Henk Verdonk maakte aannemelijk dat de volgende graaf, Emmo, getrouwd was met Swanhilde, dochter van de Hollandse graaf Dirk III (993-1039)(7).
Dit huwelijk verklaart de naamgeving van de tweede zoon van graaf Emmo: Theodericus of Dirk. Emmo’s jonger broer Otto trouwde met de erfdochter van Duras en zodoende konden zijn nakomelingen een eigen graafschap Duras opbouwen, dat pas in 1190-1193 definitief en dan nog als leengoedvan Brabant, zou terugvallen aan de graven van Loon.
In een volgende generatie werd de huwelijkspartner nog verder weg gezocht: graaf Emmo’s oudste zoon, graaf Arnulf I (eigenlijk dus II, vermeld 1078-1125) huwde met de erfdochtervan de burggraaf van Mainz, tevens graaf van Rieneck. Hiermee werd de kiem gelegd vooreen dubbel graafschap, één in Loon en één in Duitsland. Tot en met graaf Gerard (1171-†1196) zouden de graven Loon met Rieneck cumuleren. Ook in latere generaties wisten de graven goede partijen voor hun zonen te winnen, zoals dochters van de graven van Gelre enopnieuw van Holland.
Stammen de heren van Herlaer af van de graven van Loon?
, p.250-253
Er ist verheiratet mit Swanhilde van Holland.
Sie haben geheiratet
EMMO [Immo], son of [GISELBERT Comte de Looz] & his wife [Liutgarde de Namur] (-17 Jan 1078). The Vita Arnulfi names "Emmonem et Ottonem fratrem eius" as sons of Liutgarde, daughter of Albert [I] Comte de Namur[637]. From a chronological point of view, it is not possible for Emmo and his brother to have been the children of Otto de Looz who, as stated above, is recorded in another source as the husband of Liutgarde de Namur. No primary source has been identified which confirms that Emmo and Otto were the sons of Comte Giselbert, although this suggested parentage would fit the chronology of the family. Comte de Looz. “...Ottonis advocati et fratris eius Emmonis comitis de Los, Alberti comitis de Musal...” signed the charter dated 1059 under which “Fredericus...Lothariencium dux” donated a serf to Saint-Trond[638]. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Feb" of "Emononis comitis"[639].
m ---. The identity of the wife of Comte Emmo has not been established beyond doubt. The Annalista Saxo names "Bertrada, soror Suanehildis comitisse de castro quod dicitur Lon in Hasbania, cuius filius fuit Arnoldus comes Mogotiensis prefectus" as wife of Graf Dietrich (identified as Dietrich I Graf von Katlenburg)[640]. As noted in the document HOLLAND, no primary source has been identified which indicates that Bertrada was the daughter of Dirk III Count of Holland. Nevertheless, from a chronological point of view Count Dirk is the most likely father, assuming that Bertrada was a member of that family. "Arnoldus comes Mogotiensis prefectus" in this passage must be identified as Arnaud [I] Comte de Looz, who is recorded as the son of Emmo Comte de Looz. If that is correct, the wife of Emmo was Suanehildis of Holland, daughter of Dirk III "Hierosolymita" Count of Holland & his wife Othelindis [von Haldensleben] (-31 Mar [1100]). From a chronological point of view, the suggestion is feasible: the birth of the children of Count Dirk III must be dated to [1010/35], while Comte Emmo´s children were probably born in [1040/60]. The necrology of Liège Saint-Jacques points to this being the correct solution when it records the death 31 Mar of “Spannehildis comitissima de Los” and her donation[641]. Verdonk indicates that she died in 1100 on a pilgrimage to Rome[642]. [The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that "comitis Arnoldi Lossensis" descended "ex parte matris" from "Cliviæ comitibus"[643], which would be inconsistent with this hypothesis but, as pointed out below, Klaversma notes that this source is a 17th century forgery and is therefore unreliable[644].] [The dubious late-18th century Recueil généalogique de familles originaires des Pays-Bas indicates that Comte Emmo married “Ermingarde, fille héritière de Conrard sire de Hornes et de Machtilde de Juliers, laquelle fit de belles donations à St. Barthelemi de Liège et à notre Dame de Hui”[645]. No primary source is cited to confirm this statement and no reliable reference has been found to any such early family of Heren van Horne (see the document DUTCH NOBILITY). Possibly the statement is linked to the 17th century forgery which suggests that Horne was inherited by Emmo’s son Thierry, as noted below. The reference to the “donations à St. Barthelemi de Liège” suggests that this person was identified as "Ermengardis comitissa" whose donation is dated 1078[646], and presumably also as "Ermengardis" who made similar donations to the churches of Sainte-Marie et Saint-Lambert de Liège by charter dated 5 Feb 1078[647]. No primary source has been found which links Ermengarde to Looz while Daris, in his mid-19th century Histoire de Looz, indicated that the idea had no foundation[648]. It is suggested elsewhere in the present document that the donor in question was the widow of Gozelon Comte de Montaigu.]
Comte Emmo & his wife had [four] children:
SOPHIE ([1044/46]-[1065]).
ARNAUD [I] ([1050/60]-after 1125)
THIERRY de Looz (-after 1 Apr 1125)
[637] Vita Arnulfi Episcopi Suessioniensis I.3, MGH SS XV.2, p. 879.
[638] Saint-Trond, XIII, p. 18.
[639] Saint-Lambert Liège Obituaire, p. 10.
[640] Annalista Saxo 1056.
[641] Berlière, U. ‘Fragment d’un nécrologe de l’abbaye de Saint-Jacques à Liège’, Bulletin de la Commission Royale d’Histoire, Vol. XVC (Brussels, 1931), p. 231, quoted in Verdonk, H. ‘De Herkomst van de Heren van Herlaer’, De Brabantse Leeuw (2000), p. 138. [information provided by Ed von Gohren in a private email to the author dated 2 Dec 2011]
[642] Verdonk ‘De Herkomst van de Heren van Herlaer’, p. 138, citing Kahnsnitz (1992) Die Grunde von Lauch und Sayn, Fürstenbündnisse des 13. Jahrhunderts (Nürnberg), p. 90, and Bogler, T. (1983) Abdijkerk Maria-Laach (München), p. 3. [information provided by Ed von Gohren in a private email to the author dated 2 Dec 2011]
[643] Wouters, M. J. (1849) Notice historique sur l´ancienne abbaye d´Averboden (Gand), Annexes, Vita B. Andreæ primi abbatis Averbodiensis monasterii, XIII, p. 147.
[644] Klaversma, T. ´De geschlachten van Altena en Horne tot ca. 1300´, Publications de la Société Historique et Archéologique dans le duché de Limbourg (“PSAHL”), tome 114 (1978), p. 38 footnote 155 (information provided by Ed von Gohren in a private email to the author dated 27 Sep 2011).
[645] Recueil généalogique de familles originaires des Pays-Bas (Rotterdam, 1775), p. 322.
[646] Foppens, J. F. (1748) Diplomatum Belgicorum nova collectio, sive supplementum ad opera diplomatica Auberti Miræi (Brussels), Tome IV, Pars IV, V, p. 505.
[647] Liège Saint-Lambert, Tome I, XXVI, p. 38.
[648] Daris, J. (1864) Histoire de la bonne ville, de l’église et des comtes de Looz (Liège), Tome I, p. 394.
Emmo I van Loon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Swanhilde van Holland |