Ancestral Glimpses » Waldrada of the Lombards (530-± 573)

Persönliche Daten Waldrada of the Lombards 

Familie von Waldrada of the Lombards

Sie ist verheiratet mit Garibald I duke of the Bavarians.

Sie haben geheiratet rund 558 in Bayern, GERMANY.


  1. Gertrude de Bavière  > 556-649 

Notizen bei Waldrada of the Lombards

) (c530-573), daughter of Waccho, King of Lombardy and his second wife Austrigusa of the Gepidae. After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she was either concubine or seventh wife of his great uncle and successor Clothair I, who gave her to Garibald, duke of Bavaria.
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald"[1]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum"[2]. Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald"[3]. Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald[4]. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus"[5]. According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria"[6], which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
ID: I5529Wa90a
Name: Waldrada Lombards,of-the
Given Name: Waldrada
Surname: Lombards,of-the
Sex: F
Birth: 0529A
- Walderada [Wagner1975]
- Waldrada [eBlocherD03Ja28] [wWikipedia]
- Tassilon duke of Bavaria, I [558A-609A] was probably her child.
- Wagner1975 "Burgundians, Visigoths, Franks and Lombards":ped#27:p#186
- Wagner1975 "Lombards, Bavaria, Charlemagne":ped#30:p#189
- eBlocherD03Ja28
- wWikipedia
PKD RUO-5529Wa90a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebald Merovingian
Marriage 2 Garibaldi Bavaria,of
Gundwald Agilolfing
Forrás / Source:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Waldrada (also Vuldetrada), widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated mistress (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled until 561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife called Austrigusa or Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald".[1] The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum".[2] Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald".[3] Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald.[4] Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus".[5] According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria",[6] which apparently implies that King Clotaire did not marry Waldrada.
Forrás / Source:
ID: I5524Wi76a
Name: Wisigarda -
Given Name: Wisigarda
Surname: -
Sex: F
- Wisegard [Wagner1975]
- Wisigard [wWikipedia]
- Wisigarda [wWikipedia]
- wWikipedia "Theudebert I"; "Wacho"
- Wagner1975
PKD RU6-5524Wi76a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebert Merovingian , I
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated wife (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled c.558–561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
b. 499, Rheims, Loire-Atlantique, France
Wikipedia Entry on Waldrada (Retrieved 1-22-2009)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald"[1]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum"[2]. Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald"[3]. Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald[4]. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus"[5]. According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria"[6], which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
[1] Origo Gentis Langobardorum 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 4.
[2] Historia Langobardorum Codicis Gothani 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 9.
[3] Pauli Historia Langobardorum I.21, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 59.
[4] GT IV.9, p. 202.
[5] Herimanni Augiensis Chronicon 553, MHG SS V, p. 88.
[6] GT IV.9, p. 203.
External links
* Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Bavarian Dukes
Genealogy at this point is purely speculative!!!
But at least one site goes back farther than Wadrada of the Lombards:
her father Wacco of the Lombards
his father Zuchilo [Unichis, Winto] of the Lombards
his father Claffo of the Lombards
his mother dau of the Lombards
her father Ægelmund of the Lombards
Another site goes back to Attilla the Hun, whom we remember affectionately as "Attila the Hunt":
Attila of the HUNS
Name: Escam [Ascama] of the HUNS
Given Name: Escam [Ascama]
ID: I3335
Name: Ardaric of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Ardaric
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
Sex: M
ID: I3336
Name: Elemund of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Elemund
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
ID: I3337
Name: Austrigusa of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Austrigusa
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Sex: F
Change Date: 8 Aug 2004
ID: I3343
Name: Wadrada of the LOMBARDS
Given Name: Wadrada
Surname: of the LOMBARDS
Sex: F
Gift två ggr.
Walderada (* 530) var dotter till kungen av langobarderna , Wacho. Hon växte upp i Ungern , och gifte sig omkring år 554 den Frank King Theudebald. När han dog 555 gifta Walderada av 555 Chlothar I., Theudebald Efterträdare och farfars farbror. Av detta var emellertid inte lyckats eftersom kyrkan motsatte sig äktenskapet protestera .

Därefter det första kända Hertig av Bayern, The Agilolfinger Garibald I. Walderada för hans fru. Paret fick fyra barn: Tassilo I., Gundoald, Grimoald I. och Theudelinde.
Theobald kung av Austrasien
555 - Grimoald hertig av Asti
Garibald Jag hertig av Bayern
Tassilo Jag hertig av Bayern
Romilde hertiginna av Friuli
Theodelinde drottning longobarder
Gertrud Prinsessan av Bayern
After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she married his great uncle and successor Clothair.;p=waldrada;n=de+lombardiaWaldrada (Vuldetrada) (c530-573), daughter of Waccho, King of Lombardy and his second wife Austrigusa of the Gepidae. After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she was either concubine or seventh wife of his great uncle and successor Clothair I, who gave her to Garibald, duke of Bavaria.

Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald"[1]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum"[2]. Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald"[3]. Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald[4]. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus"[5]. According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria"[6], which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
ID: I5529Wa90a
Name: Waldrada Lombards,of-the
Given Name: Waldrada
Surname: Lombards,of-the
Sex: F
Birth: 0529A
- Walderada [Wagner1975]
- Waldrada [eBlocherD03Ja28] [wWikipedia]
- Tassilon duke of Bavaria, I [558A-609A] was probably her child.
- Wagner1975 "Burgundians, Visigoths, Franks and Lombards":ped#27:p#186
- Wagner1975 "Lombards, Bavaria, Charlemagne":ped#30:p#189
- eBlocherD03Ja28
- wWikipedia
PKD RUO-5529Wa90a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebald Merovingian
Marriage 2 Garibaldi Bavaria,of
Gundwald Agilolfing Forrás / Source:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Waldrada (also Vuldetrada), widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated mistress (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled until 561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife called Austrigusa or Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald".[1] The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum".[2] Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald".[3] Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald.[4] Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus".[5] According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria",[6] which apparently implies that King Clotaire did not marry Waldrada.
Forrás / Source:
ID: I5524Wi76a
Name: Wisigarda -
Given Name: Wisigarda
Surname: -
Sex: F
- Wisegard [Wagner1975]
- Wisigard [wWikipedia]
- Wisigarda [wWikipedia]
- wWikipedia "Theudebert I"; "Wacho"
- Wagner1975
PKD RU6-5524Wi76a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebert Merovingian , I
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated wife (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled c.558–561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
b. 499, Rheims, Loire-Atlantique, France
Wikipedia Entry on Waldrada (Retrieved 1-22-2009)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald"[1]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum"[2]. Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald"[3]. Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald[4]. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus"[5]. According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria"[6], which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
[1] Origo Gentis Langobardorum 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 4.
[2] Historia Langobardorum Codicis Gothani 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 9.
[3] Pauli Historia Langobardorum I.21, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 59.
[4] GT IV.9, p. 202.
[5] Herimanni Augiensis Chronicon 553, MHG SS V, p. 88.
[6] GT IV.9, p. 203.
External links
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Bavarian Dukes
Genealogy at this point is purely speculative!!!
But at least one site goes back farther than Wadrada of the Lombards:
her father Wacco of the Lombards
his father Zuchilo [Unichis, Winto] of the Lombards
his father Claffo of the Lombards
his mother dau of the Lombards
her father Ægelmund of the Lombards
Another site goes back to Attilla the Hun, whom we remember affectionately as "Attila the Hunt":
Attila of the HUNS
Name: Escam [Ascama] of the HUNS
Given Name: Escam [Ascama]
ID: I3335
Name: Ardaric of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Ardaric
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
Sex: M
ID: I3336
Name: Elemund of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Elemund
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
ID: I3337
Name: Austrigusa of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Austrigusa
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Sex: F
Change Date: 8 Aug 2004
ID: I3343
Name: Wadrada of the LOMBARDS
Given Name: Wadrada
Surname: of the LOMBARDS
Sex: F
Gift två ggr. -------------------- Walderada (* 530) var dotter till kungen av langobarderna , Wacho. Hon växte upp i Ungern , och gifte sig omkring år 554 den Frank King Theudebald. När han dog 555 gifta Walderada av 555 Chlothar I., Theudebald Efterträdare och farfars farbror. Av detta var emellertid inte lyckats eftersom kyrkan motsatte sig äktenskapet protestera .
Därefter det första kända Hertig av Bayern, The Agilolfinger Garibald I. Walderada för hans fru. Paret fick fyra barn: Tassilo I., Gundoald, Grimoald I. och Theudelinde.
Theobald kung av Austrasien
555 - Grimoald hertig av Asti
Garibald Jag hertig av Bayern
Tassilo Jag hertig av Bayern
Romilde hertiginna av Friuli
Theodelinde drottning longobarder
Gertrud Prinsessan av Bayern -------------------- After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she married his great uncle and successor Clothair. --------------------;p=waldrada;n=de+lombardia
read more
Waldrada (Vuldetrada) (c530-573), daughter of Waccho, King of Lombardy and his second wife Austrigusa of the Gepidae. After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she was either concubine or seventh wife of his great uncle and successor Clothair I, who gave her to Garibald, duke of Bavaria.

Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
ID: I5529Wa90a
Name: Waldrada Lombards,of-the
Given Name: Waldrada
Surname: Lombards,of-the
Sex: F
Birth: 0529A
- Walderada [Wagner1975]
- Waldrada [eBlocherD03Ja28] [wWikipedia]
- Tassilon duke of Bavaria, I [558A-609A] was probably her child.
- Wagner1975 "Burgundians, Visigoths, Franks and Lombards":ped#27:p#186
- Wagner1975 "Lombards, Bavaria, Charlemagne":ped#30:p#189
- eBlocherD03Ja28
- wWikipedia
PKD RUO-5529Wa90a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebald Merovingian
Marriage 2 Garibaldi Bavaria,of
Gundwald Agilolfing Forrás / Source:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Waldrada (also Vuldetrada), widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated mistress (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled until 561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife called Austrigusa or Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald".[1] The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum".[2] Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald".[3] Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald.[4] Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus".[5] According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria",[6] which apparently implies that King Clotaire did not marry Waldrada.
Forrás / Source:
ID: I5524Wi76a
Name: Wisigarda -
Given Name: Wisigarda
Surname: -
Sex: F
- Wisegard [Wagner1975]
- Wisigard [wWikipedia]
- Wisigarda [wWikipedia]
- wWikipedia "Theudebert I"; "Wacho"
- Wagner1975
PKD RU6-5524Wi76a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebert Merovingian , I
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated wife (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled c.558–561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
b. 499, Rheims, Loire-Atlantique, France
Wikipedia Entry on Waldrada (Retrieved 1-22-2009)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald"[1]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum"[2]. Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald"[3]. Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald[4]. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus"[5]. According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria"[6], which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
[1] Origo Gentis Langobardorum 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 4.
[2] Historia Langobardorum Codicis Gothani 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 9.
[3] Pauli Historia Langobardorum I.21, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 59.
[4] GT IV.9, p. 202.
[5] Herimanni Augiensis Chronicon 553, MHG SS V, p. 88.
[6] GT IV.9, p. 203.
External links
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Bavarian Dukes
Genealogy at this point is purely speculative!!!
But at least one site goes back farther than Wadrada of the Lombards:
her father Wacco of the Lombards
his father Zuchilo [Unichis, Winto] of the Lombards
his father Claffo of the Lombards
his mother dau of the Lombards
her father Ægelmund of the Lombards
Another site goes back to Attilla the Hun, whom we remember affectionately as "Attila the Hunt":
Attila of the HUNS
Name: Escam [Ascama] of the HUNS
Given Name: Escam [Ascama]
ID: I3335
Name: Ardaric of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Ardaric
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
Sex: M
ID: I3336
Name: Elemund of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Elemund
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
ID: I3337
Name: Austrigusa of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Austrigusa
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Sex: F
Change Date: 8 Aug 2004
ID: I3343
Name: Wadrada of the LOMBARDS
Given Name: Wadrada
Surname: of the LOMBARDS
Sex: F
Gift två ggr. -------------------- Walderada (* 530) var dotter till kungen av langobarderna , Wacho. Hon växte upp i Ungern , och gifte sig omkring år 554 den Frank King Theudebald. När han dog 555 gifta Walderada av 555 Chlothar I., Theudebald Efterträdare och farfars farbror. Av detta var emellertid inte lyckats eftersom kyrkan motsatte sig äktenskapet protestera .
Därefter det första kända Hertig av Bayern, The Agilolfinger Garibald I. Walderada för hans fru. Paret fick fyra barn: Tassilo I., Gundoald, Grimoald I. och Theudelinde.
Theobald kung av Austrasien
555 - Grimoald hertig av Asti
Garibald Jag hertig av Bayern
Tassilo Jag hertig av Bayern
Romilde hertiginna av Friuli
Theodelinde drottning longobarder
Gertrud Prinsessan av Bayern -------------------- After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she married his great uncle and successor Clothair. --------------------;p=waldrada;n=de+lombardia
read more
Waldrada (Vuldetrada) (c530-573), daughter of Waccho, King of Lombardy and his second wife Austrigusa of the Gepidae. After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she was either concubine or seventh wife of his great uncle and successor Clothair I, who gave her to Garibald, duke of Bavaria.

Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald"[1]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum"[2]. Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald"[3]. Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald[4]. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus"[5]. According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria"[6], which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
ID: I5529Wa90a
Name: Waldrada Lombards,of-the
Given Name: Waldrada
Surname: Lombards,of-the
Sex: F
Birth: 0529A
- Walderada [Wagner1975]
- Waldrada [eBlocherD03Ja28] [wWikipedia]
- Tassilon duke of Bavaria, I [558A-609A] was probably her child.
- Wagner1975 "Burgundians, Visigoths, Franks and Lombards":ped#27:p#186
- Wagner1975 "Lombards, Bavaria, Charlemagne":ped#30:p#189
- eBlocherD03Ja28
- wWikipedia
PKD RUO-5529Wa90a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebald Merovingian
Marriage 2 Garibaldi Bavaria,of
Gundwald Agilolfing Forrás / Source:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Waldrada (also Vuldetrada), widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated mistress (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled until 561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife called Austrigusa or Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald".[1] The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum".[2] Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald".[3] Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald.[4] Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus".[5] According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria",[6] which apparently implies that King Clotaire did not marry Waldrada.
Forrás / Source:
ID: I5524Wi76a
Name: Wisigarda -
Given Name: Wisigarda
Surname: -
Sex: F
- Wisegard [Wagner1975]
- Wisigard [wWikipedia]
- Wisigarda [wWikipedia]
- wWikipedia "Theudebert I"; "Wacho"
- Wagner1975
PKD RU6-5524Wi76a 2008No22
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul K Davis [(XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)] Fremont CA
Father: Waccho Lombards,king-of-the
Mother: Austrigusa Gepidae,of-the
Marriage 1 Theudebert Merovingian , I
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald, King of Austrasia (ruled 548–555), repudiated wife (secondly) of Chlothar I, King of the Franks (ruled c.558–561), was the daughter of Wacho, King of the Lombards (ruled c.510–539) and his second wife Ostrogotha, a Gepid. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
b. 499, Rheims, Loire-Atlantique, France
Wikipedia Entry on Waldrada (Retrieved 1-22-2009)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald"[1]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum"[2]. Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald"[3]. Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald[4]. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus"[5]. According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria"[6], which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
[1] Origo Gentis Langobardorum 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 4.
[2] Historia Langobardorum Codicis Gothani 4, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 9.
[3] Pauli Historia Langobardorum I.21, MGH SS rer Lang I, p. 59.
[4] GT IV.9, p. 202.
[5] Herimanni Augiensis Chronicon 553, MHG SS V, p. 88.
[6] GT IV.9, p. 203.
External links
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Bavarian Dukes
Genealogy at this point is purely speculative!!!
But at least one site goes back farther than Wadrada of the Lombards:
her father Wacco of the Lombards
his father Zuchilo [Unichis, Winto] of the Lombards
his father Claffo of the Lombards
his mother dau of the Lombards
her father Ægelmund of the Lombards
Another site goes back to Attilla the Hun, whom we remember affectionately as "Attila the Hunt":
Attila of the HUNS
Name: Escam [Ascama] of the HUNS
Given Name: Escam [Ascama]
ID: I3335
Name: Ardaric of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Ardaric
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
Sex: M
ID: I3336
Name: Elemund of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Elemund
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Suffix: King of the Gepidae
ID: I3337
Name: Austrigusa of the GEPIDAE
Given Name: Austrigusa
Surname: of the GEPIDAE
Sex: F
Change Date: 8 Aug 2004
ID: I3343
Name: Wadrada of the LOMBARDS
Given Name: Wadrada
Surname: of the LOMBARDS
Sex: F
Gift två ggr. -------------------- Walderada (* 530) var dotter till kungen av langobarderna , Wacho. Hon växte upp i Ungern , och gifte sig omkring år 554 den Frank King Theudebald. När han dog 555 gifta Walderada av 555 Chlothar I., Theudebald Efterträdare och farfars farbror. Av detta var emellertid inte lyckats eftersom kyrkan motsatte sig äktenskapet protestera .
Därefter det första kända Hertig av Bayern, The Agilolfinger Garibald I. Walderada för hans fru. Paret fick fyra barn: Tassilo I., Gundoald, Grimoald I. och Theudelinde.
Theobald kung av Austrasien
555 - Grimoald hertig av Asti
Garibald Jag hertig av Bayern
Tassilo Jag hertig av Bayern
Romilde hertiginna av Friuli
Theodelinde drottning longobarder
Gertrud Prinsessan av Bayern -------------------- After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she married his great uncle and successor Clothair. --------------------;p=waldrada;n=de+lombardia
read more
Waldrada (Vuldetrada) (c530-573), daughter of Waccho, King of Lombardy and his second wife Austrigusa of the Gepidae. After the death of her first husband Theudebald, she was either concubine or seventh wife of his great uncle and successor Clothair I, who gave her to Garibald, duke of Bavaria.

Waldrada, widow (firstly) of Theudebald King of the Franks (ruled 548-555 CE), repudiated wife (secondly) of Clotaire I King of the Franks (ruled c. 558-561 CE), daughter of Wacho King of the Lombards (ruled c.510-539 CE) and his second wife Ostrogotha of the Gepids. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Wisigarda…secundæ Walderada" as the two daughters of Wacho and his second wife, specifying that Waldrada married "Scusuald regis Francorum" and later "Garipald". The Historia Langobardorum names "Waldrada" as Wacho's second daughter by his second wife, specifying that she married "Chusubald rex Francorum". Paulus Diaconus names "Wisigarda…[et] secunda Walderada" as the two daughters of King Wacho & his second wife, specifying that Walderada married "Cusupald alio regi Francorum" and later "Garipald". Gregory of Tours names Vuldetrada as the wife of King Theodebald. Herimannus names "Wanderadam" wife of "Theodpaldus rex Francorum" when recording her second marriage to "Lotharius rex patris eius Theodeberti patruus". According to Gregory of Tours, King Clotaire "began to have intercourse" with the widow of King Theodebald, before "the bishops complained and he handed her over to Garivald Duke of Bavaria", which does not imply that King Clotaire married Waldrada.
Um 548 erhält Garibald den Herzogstitel für Baiern; um 555 heiratet er Walderada, die Tochter Wachos, des Königs der Langobarden (ca. 510–540). Sie war die Witwe König Theudebalds von Austrasien und danach die Frau des fränkischen Königs Chlothar I. gewesen, der sich wegen kirchlichen Widerspruchs jedoch von ihr trennen musste und sie nun "einem der Seinen", eben dem Baiern-Herzog, zur Gemahlin gab. Diese Tatsache zeigt sowohl die Abhängigkeit Garibalds von Chlothar als auch seine Königsnähe.

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    Dae Powell, "Ancestral Glimpses", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 27. September 2024), "Waldrada of the Lombards (530-± 573)".