Bacheler Family Tree » Thomas "and Count of Perche" Montacute (1388-1428)

Persönliche Daten Thomas "and Count of Perche" Montacute 

Quelle 1
  • Spitzname ist and Count of Perche.
  • Er wurde geboren am 25. März 1388Salisbury

    Waarschuwing Pass auf: Alter bei der Heirat (23. Mai 1399) war unter 16 Jahre (11).

  • Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche .
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 27. Juni 1931.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 18. Juni 1992.
  • Berufe:
    • unknown.
    • Earl of Salisbury.
    • 4th Earl of Salisbury, Earl of Salisbury.
  • (Misc Event) im Jahr 1414.
  • (Misc Event) im Jahr 1419.
  • (Misc Event) von 1421 bis 1428.
  • (Misc Event) am 27. Oktober 1428.
  • Er ist verstorben am 3. November 1428, er war 40 Jahre altOrléans
    Centre France.
  • Er wurde beerdigt am 3. November 1428 in Bisham PrioryBisham Windsor and Maidenhead Royal Borough
    England United Kingdom.
  • Testament am 14. Januar 1599.
  • Alternative: Testament am 14. Januar 1599.

Familie von Thomas "and Count of Perche" Montacute

Er ist verheiratet mit Eleanor (the Younger) de Holland.

Sie haben geheiratet am 23. Mai 1399 in Up Holland,Wigan,Lancashire,England, er war 11 Jahre alt.


  1. Alice Montagu (Montacute)  1406-± 1462 

Notizen bei Thomas "and Count of Perche" Montacute


Name Suffix: Earl of Salisbury
Ancestral File Number: 8J5J-VK
Fourth Earl of Salisbury and eldest son of the 3d Earl, was only twelve years of age at his father's death. Though the great estate, of which the last Earl had been possessed, was now forfeited, yet a considerable part of it was recovered before his son became of age and at last, in the reign of Henry V, he retained a reversion of his father's attainder and was restored in blood.

This noble Earl was concerned in so many military exploits, that to give an account of them all, would be to write the history of the reign of Henry V. Suffice to say, that as he lived so he died in the service of his Country, for, having been mortally wounded by a stone, shot from a cannon at the siege of Orleans, he was carried to Meun on the Loire where he departed this life in November, I428. He was twice married. First to Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Holland, sister of Edmond, Earl of Kent. Second to Alice, dau. of Thomas Chaucer. He had but one child, a daughter Alice. His body was brought to England and interred by the side of his ancestors in the Abbey at Bisham.
Fourth Earl of Salisbury and eldest son of the 3d Earl, was only twelve years of age at his father's death. Though the great estate, of which the last Earl had been possessed, was now forfeited, yet a considerable part of it was recovered before his son became of age and at last, in the reign of Henry V, he retained a reversion of his father's attainder and was restored in blood.

This noble Earl was concerned in so many military exploits, that to give an account of them all, would be to write the history of the reign of Henry V. Suffice to say, that as he lived so he died in the service of his Country, for, having been mortally wounded by a stone, shot from a cannon at the siege of Orleans, he was carried to Meun on the Loire where he departed this life in November, I428. He was twice married. First to Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Holland, sister of Edmond, Earl of Kent. Second to Alice, dau. of Thomas Chaucer. He had but one child, a daughter Alice. His body was brought to England and interred by the side of his ancestors in the Abbey at Bisham.
Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury, (13 June 1388 – November 3, 1428), was an English nobleman. He was one of the most important English commanders during the Hundred Years' War.

He was the eldest son of John Montacute, 3rd Earl of Salisbury, who was killed while plotting against the King in 1400, and his lands forfeited. Thomas did get back some of his father's lost lands, and helped his financial position further by marrying Eleanor Holland, a sister and eventual co-heiress of Edmund Holland, 4th Earl of Kent, and daughter of Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent.

Thomas was summoned to Parliament as Earl of Salisbury in 1409, although he was not formally invested as earl until 1421. In 1414, he was made a Knight of the Garter. In July 1415, he was one of the seven peers who tried Richard, Earl of Cambridge on charges of conspiring against the King. Montacute then joined Henry V in France, where he fought at the Siege of Harfleur and at the Battle of Agincourt. Montacute fought in various other campaigns in France in the following years. In 1419, he was appointed lieutenant-general of Normandy, and then created Count of Perche, part of Henry V's policy of creating Norman titles for his noblemen. He spent most of the rest of his life as a soldier in France, leading troops in the various skirmishes and sieges that were central to that part of the Hundred Years' War. On 27 October 1428 he was wounded during the Siege of Orléans, when a cannonball broke a window near to where he stood, and he died a few days later.

He married twice, first (as mentioned above) to Eleanor Holland, and second to Alice Chaucer, daughter of Thomas Chaucer and granddaughter of Geoffrey Chaucer. They lived at Bisham Manor in Berkshire. His only legitimate child was a daughter from the first marriage, Alice, who married Richard Neville. Neville succeeded his father-in-law as earl.

[edit] References

* Hunt, William (1894). "Thomas de Montacute or Montagu, fourth Earl of Salisbury". Dictionary of National Biography 38: 208–211.
* the on Thomas Montagu, 4th Earl of Salisbury
* FMG on Thomas de Montagu

Preceded by
John Montacute
(Forfeited 1400) Earl of Salisbury
1421–1428 Succeeded by
Richard Neville
General & 4th Earl of Salisbury
Dean of Salisbury
["Our Heritage"]
Fought with Henry V at Harfleur and Agincourt
Lieutenant-General of Normandy; Governor of Champagne and Brie, Lieutenant-General of the Field
Called by Henry's biographer Desmond Seward "the most brilliant commander of the entire Hundred Years War after Henry himself. A complete professional, he was a daring raider into enemy territory who could extricate his men from the most dangerous situations; at the same time he was a skilled artilleryman and expert in siegecraft ... Above all, he had a shrewd grasp of strategy and tactics. He was popular with the troops and dreaded by the enemy."
Salisbury is a desperate homicide,
He fighteth as one weary of his life. (Shakespeare)

[Weis 12] Lt.Gen. of Normandy
Name Suffix: Earl of Salisbury
Ancestral File Number: 8J5J-VK
Information from:
Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury, (13 June 1388 - 3 November 1428 ), was an English nobleman. He was one of the most important English commanders during the Hundred Years' War .
He was the eldest son of John Montacute, 3rd Earl of Salisbury , who was killed while plotting against the King in 1400, and his lands forfeited. Thomas did get back some of his father's lost lands, and helped his financial position further by marrying Eleanor Holland , a sister and eventual co-heiress of Edmund Holland, 4th Earl of Kent , and daughter of Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent .
Thomas was summoned to Parliament as Earl of Salisbury in 1409, although he was not formally invested as earl until 1421. In 1414, he was made a Knight of the Garter . In July 1415, he was one of the seven peers who tried Richard, Earl of Cambridge on charges of conspiring against the King . Montacute then joined Henry V in France , where he fought at the Siege of Harfleur and at the Battle of Agincourt . Montacute fought in various other campaigns in France in the following years. In 1419, he was appointed lieutenant-general of Normandy, and then created Count of Perche, part of Henry V's policy of creating Norman titles for his noblemen. He spent most of the rest of his life as a soldier in France, leading troops in the various skirmishes and sieges that were central to that part of the Hundred Years' War . On 27 October 1428 he was wounded during the Siege of Orléans , when a cannonball broke a window near to where he stood, and he died a few days later.
He married twice, first (as mentioned above) to Eleanor Holland, and second to Alice Chaucer, daughter of Thomas Chaucer and granddaughter of Geoffrey Chaucer . They lived at Bisham Manor in Berkshire . His only legitimate child was a daughter from the first marriage, Alice , who married Richard Neville . Neville succeeded his father-in-law as earl.
{geni:about_me} =Primary Sources
[ Inquisitions Post Mortem] for Thomas, Earl of Salisbury, Writ. 24 November 1428.

He died on 3 November last [1428]. Alice wife of Richard Neville, knight, present earl of Salisbury, is his daughter and next heir, and aged 22 and more.

[,_4th_Earl_of_Salisbury Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury], (13 June 1388 – 3 November 1428), was an English nobleman. He was one of the most important English commanders during the Hundred Years' War.

He was the eldest son of John Montacute, 3rd Earl of Salisbury, who was killed while plotting against the King in 1400, and his lands forfeited. Thomas did get back some of his father's lost lands, and helped his financial position further by marrying Eleanor Holland, a sister and eventual co-heiress of Edmund Holland, 4th Earl of Kent, and daughter of Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent.

Thomas was summoned to Parliament as Earl of Salisbury in 1409, although he was not formally invested as earl until 1421. In 1414, he was made a Knight of the Garter. In July 1415, he was one of the seven peers who tried Richard, Earl of Cambridge on charges of conspiring against the King. Montacute then joined Henry V in France, where he fought at the Siege of Harfleur and at the Battle of Agincourt. Montacute fought in various other campaigns in France in the following years. In 1419, he was appointed lieutenant-general of Normandy, and then created Count of Perche, part of Henry V's policy of creating Norman titles for his noblemen. He spent most of the rest of his life as a soldier in France, leading troops in the various skirmishes and sieges that were central to that part of the Hundred Years' War. In 1425, he took over the city of Le Mans. On 27 October 1428 he was wounded during the Siege of Orléans, when a cannonball broke a window near to where he stood, and he died a few days later.

He married twice, first (as mentioned above) to Eleanor Holland, and second to Alice Chaucer, daughter of Thomas Chaucer and granddaughter of Geoffrey Chaucer. They lived at Bisham Manor in Berkshire. His only legitimate child was a daughter from the first marriage, Alice, who married Richard Neville. Neville succeeded his father-in-law as earl.
Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury
_P_CCINFO 1-20792
Montague Coat of Arms
thomas montagu

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Thomas Montacute


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Quelle: Wikipedia

Quelle: Wikipedia

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