Genealogie Wylie » Henry VII Tudor King of England [[Ch-Wikibio]] sss (-1509)

Persönliche Daten Henry VII Tudor King of England [[Ch-Wikibio]] sss 

Quellen 1, 2

Familie von Henry VII Tudor King of England [[Ch-Wikibio]] sss

Er ist verheiratet mit Elizabeth of York Plantagenet Princess of England.

Sie haben geheiratet am 18. Januar 1485/1486 in Westminster, Middlesex, England, er war 28 Jahre alt.Quellen 4, 13

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1486 in England (United York &, Lancaster Houses), er war 29 Jahre alt.


  1. Arthur Tudor  1486-1502
  2. Margaret Tudor  1489-1541 
  3. Mary Tudor  -1533

Notizen bei Henry VII Tudor King of England [[Ch-Wikibio]] sss

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Temp record of 1/14/2008

Alias: Earl of /Richmond/
Henry (Tudor) VII, (Earl of Richmond), b. Pembroke Castle, 28 Jan 1457,
d. 5 Apr 1509, proclaimed King 22 Aug1485; m. 18 Jan 1486 Princess
Elizabeth Plantagenet, d. 11 Feb 1503. [MagnaCharta Sureties]
Following copied from Barry Hummel, Jr, World Connect db=siderhummel,
Although supported by Lancastrians and Yorkists alienated by Richard
III's usurpation, Henry VII's first task was to secure his position. In
1486 he married Elizabeth of York, eldest daughter of Edward IV, thus
uniting the Houses of York and Lancaster. Henry's reign (1485-1509) was
troubled by revolts, sometimes involving pretenders (such as Perkin
Warbeck and Lambert Simnel) who impersonated Edward V or his brother. In
1485, Henry formed a personal bodyguard from his followers known as the
'Yeomen of the Guard' (the oldest military corps in existence today).
Henry strengthened the power of the monarchy by using traditional methods
of government to tighten royal administrationand increase revenues
(reportedly including a daily examination of accounts).Royal income rose
from an annual average of £52,000 to £142,000 by the end of Henry's
reign. Little co-operation between King and Parliament was required;
during Henry's reign of 24 years, seven Parliaments sat for some ten and
a half months.
Henry used dynastic royal marriages to establish his dynasty inEngland,
and help maintain peace. One daughter, Margaret, was married to James IV
of Scotland (from whom Mary, Queen of Scots and her son, James VI of
Scotland and James I of England, were descended); the other daughter
marriedLouis XII of France. Henry spent money shrewdly and left a full
treasury on his death in 1509.
Burke says he died 1 Apr 1509
Burke says he died 26 Jul 1455'

First sovereign of the House of Tudor.
Henry (Tudor) VII, (Earl of Richmond), b. Pembroke Castle, 28 Jan 1457,
d. 5 Apr 1509, proclaimed King 22 Aug 1485; m. 18 Jan 1486 Princess
Elizabeth Plantagenet, d. 11 Feb 1503. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Following copied from Barry Hummel, Jr, World Connect db=siderhummel,
Although supported by Lancastrians and Yorkists alienated by Richard
III's usurpation, Henry VII's first task was to secure his position. In
1486he married Elizabeth of York, eldest daughter of Edward IV, thus
uniting theHouses of York and Lancaster. Henry's reign (1485-1509) was
troubled by revolts, sometimes involving pretenders (such as Perkin
Warbeck and Lambert Simnel) who impersonated Edward V or his brother. In
1485, Henry formed a personalbodyguard from his followers known as the
'Yeomen of the Guard' (the oldestmilitary corps in existence today).
Henry strengthened the power of the monarchy by using traditional methods
of government to tighten royal administrationand increase revenues
(reportedly including a daily examination of accounts). Royal income rose
from an annual average of £52,000 to £142,000 by the endof Henry's
reign. Little co-operation between King and Parliament was required;
during Henry's reign of 24 years, seven Parliaments sat for some ten and
a half months.
Henry used dynastic royal marriages to establish his dynasty in England,
and help maintain peace. One daughter, Margaret, was married to James IV
of Scotland (from whom Mary, Queen of Scots and her son, James VI of
Scotland and James I of England, were descended)

He reigned 1485-1509. Burke says he was born 26 Jul 1455 and died 1 Apr1509

Henry (Tudor) VII, (Earl of Richmond), b. Pembroke Castle, 28 Jan 1457,d. 5 Apr 1509, proclaimed King 22 Aug 1485; m. 18 Jan 1486 PrincessElizabeth Plantagenet, d. 11 Feb 1503. [Magna Charta Sureties]


EARLDOM OF RICHMOND (XIV, 2) 1456 to 1485

HENRY TUDOR, only son and heir, born posthumously 28 January 1456/7, atPembroke Castle, where he lived in the care of his uncle Jasper, Earl ofPembroke, until the castle was surrendered to Lords Herbert and Ferrersof Chartley on 30 September 1461. On 12 February 1461/2 his custody andmarriage were granted to Herbert. He was deprived of the honor ofRichmond. After the restoration of Henry VI in 1470, he was brought toLondon by his uncle; but in November he returned with Jasper to Wales.After the Lancastrians had been crushed at Tewkesbury, 4 May 1471, heaccompanied his uncle to Chepstow, Pembroke and Tenby, whence they setsail, for France, landing in Brittany. The Duke of, Brittany handed himover to Edward IV's envoys, but they did not succeed in deporting him. In1483 he sailed with his uncle to join in the rising against Richard III,but he was unable to land, and he was attainted 25 January 1483/4. Whenthe Duke of Brittany proposed to surrender him to Richard III, he fled toFrance. On 1 August 1485 he sailed from Harfleur for Milford Haven, andafter defeating Richard III at the battle of Bosworth on 22 August 1485,he became King as Henry VII, when the Earldom of Richmond, so far as itwas then vested in him, merged in the Crown. Unified England andcommenced the creation of a new class of nobles. A patron of commerce,exploration and literature. Buried at Westminster Abbey. [CompletePeerage X:827-8, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]


Following copied from Barry Hummel, Jr, World Connect db=siderhummel,

Although supported by Lancastrians and Yorkists alienated by RichardIII's usurpation, Henry VII's first task was to secure his position. In1486 he married Elizabeth of York, eldest daughter of Edward IV, thusuniting the Houses of York and Lancaster. Henry's reign (1485-1509) was troubled by revolts, sometimes involving pretenders (such as Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel) who impersonated Edward V or his brother. In1485, Henry formed a personal bodyguard from his followers known as the'Yeomen of the Guard' (the oldest military corps in existence today).

Henry strengthened the power of the monarchy by using traditional methodsof government to tighten royal administration and increase revenues(reportedly including a daily examination of accounts). Royal income rosefrom an annual average of £52,000 to £142,000 by the end of Henry'sreign. Little co-operation between King and Parliament was required;during Henry's reign of 24 years, seven Parliaments sat for some ten anda half months.

Henry used dynastic royal marriages to establish his dynasty in England,and help maintain peace. One daughter, Margaret, was married to James IVof Scotland (from whom Mary, Queen of Scots and her son, James VI ofScotland and James I of England, were descended); the other daughtermarried Louis XII of France. Henry spent money shrewdly and left a fulltreasury on his death in 1509.

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  1. Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Lt, X:827-9
  2. Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on, Henry VII
  3. Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on, Henry VII
  4. Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 161-21
  5. The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 161-21
  6. The Plantagenet Encyclopedia
  7. Quest For the Past, Readers Digest Staff
  8. or, The Origin and Stem of The Irish Nation., John O'Hart
  9. The Six Wives of Henry VIII, Alison Weir
  10. The Sisters of Henry VIII, Maria Perry
  11. Kingdom's of Europe, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ruling Monarchs From Ancient Times to the P r esent, Gene Gurney, Gurney page 229.
  12. Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists, by David Faris, 2nd Edition 1999, NEHGS, 361
  13. Abbeys & Monasteries, Derry Brabbs

Historische Ereignisse

  • Graaf Maximiliaan (Oostenrijks Huis) war von 1506 bis 1515 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Graafschap Holland genannt)
  • Im Jahr 1509: Quelle: Wikipedia
    • 3. Februar » Unter Francisco de Almeida gelingt es Portugal in der Seeschlacht von Diu, eine vereinigte ägyptisch-arabisch-indische Flotte vernichtend zu schlagen und sich so die Vorherrschaft im Indischen Ozean und den Seeweg nach Indien zu sichern.
    • 21. April » Mit dem Tod seines Vaters Heinrich VII. wird HeinrichVIII. aus dem Haus Tudor König von England. Die Krönung erfolgt am 24. Juni.
    • 27. April » Der zur Liga von Cambrai gehörende Papst JuliusII. verhängt über die Republik Venedig ein Interdikt, um den Mitgliedern der Liga zu ermöglichen, ihr Territorium auf Kosten der Seerepublik zu erweitern.
    • 14. Mai » In der Schlacht von Agnadello schlagen die Franzosen unter König LudwigXII. für die Liga von Cambrai die Truppen der Republik Venedig entscheidend.
    • 8. Juni » Die belagerte Stadt Pisa muss wegen der Hungersnot in ihren Mauern gegenüber florentinischen Truppen kapitulieren.
    • 11. Juni » Der englische König HeinrichVIII. heiratet Katharina von Aragon, die Witwe seines älteren Bruders Arthur, nach Erteilung einer päpstlichen Dispens.
  • Graaf Maximiliaan (Oostenrijks Huis) war von 1506 bis 1515 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Graafschap Holland genannt)
  • Im Jahr 1509: Quelle: Wikipedia
    • 3. Februar » Unter Francisco de Almeida gelingt es Portugal in der Seeschlacht von Diu, eine vereinigte ägyptisch-arabisch-indische Flotte vernichtend zu schlagen und sich so die Vorherrschaft im Indischen Ozean und den Seeweg nach Indien zu sichern.
    • 21. April » Mit dem Tod seines Vaters Heinrich VII. wird HeinrichVIII. aus dem Haus Tudor König von England. Die Krönung erfolgt am 24. Juni.
    • 8. Juni » Die belagerte Stadt Pisa muss wegen der Hungersnot in ihren Mauern gegenüber florentinischen Truppen kapitulieren.
    • 24. Juni » HeinrichVIII. wird zum König von England gekrönt.
    • 11. Juli » Der Tod seines Vaters Wilhelm II. von Hessen macht den minderjährigen Philipp den Großmütigen zum hessischen Landgrafen. Seine Mutter ringt in der Folge erbittert mit den Rittern des Landes um die vormundschaftliche Regentschaft. Schließlich erklärt Kaiser Maximilian I. Philipp im Jahr 1518 mit 13½ Jahren für volljährig.
    • 26. September » Die seit dem Vortag über die Deutsche Bucht hereinbrechende Zweite Cosmas- und Damianflut verursacht hohe Schäden im Rheiderland und im Oldambt. Der Dollart erreicht seine größte Ausdehnung.

Gleicher Geburts-/Todestag

Quelle: Wikipedia

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