Ancestral Trails 2016 » ROGER II MONTGOMERY (1020-1094)

Persönliche Daten ROGER II MONTGOMERY 

  • Alternative Name: 1st Earl of Shrewsbury & Arundel (auch bekannt als /alias)
  • Er wurde geboren im Jahr 1020 in St Germain, Normandy, France.
  • Titel: Governor of Normandy
  • (Titles) Dezember 1067 in Created 1st Earl of Arundel.Quelle 1
  • (Titles) im Jahr 1070 in Created Earl of Shrewsbury (feudal barony).Quelle 1
  • (Titles) in Earl of Chichester.
  • Er ist verstorben am 27. Juli 1094 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, er war 74 Jahre alt.
  • Er wurde beerdigt im Jahr 1094 in Abbey of St Peter &, St Paul, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.


(1) Er ist verheiratet mit MABEL de TALVAS.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1038 in Perche, Orne, Normandy, France, er war 18 Jahre alt.


  1. Emma MONTGOMERY  ± 1048-????
  2. Hugh MONTGOMERY  ± 1046-1098
  3. Mabel MONTGOMERY  ± 1050-????
  4. Arnulph MONTGOMERY  ± 1066-1122
  5. RISSA MONTGOMERY  ± 1044-???? 
  6. ROBERT de BELLEME  ± 1052-1132 
  7. SYBIL MONTGOMERY  ± 1062-> 1107 
  8. ROGER de POITOU  1054-1123 
  9. MATILDA MONTGOMERY  1041-1082 
  10. Phillip MONTGOMERY  ± 1058-1099

(2) Er ist verheiratet mit Adelaide de PUISET.

Sie haben geheiratet nach 1079.


  1. Everard MONTGOMERY  1084-1147


Roger de Montgomerie (died 1094), also known as Roger the Great de Montgomery, was the first Earl of Shrewsbury, and Earl of Arundel, Sussex. His father was Roger de Montgomery, seigneur of Montgomery, and was a relative, probably a grandnephew, of the Duchess Gunnor, wife of Duke Richard I of Normandy. The elder Roger had large holdings in central Normandy, chiefly in the valley of the Dives, which the younger Roger inherited.

Roger was one of William the Conqueror's principal counsellors, playing a major role in the Council of Lillebonne. He may not have fought in the initial invasion of England in 1066, instead staying behind to help govern Normandy. According to Wace’s Roman de Rou, however, he commanded the Norman right flank at Hastings, returning to Normandy with King William in 1067. Afterwards he was entrusted with land in two places critical for the defence of England, receiving the Rape of Arundel at the end of 1067 (or in early 1068), and in November 1071 he was created Earl of Shrewsbury; a few historians believe that while he received the Shropshire territories in 1071 he was not created Earl until a few years later.

Roger was thus one of the half dozen greatest magnates in England during William the Conqueror's reign. William gave Earl Roger nearly all of what is now the county of West Sussex, which at the time of the Domesday Survey was the Rape of Arundel. The Rape of Arundel was eventually split into two rapes, one continuing with the name Rape of Arundel and the other became the Rape of Chichester. Besides the 83 manors in Sussex, his possessions also included seven-eighths of Shropshire which was associated with the earldom of Shrewsbury, he had estates in Surrey (4 manors), Hampshire (9 manors), Wiltshire (3 manors), Middlesex (8 manors), Gloucestershire (1 manor), Worcestershire (2 manors), Cambridgeshire (8 manors), Warwickshire (11 manors) and Staffordshire (30 manors). The income from Roger’s estates would amount to about £2000 per year, in 1086 the landed wealth for England was around £72,000, so it would have represented almost 3% of the nation’s GDP.

After William I's death in 1087, Roger joined with other rebels to overthrow the newly crowned King William II in the Rebellion of 1088. However, William was able to convince Roger to abandon the rebellion and side with him. This worked out favourably for Roger, as the rebels were beaten and lost their land holdings in England.

Roger first married Mabel de Bellême, who was heiress to a large territory straddling the border between Normandy and Maine. The medieval chronicler Orderic Vitalis paints a picture of Mabel of Bellême being a scheming and cruel woman. She was murdered by Hugh Bunel and his brothers, who in December 1077? rode into her castle of Bures-sur-Dive and cut off her head as she lay in bed. Their motive for the murder was that Mabel had deprived them of their paternal inheritance. Roger and Mabel had 10 children:

Robert de Bellême, Count of Alençon in 1082, he succeeded his younger brother Hugh as 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury. He married Agnes, Countess of Ponthieu and died in 1131.
Hugh of Montgomery, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, died without issue 1098.
Roger the Poitevin, Vicomte d'Hiemois, married Adelmode de la Marche.
Philip of Montgomery.
Arnulf of Montgomery, married Lafracota daughter of Muirchertach Ua Briain.
Sibyl of Montgomery, she married Robert Fitzhamon, Lord of Creully.
Emma, abbess of Almenêches.
Matilda (Maud) of Montgomery, she married Robert, Count of Mortain and died c. 1085.
Mabel of Montgomery, she married Hugh de Châteauneuf.
Roger of Montgomery, died young.

Roger then married Adelaide du Puiset, by whom he had one son, Everard, who entered the Church.

After his death, Roger's estates were divided. The eldest surviving son, Robert of Bellême, received the bulk of the Norman estates (as well as his mother's estates); the next son, Hugh, received the bulk of the English estates and the Earldom of Shrewsbury. After Hugh's death the elder son Robert inherited the earldom.
SOURCE: Wikipedia:,_1st_Earl_of_Shrewsbury

In 1048 he was with Duke William on his expedition to Alencon and Domfront, and with William Fitz Osbern, was considered to be in the Duke's confidence. He was in the Duke's entourage on numerous occasions beginning in 1053, and he and his wife Mabel were high in the Duke's favor in 1061.

Between 1050 and 1059 he founded the abbey of St. Martin de Troarn, and around 1055 he refounded the abbey of St. Martin at Sees. He was with the Duke in 1066 during the preparations for the invasion of England, but did not accompany him, instead remaining in Normandy to assist the Duchess in the government of the duchy.

In 1067, he accompanied the new King to Engand whereupon he recieved a grant of Arundel and Chichester, and in 1074 he was created Earl of Shrewsbury. Between 1079 and 1080, he assisted in bringing about a peace between William and Fulk, Count of Anjou, and with other magnates also assisted in bringing a reconciliation between William and his son Robert.

During the rebellion of 1088, he appears to have sympathized with Robert Curthose, regarding him as the rightful heir to the throne. While it is not clear to what extent he sided with the rebels, three of his sons, one being Robert de Belleme, were among those who held Rochester for Robert Curthose against the royal forces that summer. Later that year, Roger crossed over to Normandy and levied war against Duke Robert, who had imprisoned his son, Robert de Belleme, but ultimately a treaty was made and Robert de Belleme was released.

He refounded Wenlock as a Cluniac priory, and founded the Benedictine abbey of Shrewsbury, and the priory of St. Nicholas at Arundel, and was also a benefactor of St. Evroul, St. Stephen's at Caen, and Cluny. He died three days after becoming a Monk at Shrewsbury.

By first wife, Mabel, he had sons Roger, who died young and s.p.; Robert de Belleme; Hugh de Mongomery; Roger the Poitevin; Philip; and Arnulf, as well as four daughters, Emma, abbess of Almeneches; Maud married to Robert, Count of Mortain and Earl of Cornwall; Mabel, wife of Hugh, lord of Chateauneuf-en-Thimerais; and Sibyl, wife of Robert Fitz Hamon. By his second wife, Adelaide, he left a son, Everard, who was chaplain both to William Rufus and Henry I.

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von ROGER II MONTGOMERY


(1) 1038
± 1048-????
± 1046-1098
± 1050-????
± 1066-1122
± 1044-????
± 1052-1132
± 1062-> 1107
± 1058-1099
(2) > 1079

Adelaide de PUISET
± 1050-????

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  1. "Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy" Alison Weir
    received grants including one third of the county of Sussex, includingthe city of Chichester and Arundel Castle

Gleicher Geburts-/Todestag

Quelle: Wikipedia

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