Ancestral Trails 2016 » Hugh HASTINGS (1333-1369)

Persoonlijke gegevens Hugh HASTINGS 

  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 1333 in Elsing, Norfolk.
  • Hij is overleden in het jaar 1369 in Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, hij was toen 36 jaar oud.
  • Een kind van Hugh HASTINGS en Margery FOLIOT

Gezin van Hugh HASTINGS

Hij is getrouwd met Margaret EVERINGHAM.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1352 te Elsing, Norfolk, hij was toen 19 jaar oud.


  1. Alice HASTINGS  1359-< 1410 
  2. Joan HASTINGS  1357-1379 
  3. Hugh HASTINGS  1355-1386 
  4. Margaret HASTINGS  1353-1396 

Notities over Hugh HASTINGS

Birth: 1336 Gressenhall Norfolk, England Death: Sep., 1369 Lille, France Sir Hugh de Hastings, was the son of Hugh de Hastings and Margery Foliot. He was the next brother [after Sir John de Hastinges, de jure Lord Hastings, dsp 31 Aug 1393] and heir presumptive. He accompanied the Duke of Lancaster in his expedition to Normandy and Brittany in June 1356. He was with the King in his invasion of France in October 1359, being in the retinue of the said Duke. He went to Gascony in December 1366, in the retinue of the Duke of Lancaster, who was taking out reinforcements for the expedition of the Prince of Wales to Castile. He was taken prisoner by the Spaniards in-a skirmish at Vitoria, 20 March 1366/7, and was ransomed or exchanged in the following autumn. He served with the same Duke in his raid into Picardy and Caux in July 1369. He is said to have married Margaret de Everingham. He died. v.f. it is said in 1369 (g). Her will dated (it is said) November 25 1375. Blomefield says that he died in 1369 at "Kalkwell Hill" (near Calais, where the Duke was encamped in Sep 1369), and was buried in the Friar's Church at Doncaster. Hugh died before his brother John, as well as Hugh's son Hugh, died November 6, 1386. Therefore when Hugh's brother John died without issue in 1393, his title went to Hugh's grandson who was only 9 years old.

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1359-< 1410

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Over de familienaam HASTINGS

  • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam HASTINGS.
  • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over HASTINGS.
  • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam HASTINGS (onder)zoekt.

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 3 december 2024), "Hugh HASTINGS (1333-1369)".