Genealogie Waaleboer » John James Close (1864-1934)

Persönliche Daten John James Close 

Quelle 1
  • Er wurde geboren im Jahr 1864 in Winchelsea-R/No. 12395.
  • Er ist verstorben im Jahr 1934 in Melbourne-R/No. 10832, er war 70 Jahre alt.
  • Ein Kind von Solomon Close und Mary Ann Hill

Familie von John James Close

Er ist verheiratet mit Alice Frost.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1888 in R/No. 7340, er war 24 Jahre alt.


  1. Robert Close  1918-1921
  2. Amy Ethel Close  1910-2006 
  3. Ivy Carol Close  1907-1984
  4. Joseph Robert Close  1905-1909
  5. Violet Myrtle Close  1903-1909
  6. Daisy Ann Close  1899-1981
  7. Alice May Close  1895-1966
  8. Albert Henry Close  1893-1974
  9. Margaret Jane Close  1891-1900
  10. John James Close  1889-1979

Zeitbalken John James Close

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von John James Close

James Close
Solomon Close
Mary Ann Hill

John James Close


Alice Frost

Robert Close

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    1. Snowy River Mail
      John and Alice Close came to Orbost in 1890.
      In 1891 they settled at Murrungowar and raised a family of 12 children.
      In 1900 Mary, the eldest girl, died, believed to have been bitten by a snake.
      Then in 1909 three more children died, believed at the time to be from eating unripe fruit. The children, Joseph aged 3 years; Charles, aged 8 years and Violet, 51/2 years. They are all buried in the
      bush at Murrungowar, on land which was the property of John Close. The graves are approximately 100 yards' from the homestead site, north, north-east from the homestead, I believe.
      At the time that they and other families settled at Murrungowar, they were led to believe that the railway was to pass through. Because of the steep, dense terrain, hard work and distance to Orbost, i
      t took three days to get their produce to Orbost by bullock team, a distance of some 30 miles. John Close's health was in decline, so he came back to Orbost in approximately 1915, leaving behind 25 y
      ears of his life's work. The property went back to Crown Land, as did many other farms in the area. For over a period of 15 years plus, I have been searching for the graves. In
      doing so, I have located the site of the house, chimney ruins, the dairy site, post and rail fence posts, the site of a well which was gravity fed from a spring further up the ridge. Water would trave
      l along a timber race to the well. The spring has also just recently been located.
      The grave site had a 10' x 10' picket fence around.
      (Source: Extract from Tom Morfisoifs Diary - late of Murrungowar).
      Because of the terrain, locating the graves has been extremely difficult. With the help of
      Maddy Atkinson (Archeologist from Latrobe Uni-versify, Melbourne) the site has finally been located. The tree ferns in the gullies and the blackwood trees and many other species make this a picturesqu
      e area for visiting, as well as the pioneering aspect of the location.
      The few people that I have shown the home/farm settlement, wonder how on' earth I found it. I can only say, through immense interest in the area, and the thought of the pioneers clearing and creating
      a home, has spurred me on through hard work.
      — Geoff Stevenson, Orbost

      On Saturday, May 3rd, a memorial commemorative plaque was unveiled by Mrs. Amy Curtis (nee Close) on the site of the graves of her brothers and sisters, which was once the selection of John and Alice
      Close. Amy is the only surviving member of the family. Approximately 50 people, descendants and family friends, attended. Geoff Stevenson read a letter sent to the Crown Lands Department by John Close
      , dated 1894. It told of the struggle to survive, and the hardship they were having at that time. Geoff also thanked the people who have helped him over, the time and to the hard working three that h
      elped to erect the memorial.
      The memorial service was conducted by the Rev. Peter Cook, of the Uniting Church, Orbost.

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    Die Genealogie Waaleboer-Veröffentlichung wurde von Leo Waaleboer erstellt (Kontakt ist nicht möglich).
    Geben Sie beim Kopieren von Daten aus diesem Stammbaum bitte die Herkunft an:
    Leo Waaleboer, "Genealogie Waaleboer", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 27. September 2024), "John James Close (1864-1934)".