Hij is getrouwd met Joane Coles.
Zij zijn getrouwd op 2 november 1612, hij was toen 23 jaar oudWhiteparish
England United Kingdom.
{geni:about_me} John ROLFE [Parents] was christened 1 on 24 Apr 1589 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England in that area called "Melchet Parke." John married Joane COLES (Pope calls her Ann) on 2 Nov 1612 in Whiteparish, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom.
# Unamed bp b 1613
# Joane, b. 1614, d. 1688 m Richard Ring
# Hester, b. 1616, d. 1663 m John Sanders (Saunders) of Salisbury
# Sarah, b 1618 m William Cottle
# Hannah, 1620 no further record (not the one who married EDWARD COLBURNE)
# Thomas 1622 no further record
# Ruth, 1626 d 1710 m Thomas Whittier
"This 4th (3d) of februrie 1663 I John Roffe of Newbry being often sickly am willing while my memorie is good to dispose of my outward Eetat not knowing how soon I may be deaolued and leue this world Therefore I do ordain and make my last will and Testament as followeth first I Com-itt my soule to god and my body to the Erth to be buried 2dly I give and bequeth my house and all my land I have in salsbery with all the priviliges and apurtenances be longing ther vnto in said salsbery into my daughterr Hestur sanders the wife of John Sanders during hir life and thirtie pounds more: and after hir decease to Remain vnto hir Children of hir body by Equall portions Itm I give and bequeth vnto sarah Cottell the wife of willm Cottl besid twenti pounds I formerly gave hir I give hir twenti pounds more and vnto hir two Children sarah Cottl and Ann Cotle tenn pounds a peece to be Improved by whim Cottl for ther beniflt Itm I giue into my Grand Children Tue Ring and Josep Ring tenn pounds a peeee and vnto Elizabeth shropinhere and hester Ring twentie pounds a pccce Itm I giue vnto Thomas whittyre for his Children ten pounds Item I giue vnto the Church of newhre twenti shilings Itm I giue into Richard whittyr my sisters sonn teim pounds and vnto his soon John whityr five pounds Itm I giue vnto John Rofe my brothrs sonn tenn pounds and vnto his two daughtrn marie and Rebeca flofe flue pounds to be Improved equaly for ther benifit
"Itm I give vnto beniamn Rofs son John Roffe tenn pounds and his sonn benimin Roffe five pounds to be Improved for ther benifit Itm I give vnto Ann Gardner the wife of Richard gardner five pounds Item I give into honore dole the wife of Richard dole my --- Item I giue vnto Richard Dols six Children fortie shillings and------ Item I giue vnto heneri lesenby Richard dols servant ten shilling. Itm I giue vnto man Kinrick tenn shillings and a plater of pewter Likwis I do ordain and apoint my louing Kindaman Richard dole to be my Executur to discharg and pay all the former ligacies and debts and Charg that may a Rise for my funerall or otherwise and I desir my three frends Henri short willm moody and Richard Knight to be my ouer seers to see this my will to he performed and my will is that all the legacies should be paid within a yere and half after my decease"
his mark
John B Roffe (szaL)
Witness: Richard Knight, Cornelius Connor, Hen: Short,
his mark
william W-M moodye.
Proved in Ipswich court Mar. 29, 1664 by Richard Knight and William Moody. Essex Co. Probate Files, Docket 24,116.
* The day at the month was changed in the original instrument.
* http://www.dustyhills.net/aqwg184.htm
* http://www.noyesgenealogy.net/getperson.php?personID=I28115&tree=noyes
**NEHG Register, Vol. 66, July 1912, p.251.
* "The Pioneers of Massachusetts, A Descriptive List, Drawn from Records of the Colonies, Towns and Churches, and other Contemporaneous Documents." Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., (1998). by POPE, CHARLES HENRY. 550p. Page:391
* "The Planters of the Commonwealth; a Study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times: To Which Are Added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which Brought Them; Their English Homes, and the Places of Their Settlement in Massachusetts, 1620-1640." Boston: Houghton Mifflin, (1930). BANKS, CHARLES EDWARD, p 231 Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1961. Repr. 1984.
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