Ancestral Trails 2016 » Dorothy STANLEY (± 1574-1649)

Persoonlijke gegevens Dorothy STANLEY 

  • Zij is geboren rond 1574 in Knowsley Hall, Knowsley, Lancashire.
  • Zij is overleden in het jaar 1649 in Selwich, Lancashire.
  • Een kind van Henry STANLEY en Jane HALSALL

Gezin van Dorothy STANLEY

Zij had een relatie met Cuthbert HALSALL.


  1. Anne HALSALL  ± 1605-1675 
  2. Bridget HALSALL  ± 1606-????

Notities over Dorothy STANLEY

Dorothy Halsall was one of the four natural children of Henry Stanley, 4th earl of Derby (1531-September 25, 1593) and Jane Halsall of Knowsley, Lancashire (d.1591?), who entered into a common law marriage c.1570, despite the fact that Derby was already married to Margaret Clifford, the queen’s cousin.

Dorothy married Cuthbert Halsall of Halsall and Selwich, Lancashire (c.1573-1632), natural son of Richard Halsall. Cuthbert had been adopted by his father’s family and inherited the bulk of the estate of his paternal grandmother, Ann Molyneux Halsall, in 1587. He ran through almost the entire fortune during his lifetime.

Dorothy and Cuthbert had two daughters, Ann (d.1675) and Bridget. Dorothy was friends with Margaret Gerard, Lady Legh and a letter is extant, dated March 12, 1596, when both their husbands were in military service with the earl of Essex, in which she asks that gentlewoman to give the messenger who brought it the oil of almonds she had promised to send to Dorothy.

Described by one historian as “a lady of a petulant and vivid temperament,” Dorothy apparently fascinated her brother-in-law, the poet John Salusbury, who had married her sister Ursula in 1586. Ursula was the mother of his ten children but Dorothy’s name turns up in anagrams in his poems. In the 1620s and 30s, Cuthbert was frequently in the Fleet for debt and died there in February 1632. Dorothy petitioned the king and managed to salvage part of the Halsall estate. She lived at Selwich in her widowhood.

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Dorothy STANLEY

± 1500-????

± 1574-1649

Cuthbert HALSALL
± 1570-1632

± 1605-1675
± 1606-????

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Over de familienaam STANLEY

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Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 14 december 2024), "Dorothy STANLEY (± 1574-1649)".