Bacheler Family Tree » Anne Berkeley (1474-> 1523)

Persoonlijke gegevens Anne Berkeley 

Bron 1
  • Zij is geboren in het jaar 1474 in Berkeley CastleEngland.
  • Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk.
  • Beroep: .
  • Zij is overleden na 5 april 1523Dyrham
  • Een kind van Maurice Berkeley en Isabel Meade

Gezin van Anne Berkeley

Zij is getrouwd met William Dennis.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1500 te Dyrham, Gloucestershire, England, zij was toen 26 jaar oud.


  1. Margaret Rolfe Dennis  1503-???? 

Notities over Anne Berkeley

!SOURCE: Gary Boyd Roberts, The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants to the
American Colonies or the United States, at 204 (1992).

!DESCENT: Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., Ancestral Roots of
Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700, 7th ed., at 161
Name: Anne Berkeley
* Sex: F

Father: Maurice Lord Berkeley

Marriage 1 Sir William Dennis
1. Eleanore Dennis b: ABT. 1508

{geni:about_me} ==Anne Berkeley==

* Daughter of Maurice Berkeley and Lady Isabel Berkeley (Meade)
* Ann de Berkeley was born 1474 in of, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England
* Death: 5 Apr 1523 in Gloucestershire, England
* Find A Grave Memorial -

==Spouse ==

* Ann de Berkeley married William about 1500 in Dyrham, Gloucestershire, England. William Dennis was born about 1470 in of, Dyrham, Gloucestershire, England. He died 1534 in Dyrham, Gloucestershire, England.

==They had the following children:==

* F i Elizabeth or Isabel Dennis was born about 1509 in of, Durham, Durham, England. She died in England.

* M ii William Dennis was born 1495 in of, Dirham, Gloucestershire, England.

* M iii Mourie Dennis was born about 1497 in of, Dirham, Gloucestershire, England.

* F iv Catherine Dennis was born about 1501 in of, Dirham, Gloucestershire, England.

* F v Margaret Dennis was born 1503 in of, Dirham, Gloucestershire, England.

* M vi Hugh Dennis was born about 1558 in of, Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire, Eng. He died 1614.

* F vii Annie Dennis was born about 1507 in Dirham, Gloucester Co., Eng.

* F viii Mary Dennis was born 28 Aug 1520 in Dirham, Gloucester Co., Eng. She died in (Not Married).

* F ix Katherine Buckler Denys was born about 1506 in <, Madresfield, Worcs., England>.

* F x Eleanor Dennis was born 1508 and died 24 Sep 1567.


William married 2ndly in about 1508 Anne Berkeley, daughter of Maurice Berkeley (died 1506), de jure 3rd Baron Berkeley, from the leading Gloucestershire family. This marriage accorded to William a considerable status in the county gentry. The marriage took place about two years after the death of Anne's father, so it appears the marriage was arranged between William and Anne's brother Maurice Berkeley (died 1526), de jure 4th Baron Berkeley. Since 1492 the Berkeleys had been dispossessed of their ancestral lands including Berkeley Castle , following the death of William Berkeley (died 1492), 1st Marquis Berkeley, Anne's uncle, who had bequeathed all his paternal lands to King Henry VII and his heirs male, either in exchange for his new marquessate or because he disapproved of his brother Maurice having married beneath the nobility to Isabel Mead, the daughter of Philip Meade, alderman & mayor of Bristol. Anne's father Maurice, during this Berkeley exile, had therefore been living at Thornbury, close to the Denys manors of Alveston and Earthcott Green. It may have been from this proximity that the marriage was proposed.




* The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons Named in the Magna Charta, 1215 ... By Frederick Lewis Weis, William Ryland Beall -
* Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 262.
* Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 38.
* Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 59.
* Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. II, p. 435.
* Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 261-262.
* Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. II, p. 410.
* Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 5 vols., ed. Kimball G. Everingham, (Salt Lake City, Utah: 2013), Vol. I. page 340.
* Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Royal Ancestry series, 2nd edition, 4 vols., ed. Kimball G. Everingham (Salt Lake City, Utah: the author, 2011), Vol 1, p 184 BERKELEY #10. Maurice Berkeley
* Transactions of the Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Vol.13, 1888-9, pp. 6–9, Fox, Francis, On the Guilds of Sodbury and Dyrham
* Bristol Archives AC/D/3/46a-b
* Letters & Papers Hen. VIII, ix, pp. 39, 47.
* Heralds' Visitation of Gloucestershire, p. 4, Arnold, footnote 1
* Maclean, Sir John, (ed.), Visitation of the County of Gloucester Taken in the Year 1623 by Henry Chitty, London, 1885. ("Dennis" pp. 49–53)
* Robinson, W.J., West Country Manors, Bristol, 1930. (Dyrham, pp. 73–76; Syston(sic), pp. 169–172)
* L&P Hen VIII, ix, p. 47; Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine (WAM) xxviii, 297.

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Anne Berkeley

Maurice Berkeley
± 1435-1506
Isabel Meade
± 1444-1514

Anne Berkeley
1474-> 1523


William Dennis
± 1470-1533

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Steven Adrian Bacheler, "Bacheler Family Tree", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 19 februari 2025), "Anne Berkeley (1474-> 1523)".