling Jimena Sánchez Di Navarra<br>In verschillende talen:
      Taal Naam
      English García Sánchez III of Pamplona
      Portuguese Garcia Sanchez III de Pamplona
      Polish Garcia III
      Basque Gartzea III.a Santxez Naiarakoa
      French García IV de Navarre
      Russian Гарсия III
      Spanish García Sánchez III de Pamplona
      Catalan Garcia Sanxes III de Pamplona
      Hungarian V. García navarrai király
      Italian García III Sánchez di Navarra
      Latin Garcias III Sanctii filius
      Galician García III de Navarra
      German García III.
      Swedish Garcia V av Navarra
      Dutch; Flemish Garcia III van NavarraRomanian Garcia Sancez al III-lea al Navarei
      Croatian García Sánchez III. od Navare
      Chinese 加西亞·桑切斯三世
      ;Czech García Sanchez III. Navarrský
      Japanese ガルシア・サンチェス3世
      Ukrainian Гарсія III
      Bosnian García Sánchez III
      Arabic غارسيا سانشيز الثالث ملك نافارا
      Greek Γκαρθία Σάντσεθ Γ΄ της Παμπλόνα
      Portuguese Garcia Sanches III de Pamplona
      Documenten kunnen de volgende doorzoekbare informatie bevatten: Namen (inclusief aliassen en namen in niet Latijns schrift), geboortedatums en -plaatsen, huwelijksdatums en -plaatsen, overlijdensdatums en -plaatsen, namen van verwanten, namen van partners en voormalige partners en namen van kinderen. Beroepen, begraafplaatsen en beschrijvingen kunnen ook in sommige documenten worden gevonden. De records in deze collectie worden als een gratis dienst aan het publiek aangeboden met Wikidata (onder CC-BY).

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    Quelle: Wikipedia

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    Roel Snelder, "Familienstammbaum Snelder - Versteegh", Datenbank, Genealogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/stamboom-snelder-versteegh/I508543.php : abgerufen 27. September 2024), "King García Sanchez III of Navarra (1012-1054)".